Actually, John, that’s the perfect answer for the age

ARTICLE: “McCain’s Conservative Model? Roosevelt (Theodore, That Is),” by Adam Nagourney and Michael Cooper, New York Times, 13 July 2008, p. A1.
Yes, globalization needs a shaming and taming period akin to our Progressive Era, to include the environment.
It’s McCain’s assumption of “tougher foreign policy” where the myths of TR take root: Other than the counterinsurgency inherited from McKinley, TR started no wars and got no American soldiers killed. If anything, his focus was on arbitrationism (Elihu Root) and peace-mongering (the first and only sitting U.S. president to win the Nobel Peace Prize (Secretary of War Root also got one later).
If anything, McCain’s got it backwards: TR pushed restraint overseas and was highly aggressive in using the power of the state at home, whereas McCain indicates the opposite tendencies.
So great model, but maybe not for McCain ...