Tom on Hugh's show

I'm going to use this post, and link to it from the top of this column, to keep track of Tom's appearances on Hugh's show, with transcripts, and audio. They are covering PNM chapter by chapter.
+ Introduction, January 5th Audio | Transcript
+ Chapter 1, January 9th: Audio | Transcript
+ Chapter 2, January 16th, Audio | Transcript
+ Chapter 3, January 23rd, Audio | Transcript
+ Chapter 4, January 30th, Audio | Transcript
+ Chapter 5, February 6th, Audio | Transcript
+ Chapter 6, February 13th, Audio | Transcript
+ Chapter 7, February 20th, Audio | Transcript
+ Chapter 8, February 27th, Audio | Transcript
Reader Comments (2)
Keep your health !!! Keep on keeping on !!! If there is anything I could do to help you, please let me know.
I hope that our conservative host Hewitt hasn't gotten a dose of intelligence that has shaken his confidence in the right wing being right about everything? When did Hewitt first learn that Barnett cast his 2004 ballot for Kerry instead of the liar in the White House - upholder of his oath of office to defend the Constitution? The author of over 700 signing statements that make the other branches of our government irrelevant. (Or did King Dick write them for the butcher of the English language in deference to his Corporate cronies?)
The vindictiveness of Hewitts right wing listeners is catholic. It is so sad that they lack comprehension of their being unlike Jesus while feeling so self righteous.My prayer is that their minds be open to love and the true meaning of catholic, i,e, liberal or universal and that their new understanding will bring divine power to their leadership for the benefit of all mankind.
The belief in war as a reality or sane modality for any purpose is the problem. Everyone needs to shift from that thought to the realization of the insanity of war. Could it be that Iran's interest in WMD is born of fear of Sunni attack from the South and West?
America needs to be the leviathan for peace and extender of love to all mankind as a surefire means to end terrorism. Closing the gap is just that.