The life of quiet solitude ...

Dateline: Hotel, Yardley PA, 31 January 2006
Back on the road. Sad to say that I miss my family when I travel, but not the maddening confines of that apartment.
No escape to Nona Vonne's this weekend. I dream of her pool. I can't wait for spring.
Then again, we get into the new house in spring, so imagining spring is imaging life as we knew it--only bigger and better.
Today full of all sorts of chores one does when one leaves at night for the rest of the week.
Example: running over some examples of maps and their depictions of oceans to our faux painter. I'm having my office done up like how world maps diplays oceans. Should be cool.
Gave another interview today to a guy writing for Competitive Intelligence magazine. He wanted to talk solely about the parts in PNM that described my career trajectory. Interesting questions. I'll get the transcript from him because I think he forced me to articulate a lot of stuff I would seek to use in Vol. III, a book I think will be more fun to write than I or II--at least that's what Warren keeps telling me.
Then a long discussion with a fact checker from Popular Mechanics on that QDR piece, for which I gave a long interview to Noah Shachtman (not sure I remember how to spell his name). Looking forward to that one. Never expected to be quoted in that mag.
Rest of day spent ferrying kids to this or that appointment, lesson, playground, which reminds me to push my builder to order the delivery of the playset equipment for our yard. My dream is a simple one: never to have to visit a park playground ever again. That is what a big yard is for.
At end of day, break off from family and head to airport for commuter jet flight to Philly. On plane I finish up some work for Oak Ridge National Lab, completing my first full month of billing, which feels good for the Senior Managing Director. I always prided myself at the Naval War College for my ability to attract money for work and travel, so it feels good to be billing again. Carry your own weight and all that.
Looking forward to spending the day with Enterra tomorrow. Only time I was here before was when we sold the consulting LLC to Enterra. That time I came with two partners, now both gone. It almost feels like a job again, except for the other seven jobs I seem to have kept or picked up along the way (Baker Center at U Tenn, Oak Ridge gig, books, blog, trial columnist, Leigh Bureau speaking and Esquire). In many ways, it's amazing I don't travel more.
But Steve is the perfect boss for me right now: he knows when and how to use what I've created.
The rest, as they say, is synergy
Good boy tonight. Rode ex bike in hotel at 11pm. Planning on early morning repeat. No sense going through the road solitude if I'm not going to get the exercise.
Next hotel has fine pool, I am told. Can't wait.