ARTICLE: "Carter View Of Israeli 'Apartheid' Stirs Furor," by Julie Bosman, New York Times, 14 December 2006, p. B1.
OP-ED: "Jimmy Carter's Book: An Israeli View ... the former president has a religious problem with Israel," by Michael B. Oren, Wall Street Journal, 26 December 2006, p. A12.
OP-ED: "... And a Palestinian One: Mr. Carter has done this nation an enormous service," by Ali Abunimah, Wall Street Journal, 26 December 2006, p. A12.
Interesting to read the two op-eds: the pro-Israeli one is all full of history and makes no bones about accusing Carter of basically being anti-Semitic, while the Palestinian one is all about what's going on today. I guess when your behavior today is hard to defend, you talk about the past instead.
Carter himself, in the book and in all his speeches and articles over the years, has always been very careful to avoid criticizing what Israel does within Israel proper, even though there is a huge amount of discrimination against non-Jews in that country (after all, the country was created for Jews only, was it not?). Instead, his criticism in the book focuses on Israeli policies in the occupied territories of the West Bank and Gaza.
But what really gets the Israelis and their supporters mad is the word "apartheid," not merely because it resurrects the old South African model (Israel, as fellow pariah, routinely cooperated with the white-rule government over the years on a host of security issues, to include nukes), but because the religious version of this apartheid structure comes close to what the West is currently condemning with regard to radical Islam. Try these two paras from Abunimah on for size and tell me this isn't religious apartheid uncomfortably close to that which the Salafi radicals would impose if given the chance:
A 2003 law stipulates that an Israeli citizen may bring a non-citizen spouse to live in Israel from anywhere in the world, excluding a Palestinian from the occupied territories. A civil rights leader in Israel likened it to the American anti-miscegenation measures from the 1950s, when mixed race couples had to leave the state of Virginia to marry legally.
For Palestinians, the most blatant form of discrimination is Israel's "Law of Return," that allows a Jewish person from any country to settle in Israel. Meanwhile, family members of Palestinian citizens of Israel, living in exile, sometimes in refugee camps just a few miles outside Israel's borders, are not permitted to set foot in the country.
Israel's fears WRT to a loss of cultural identity are just a precusor to that of the Arab world's fears WRT to a loss of cultural identity. Israel feels like a tiny island in a Muslim sea, and Islam feels like an embattered island in a Westernizing sea called globalization. Israel's fears center on demographic trends: unless they discriminate against Arabs, Jews become a minority in their own nation eventually, the real threat of "dismantling the Jewish state." Islam tries to find solace in its own demography, citing numbers, when in reality the youth bulge is the civilization's own worst enemy, given the opportunities of cultural connectivity afforded by globalization's ever deepening penetration. Both cultures reach for apartheid-like defenses, feeling completely justified in that response, because the preservation of cultural identity is crucial in their minds, as in, worth fighting and dying over.
But as we know from globalization, the enforcement of islands of cultural uniformity tend to come at very high prices. That Israel has consistently pulled off its own version of apartheid within a constitutional framework has been nothing less than amazing to watch, because it is a state and government and people with very profound ethical values. And yet, pull it off they do, just like America did for decades with African-Americans and still does with homosexuals in many subtle and non-subtle ways.
The Arab regimes suffer no such guilt, and engage in all sorts of religious oppression with great ease. Thus, in comparison, their condemnation comes much easier for us than confronting the unpleasant policies of the Israelis.
But it's clear that in the end, real peace comes with religious freedom throughout the region--meaning for all states, including Israel. Carter's just pointing that out in his book, and angering a lot of Jews in the process.
Oren's counter is pathetic in this regard:
In his apparent attempt to make American Christians rethink their affection for Israel, Jimmy Carter is clearly departing from time-honored practice. This has not been the legacy of evangelicals alone, but of many religious denominations in the U.S., and not soley the conviction of Mr. Bush, but of generations of American leaders. In the controversial title of his book, Mr. Carter implicitly denounces Israel for its separatist policies, but, by doing so, he isolated himself from centuries of American tradition.
Interesting huh? Not a defense of the separatist policies but a condemnation of Carter for not going along on the subject like so many politicians have in the past. The defense amounts to: You haven't complained in the past, so why now?
Better ending comes from Abunimah:
As other divided socieities, like South Africa, Northern Ireland and indeed our own are painfully learning, only equal rights and esteem for all the people, in the diversity of their identities, can bring lasting peace. This is an even harder discussion than the one President Carter has courageously launched, but ultimately it is one we must confront if peace is to come to Israel-Palestine.
So the question is, do you want to be associated with what's right, or what's been going on for decades?
Bush's decision to lay the Big Bang on the region was a declaration of wanting to do what's right and not merely put up with what's brought stability--at high moral costs--in the past. The question we face on Palestine is whether or not we'll pursue such necessary change for just the Muslim nations of the region, while giving Israel's apartheid policies a pass, or whether our beliefs in such justice are truly universal.
The danger to Israel is no greater than that to any other culture in the region. The state of Israel was created to deal with a danger that has long since passed, much like the United Nations. Israel must move to a post-Zionist cultural identity if peace is ever to be achieved. I seriously doubt Israel can manage that move, and thus I see an inevitable decline in U.S. support as globalization forces accommodation from Islamic cultures in the region that is not matched by Israel's.
I'm not saying this will happen anytime soon, because in all of its imperfections, Israel is a shining beacon of what must occur throughout the region, politically, economically and socially. But Israel is likewise a symptom of what's wrong with the region in its religious exclusionary practices, and since real freedom cannot come to Islamic cultures there without such religious freedom (or what Benedict calls "reciprocity"), our push for democracy in the region, which will inevitably win out thanks more to globalization's forces than our own, will also inevitably put America at odds with Israel's achievement of political freedom coupled with religious apatheid.
As America long proved with its own version of racial apartheid, you can achieve the facade of political and economic freedom overlaying such injustice, but being slick about it doesn't make it right--or sustainable.
I know that agreeing with Carter on this subject opens me up to similar charges, but since I've been so long castigated as both a Jew-lover/tool of Israel and an obvious anti-Semite (I'm an equal-opportunity offender, it seems), depending on which subject I'm discussing, I long ago grew numb to such allegations.
Apparently, Carter has too.
Having said all that, my long-held position has been that the Israeli-Palestinian problem is not a hold-up to neccesary change in the region. To me, that argument is a complete red herring. The real problem with the region is that the political, social and economic structures of these countries (besides highly-globalized Israel, that is) make them unable to adapt themselves to the challenges and the opportunities that globalization demands/offers. Why Israel really burns most of the region is that it represents everything they need to become but have not become.
But on this issue of religious separatism, Carter is right, and here Israel shares the same burden of change as the rest of the region. Recognizing that doesn't make you pro- or anti-Israel. It just makes you honest.