LEADERS: "Democracy in China: Control freaks; A growing dilemma for Hu Jintao: how should he deal with democracy inside the Communist Party?" The Economist, 19 December 2009.
ASIA: "Democracy, China and the Communist Party: Big Surprise; Attempts to democratize the Communist Party have failed. Again," The Economist, 19 December 2009.
INTERNATIONAL: China: Official Suggests Tighter Grip, Reuters, December 28, 2009
Experts in the West already speak of "one party, two factions" when referring to the CCP, the basic breakdown conforming to the economic landscape (interior versus coastal).
Just like America, China's "red states" tend to be distant from the shoreline, as Core-v-Gap is always about connectivity and oceans are the original global commercial network (and still the biggest by freight).
Inside the Party, worry abounds. Leaders know that they're losing the young, who only join to check career boxes (thus the decision, years ago, to allow entrepreneurs into the COMMUNIST PARTY--spin, Mao, spin!), and they know that the vast bulk of what the Party does is completely irrelevant to how China the economy and society actually run themselves. When the Party allows cells to form inside private businesses, the ideological battle has been completely lost and the CCP becomes nothing more than a bureaucratic function.
So yeah, a political dictatorship with a guardian military, but not a social or economic one. (And if Iran's Revolutionary Guards had any sense, they'd dial back down to this level and be happy with that level of limited control.)
The big problem? Despite all this change in society and the economy, the Party still operates internally like Mao was still around. Everyone knows this is a huge weakness WRT continued rule. It's just too slow, too deaf and too dumb (you can't run such complexity with BOGSAT-style--as in, a bunch of guys sitting around a table). Cause if it were that simple, then Washington really would rule both America and the world.
Despite the recent retrenchment news coming out of Vietnam, apparently the party's internal efforts at increasing competition have attracted the CCP's look-see. Hu himself has spoke of the need for "inner-party democracy," which is a Ralph Nader nightmare edition whereupon a single party may house factions but feels the need to circumscribe all of their behavior (and yes, I know many critics of our two party system believe it's all a fix over here too). The press have heaped praise on the ideas, but, as The Economist states, we've seen no real efforts from the 4th Gen bunch.
No surprise to me. As I've long stated, these are the homebodies who never traveled abroad for their tertiary education (Cult Rev period). So, nice to see the dawning realization, but this progress awaits the 5th Gen bunch coming online in 2012.
Do I expect that to go smoothly? Yes, because the Party knows its history (two post-Mao transitions result in the Gang of Four and Tiananmen, so Hu's succession will be only the second time it goes smoothly--after his own). So the caution is understandable, even as we logically hope for so much more from the next crew.
Nice point that dovetails with my single-party argument from Great Powers:
Optimists in China have suggested that internal democracy could help the party evolve into something like Japan's Liberal Democratic Party, which ruled for 54 years with only a brief interruption until its defeat this year.
So, most realistically, we must expect the 4th Generation to handpick the 5th and hope the 5th accedes to what I know will be demands from the 6th (targeting 2022) for something more open in terms of internal competition.
Remember the old rule about democracies being stable only after two successful transitions. China gets #2 under its belt in 2012 and then we can and should expect better the next iteration.
The main story makes a dumb point, though, saying that local village experiments in democracy have proceeded nicely but not made the peasants any happier. Well, duh! Democracy below doesn't work in combination with autocracy at the top.
So, rather than look for this thing from below, I'm more in line with the thinking that says this begins as a factional split where both sides agree to compete within the Party. It'll be a long time before anything like direct elections of top officials are trusted with the populace at large, but the underlying economics are driving the factionalism and I put my faith in that--Marxian that I am (though no Leninist: as I believe in the Devil, I just don't care to follow him).