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  • Romanian and East German Policies in the Third World: Comparing the Strategies of Ceausescu and Honecker
    Romanian and East German Policies in the Third World: Comparing the Strategies of Ceausescu and Honecker
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    The Emily Updates (Vol. 2): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    by Thomas P.M. Barnett, Vonne M. Meussling-Barnett
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    The Emily Updates (Vol. 3): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    by Thomas P.M. Barnett, Vonne M. Meussling-Barnett
  • The Emily Updates (Vol. 4): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    The Emily Updates (Vol. 4): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    by Thomas P.M. Barnett, Vonne M. Meussling-Barnett
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    The Emily Updates (Vol. 5): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    by Vonne M. Meussling-Barnett, Thomas P.M. Barnett, Emily V. Barnett
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Entries from July 1, 2006 - July 31, 2006


Demonizing Israel will come back to haunt us

ARTICLE: "Cease-Fire to Nowhere," By David Brooks, The New York Times, July 30, 2006.

Tom writes:

Excellent piece by Brooks. Once we let Israel engage Iran's pre-emptive war against our interests in the region, we need to let nature take its course. Demonizing Israel by making them the implied bad guy in any quickie cease-fire/withdrawal will come back to haunt us by creating the impression that diversionary wars get you off the hook vis-a-vis the U.S. Plus, letting the carnage pile up a bit incentivizes everyone in the region toward some effort better than that simple sit-down in Rome recently that accomplished nada.

Best yet, the more intractable Lebanon gets, the quicker Israel moves toward letting a coalitional force ultimately take over security for the entire fence. The sooner that happens, the better, because it facilitates Israel's "one-state" solution, and once that happens, the big red-herring that is the Arab-Israeli conflict is shelved, strategically speaking, and we concentrate the debates on what really needs to change: the Arab/Persian autocracies themselves.


Who you callin' crazy?

ARTICLE: "The Next Steps With Iran: Negotiations Must Go Beyond the Nuclear Threat to Broader Issues," By Henry A. Kissinger, July 31, 2006; Page A15

ARTICLE: "Beyond Lebanon: This Is the Time for a U.S.-Led Comprehensive Settlement," By Brent Scowcroft, July 30, 2006; Page B7

Tom writes:

The big solution set on Iran idea doesn't seem so crazy now, does it? The myopic focus on WMD is a dead strategy. Even the heaviest realists see this now, thanks to Iran's successful (it's working for Iran, isn't it?--who cares about anyone else here, because Tehran doesn't) preemptive war.


Barone on Tom [updated]

Torrent of email reporting Michael Barone's major piece on Tom, 'And now, the good news'. We've seen it on Jewish World Review and Real Clear Politics, and U.S. News and World Report (where it will appear in the August 7th edition).

Tom's comment:

Barone gets me better than just about anybody, save Ignatius and Jaffe. Just wish the left-center got it as well as the right-center does. This is a cool example of how the blog works for me 24/7. Barone's basically interviewing/reviewing my blog in this piece. Don't get much better than that!

Update: Subsequently also found on The New York Sun, The National Ledger, and Any more?


Site upgrade [update]

I will be upgrading the website today (Movable Type, if you care to know). Hopefully, it will go off without a hitch. But if not, you'll know why. I'll sound the all clear when I get to that point.

Update: Well, I wouldn't say it went off without a hitch on my side, but I don't think you should have noticed anything on yours.


Tom on KnoxNews

Resetting the rule set on this Long War

Between the United Nations, G-8, Congress and the Supreme Court, it seems like everybody nowadays is working to rein in the Bush administration's conduct in this Long War. All these attempts at producing counterbalances - both legal and diplomatic - should be welcomed by the American people.


First off, legal and diplomatic reactions sure as heck beat military responses. Ever since the Cold War's end, so-called realists have predicted the world cannot long endure a sole military superpower. In other eras, such domination spawned arms races, hence the balance of power. [read on]


'Dead globalism' is ideological 'realism'

ARTICLE: "Time to Talk: Diplomatic jujitsu could help create a new Middle East," by Leslie H. Gelb, Wall Street Journal, Friday, July 28, 2006

Passed on by my fav CENTCOM major (on road, not scanning papers).

As the major noted, it's a great summary of where things stand. Plus it echoes most of my recent themes, especially the riskiness of pursuing the Sunni-Shiite split on a strategic basis and the clear need for some regional security dialogue (which mitigates the danger of that split segueing into an Old Core/Sunni-New Core/Shiite Yalta-like divide that imperils globalization).

Most salient is the critique of the Bush Admin's lack of strategic imagination, which I see here, in the Doha "collapse." in the absurd "anti-China axis," etc.

This Old Core deficiency (meaning Euro and Japan are just as bad right now) is what leads some pundits to wax enthusiastically on "globalism's demise" (or at least their preferred strawman parody), as if the concept is the West's pet fish to flush down the head the minute it gets bored.

Remember, globalization comes with rules, not a ruler. Globalism isn't an ideology, but rather a realization of that emerging reality.

Declaring globalism dead is like declaring Darwinism dead: it is the declaration of ideology (realism), not it's repudiation.


Website referral esoterica

Digging around in our referrers this this morning I discovered:

+ Terry Collier, who sent Tom an article back here (just to show off my research skills), is responsible for 1.14% of referrals to our website.

+ Next is ZenPundit at .11%

+ Third is Sun Bin at .07%.

And those are quality referrals, too! Thanks, guys! ;-)

+ Tom's post On China: Pillsbury well read, but Zoellick well versed is the fourth result in a Google search for Michael Pillsbury. And who could forget Pillsbury, the Panda-slugging China hawk?

+ Tom's post WWIII is the wrong metaphor is the 27th result in a Google search for wwiii

+ And it only makes sense that the pride of Boscobel has the third and fourth results when you search Google for Boscobel Dial.

No need to thank me for this valuable information! ;-)


Recreating a journey from youth

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Jones Lake to Blue River to Wisconsin River to Boscobel...

look for blue river.jpg

Looking for the Blue off Jones Lake...

low water.jpg

Water low

Never found the Blue, just the indirect connection to Wisconsin.

Water very low. Just too much portaging to get to the Blue.


Talking to Voice of America on the anti-Chinese "axis"

DATELINE: Boscobel WI, 28 July 2006

Got back late yesterday after "spending" the day at Six Flags with Kevin. I say "spending," because I managed to burn out my cellphone battery on Enterra business, plus the Lou Dobbs Show calls, which gives you a sense of why it's hard for me to figure out when to actually put in for vacation.

Ah well. Kevin was understanding (although the jokes about Dad "ignoring us and always talking on his damn cellphone" begin to sting after a while), and I did what any parent does in such situations: I bribed him with a Robin T-shirt and bobblehead doll.

My allergies are killing me right now. Took all I could muster to do this 15-minute over-the-phone with Voice of America on the question of the emerging "anti-Chinese axis" of America, India and Japan (oh yeah, I really see that one working!).

Naturally, I was brought on for my usual counter-intuitive take on the subject (sad to say, I appear to be the only strategic thinker of note who considers this axis complete bullshit doomed to fail in its intent, but there you have the state of my field right now--more divorced from economic reality than ever).

Kinda neat to do the interview using my Dad's old office phone and sitting in his Lazyboy, looking out the window to the Koeinig house and my Grandpa's old place (two lawns I mowed for years). Very nostalgic.

Dad would have liked it.


Saw this in a Cracker Barrel

Best definition of success: How your child describes you to a friend.

Think about that...


Tom around the web: torpedoing 'WW3'

Many weblogs picked up Tom's WWIII is the wrong metaphor.

  • Zenpundit in Recommended Reading. And Mark agrees, besides.

  • Coming Anarchy

  • Clinton Blog

  • Hootsbuddy's Place

  • Making a long story longer

  • Valley Jew

  • Outside the Beltway

  • ka1ogm who writes 'Barnett's stuff is worth reading, regardless of your politics (which I often find difficult to agree with). He's an in depth futurist and his credentials carry a lot of weight.'

  • Amendment Nine who writes:
    I took a little heat for a post of mine which criticised aspects of the Barnett hypothesis. All well and good, and from my view, enjoyable.

    But let me laud Dr. Barnett as well from time to time. There is a "better" side of him in my opinion, one which sometimes gets lost in the seemingly frenetic shuffle he makes day to day.

    This post of his is the better Barnett. Indeed, it is Barnett at his best.


Commenter highlight

Check out IAVA (Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans) Blog, especially the posts by commenter Ray Kimball. Check out his bio (about halfway down).


Comment-thread upgrade: The Future of SysAdmin

Tom says of the comments on the post No, it's not the SysAdmin yet, but...:

Best comments on a post I've ever seen.

Thanks for the education.

Why are you still here? Get over there... ;-)

(And while you're there, y'all regular readers answer Ian's question:

Dr B:

I'm one of the dim ones who still doesn't really understand the SysAdmin concept.

Is it fair to ask you to amplify how such a force would act in the Lebanon scenario, as a specific example?


Question from Lou Dobbs

At Six Flags Great America with Kev, but pull over for quick phonecon with Dobbs producer.

Question: Bush says "death squads" and others say "civil war." Who is right?

My answer?

Both are, to extent. Enough sectarian violence to describe as low-grade civil war. Also clear death squads are tools for minorities on all sides with designs on score-settling, secession strategies, full-blown civil war goals with eye to reconquering whole, etc. Also clear vast majorities of all 3 sides on side lines, not sure which way to jump.

So use either term, I don't care. Just having the discussion moves us collectively toward more realism on squiggly-line outcomes (or transition eras) for pretend straight-line Iraq.

The faster we move toward realizing that Yugoslavia's break-up-leading-to-today's-integration-"race" was actually a great predictor of short-term-zero-sum-fights-leading-to-nonzero-sum-outcomes, the smarter we become on how we're going to turn lotsa straight lines into squiggly ones in the rest of the Gap.

In the end, the neocons were a necessary but strategically immature phase for America. Now the serious thinking begins on inescapable truths, ones that are a whole lot more inconvenient than global warming.

As my lingo may indicate, emailing now with Bob Wright, thanks to Banning Garrett intro. Trying to lure him to possible Resilicon 2006 mini-blogger conference that Steve is threatening to hold!

DeAngelis really should try sleeping some time. I get tired just listening to his sked and he's constantly dreaming up more inventive stuff, venues, deals, concepts.

I gotta get Dobbs and Esquire on his case--you know, slow him down a bit with celebrity!


Iraq the one-off not looking so good

The China hawk crowd loves to push the notiont that Iraq is a one-off, that the Middle East is a blip, and that the Long War can be outsourced completely to Special Operations Command.

None of that is looking so good right now in Southwest Asia.

Of course, back in 1982 (a great summer for me, as I met my wife that summer) we had much the same tumult with Israel invading Lebanon to evict the PLO that time, and Iran and Iraq both seething with violence--just directed against one another. None of this was considered "World War III" or the "end times" by anyone other than Jack Van Impe on his late-night cable show (boy, does he have some competition nowadays!). America was too busy enduring the first Reagan term recession.

Like in 1982, a lot of brave talk about an international peacekeeping presence. Back then the U.S. went into Lebanon basically on its own, leading to Reagan's darkest day: the Beirut Marine barracks bombing in 1983. We pulled out then, declaring it a one-off and vowing not to return.

That was two wars and one counter-insurgency ago.

And it's that sort of understanding and frustration with history that pushes this administration to go farther and deeper than any previous one in trying to shake things up.

Recently there was a WSJ story (sorry, summer, and my citation skills are slipping) about how the Old Core was debating who should go into Lebanon and how many troops should be involved. A Euro diplomat said something to the effect, "There is no set formula here," insinuating that anyone who proposed such a thing must be some doctrinaire nimrod.

But ask yourself: why aren't there any formulas for this? Everyone is talking about the need to regularize such efforts, and yet, whenever such an opportunity arises, the same people act like having anything close to doctrine would be constricting.

Yes, yes, keep your options open. That's a great way to explain your inaction, your muddled responses, and the general inefficacy of the subsequent intervention and reconstruction program. Make it all sound so idiosyncratic to the culture and the region and the religion. Trot out the regional experts who can tell you 1,000 ways why nothing you try will succeed. Treat everything as a one-off.

I mean, why change a winning hand?


Nephew has run his last op in Iraq

Nephew Mike has run his last convoy op and sits behind the wire until shipped home with his WI Nat Guard unit in mid-August.

News today had spooked us a bit, as replacement WI unit had taken 2 hurt and 1 dead in first convoy op, leading father of dead soldier to complain about short training (Mike got about half of what he was promised), so this is nice news.

Mike was on pace to log 60k of convoy op miles, so we thank the Lord for his life and we thank Mike for his service...


Playing hookey

Geez! Realized I've never done it before and thus have no idea how to spell!

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Fifth row off third base with Kevin at Miller Park in Milwaukee against Pirates.

Fear not. Last night late on Mom's PC in Boscobel and whole drive here (3 hrs) on phone.

But yeah, it feels good on a Wednesday afternoon!

Only problem? Intense sun and fouls drives!


Statue of Henry on way in

Saw 754 (walk off in 11th) and last time in field (LF, one put out) at County Stadium with Dad back in mid-70s.


The promised word on the WTO Round negotiations' collapse

DATELINE: Boscobel WI, 25 July 2006

Noticed the nice article on the subject this morn in WSJ. Clipped it while watching end of Vol. 5 of the Beatles Anthology (worked out during first 50 mins), and had planned to blog it from home.

But then I got caught up in Enterra end-of-month paperwork and finishing my column (something along the lines of "Resetting the Rules on the Long War").

The WSJ piece is a good summary. Other rounds (Tokyo, Uruguay) full of "collapses" and both went closer to a decade than the planned period of just a few years, so no big surprises on this one.

Why fail?

The Doha Round was the promised give from the Old Core on ag subs in exchange for reducing tariffs on industrial goods in New Core and Gap. Gap basically ready, New Core (India and China especially) less so, and Old Core very stubborn (will no one rid us of this man, Chirac?). Only US mistake? Waiting on the compromise from the Euros. We should have just made our deal and left them out to dry. But I guess we need them in the Middle East more now, so...

Gist of article, then, is that this goal was too ambitious and offered too quickly in aftermath of 9/11. Too bad if true, because the instinct was right. As I always say on 9/11: it had nothing to do with U.S. Rather, like all feedback, it was about the giver, not the target. The right instinct was to say to Gap, "I feel your pain" and then do a bunch of things about it (imagine Bob Rubin still as SECTREAS!). This was a good stab at that, and a rare one from the Bush crowd. It was the right thing to do, if only to isolate the French on this issue. That dam will break soon enough, as Chirac leaves.

But to me, real reason why Doha expectedly slow: global economy doing very well right now, despite the heightened oil prices (which reflect the growth, actually, of the New Core). When global economy hums, it's usually bilats that flow, not regional deals nor multilats, much less global deals. People cut deals when they're desperate, and no one is really desperate right now.

Damn that humming global economy!

Amazing, isn't it? Never more at peace globally than today, and never has the global economy hummed so nicely in a comprehensive manner as right now (global growth very even at 5% in sum).

And yet, all because of Israel into Lebanon it's WWIII and the End Times and "chaos" the world over, according to the editorial boards of the majors.

Good God! As a professional in the biz of watching the world, I find all this pretty decent: Big Bang still getting some play (I mean, at least stuff is moving in the region.) Iraq settling into the reality of a break-up to go with its breakdown. Global economy booming and we're moving closer or no farther away from the key New Core pillars (India, China, Russia, Brazil). I mean, as someone who worries about system-level conflict primarily and accepts the notion that globalization will trigger integrating wars and disintegrating civil strife in its expansionary path, I don't see that much wrong with the world right now.

That's not me offering ass-covering 20/20 on the Big Bang: I always expected it to play out nasty and long. That was never the question. Question was whether we'd start the process with enough force (done) and stick with it (hmmm, depending on how you like George's Big Bang II with Israel providing firepower). But moving this Big Bang is, that much is certain. You may not like the direction, nor the actions triggered, but move it does.

Does it beat the alternative? Almost anything beats the continued stagnation of political-economic evolution in the region.

So, add it all up, and it's a decent world given the continuing tumults caused inside the Gap with globalization's rapid expansion of late. Put in that light, a few extra years on Doha is no big deal.

Would have been weird if it had gone fast.


No, it's not the SysAdmin yet, but...

Tom got an email from RP linking a transcript of a chat session with Thomas Ricks, author of the new book FIASCO: The American Military Adventure in Iraq. RP quoted Ricks:

One senior officer in Iraq told me earlier this year that about one-third of his subordinate officers "get it," one- third are trying but not really getting it, and one-third just want to kick a little butt. That means your force is probably less than half effective, and part of it is counterproductive.
Tom's comment:
The percentages strike me as very accurate and somewhat inescapable, given the current force.

But made sufficiently coalitional, the SysAdmin force can be easily built out an American "coalition of the willing/made able."


Steve in US News & World Report [updated]

ARTICLE: "Multinationals 2.0," by James M. Pethokoukis, U.S. News & World Report, July 31, 2006 [page TBD].

Tom's writes:
You remember the article from IBM's CEO. I blogged it and so did Steve. The U.S. News & World Report journalist, who now reads both our blogs, contacted Steve for an interview, yielding the great paragraph here. Of course, you're always reduced to a single sentiment, but Steve's basic idea here is both sound and great to be identified with--including the follow-on Bono reference!
Opening paras:
In his satirical new book Rome, Inc.: The Rise and Fall of the First Multinational Corporation, Stanley Bing humorously makes the case that the proto-capitalistic Imperium Romanum--with its bold takeovers, power-mad CEOs, and compelling brand--was the beta version of the globe-spanning Microsofts, General Electrics, and IBMs of today. Or perhaps more accurately, the Enrons and WorldComs of yesterday. While Rome Inc. had a great multicentury run, eventually it went out of business. One wonders if the feckless Emperor Honorius, watching the Visigoths coming over the seventh hill in A.D. 410, truly realized that the Roman Empire was about to fall.

Granted, IBM CEO Samuel Palmisano doesn't have to contend with Visigoths, Vandals, and other pesky barbarians. But like any modern CEO, he does have to deal with flash mob protests by antiglobalization advocates, company-bashing websites, protectionist legislation, and a high-velocity, Internet-connected world where the burgeoning Chinese and Indian economies spawn both profitable market opportunities and lethal competitors.

Steve's para and follow on Bono sentence:
Here's the even bigger vision: As more and more countries--particularly the developing ones in Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East--become more interconnected and dependent, it will result in a safer, more orderly world. "The business world has this enlightened self-interest in integration," says Steve DeAngelis, CEO of Enterra Solutions, a software solutions company that helps global companies integrate far-flung operations. "Look at China and the United States. Look at all the economic bridges we are building. Each one we build is a step away from military conflict." So while multinationals have traditionally been stereotyped as corporate villains--for polluting the environment or attempting to overthrow unfriendly Third World governments--the new organization would supposedly make the planet a better place.

Yet given all this Bono-friendly talk about corporate responsibility and global economic development...

[Update: Steve has posted on the article now, too.]