Dateline: above the sold garage, Portsmouth RI, 29 May 2005, 48 days to departure
Mom asked me what to get for b-day, and I said cuff links, because I'm growing to like French cuffs. My Dad liked tie bars. I find myself wanting similar but different things more and more as I seek to both emulate and distance myself from the one man whose approval I crave desperately in all things but no longer enjoy due to his passing.
Mother-in-law gave me a dollar figure and told me to buy the books I wanted from Amazon. This was also fun to consider, because I like the constrained budget quandary. When I was with college, they bought me many books, but those books stayed at college when I left, so this was an act of replenishment. I chose the following: 1) Lexus and Olive Tree, by Friedman, because it truly changed my career and made me realize "globaloney" is an epitath worth enduring in the search for true strategic knowledge; 2) The World is Flat, also by Friedman, because he's back in the saddle on this one and off security (where he tends to sound shrill and often confused) and so I have great hopes for this one; 3) Clash of Civilizations by Huntington, because, along with Lexus, it's the other point I sought to align PNM with to form a conceptual plane, and because Sam was nicer to me than any Harvard prof except for Ulam, my mentor; 4) Why Globalization Works by Martin Wolf, because it's the best damn book ever on globalization and it feels like the book I would have wanted to write if I were an economist (and it figures prominently in BFA); 5) The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell, because it's just such a great book and such an eye-opener and because I got Blink! from the TED conference and I wanted to have both in hand; 6) Col. Thomas Hammes' The Sling and the Stone, the best book yet on the concept of 4GW (I met him and interacted with him during my Norwegian trip and speak of that interaction in BFA); and finally 7) Occidentalism by Ian Buruma and Avishai Margalit, a fascinating small book on the history of this counter-intuitive notion (that the West is demonized by the non-West for its strange mix of mind strength and moral decadence; it too is featured in BFA).
Almost making the cut: 1) Globalized Islam by Olivier Roy (big in BFA) and 2) Who are We? by Sam Huntington. But I had to respect the challenge of buying and rank ordering within the budget.
Wife got me some great luggage stuff and lotsa nice clothes, as she always does, plus she set up the purchase of my dreams: a memory foam mattress to replace our aging king Stearns and Foster. I had slept on one during my book tour last spring and came away convinced I would be a better human if I had one (first day after sleeping on one I gave the interview to Lamb, and that got me the NYT best seller--so there!), but TempurPedic, the company everyone knows about from the ads wants over 2 grand for a king one, and Consumer Reports just came out and said they were overpriced by half, so I was at a loss on how to ever make one happen (good bed, but where to buy one reasonably?).
Well, wife finds out and we go to Fall River mattress factory where we test the memory foam, chose the desire dense foam core, and have one custom made for half the price! Turns out the TempurPedic price is mostly about their ad campaigns, whereas the technology is there for anyone to use. Every such mattress has the same 3 inches of memory (or NASA) foam on top, with only question being the firmness of the dense foam core. You can buy the 3-inch memory foam and slap it on your ordinary mattress for just a few hundred, but I didn't want the silk-purse-out-of-a-sow's-ear approach, so finding this mattress place was the best answer. We won't use the new bed until we hit Indiana. It will be a big part of the new, Midwestern, kinder-and-gentler Tom. No more East Coast crabby for me! I want a good night's sleep and a smile on my face. Now if Indiana will only decide to go for Central Time, my entire plan will be complete!
Today I took oldest two to Six Flags New England for a farewell tour. Sounds sadder than it is, cause we got season passes on the anticipation of stop-overs at Six Flags Great America on our way to Lambeau, plus there's one in Kentucky (a state I have never visited) just two hours south of Indy.
It was a beautiful day, one in which all the threats of rain did not materialize until closing time. My last ride there was a good one, the Superman roller that was best rollercoaster in the world for three years running (2000-2002) after debuting in 2000. Now 43, I realize I can only be turned upside down at very high speeds about 25-30 times before I start finding it just plain tough. Used to be able to go all day long on that one, but today I did find myself napping on a lounge chair in the water park while they played in the various activities. Still, to prove my manhood and still-retained vigor, I did match my son on the 7-story straight-drop body slide, thus solving the mystery of the strange brusing we had noticed on the backsides of many young men in the park during the afternoon.
There was no back-slapping after that feat, mind you.
My young man hugged me when we got to the car after our long day, and asked if he could kiss me in thanks for the time spent together.
That was the best gift of all.