Flew to BWI yesterday for meeting with major defense contractor on future collaboration possibilities with Enterra. Steve and I do our Penn & Teller routine over 2 hours in a conference room and then over 2 hours of lunch. Longtime reader set this up.
Lotsa fun to do, and great to spend time with Steve (we've both been traveling non-stop for weeks in separate orbits). Follow-up seems certain.
Frankly, we get pulled into these situations by the promise of strategic consulting, but once we tell our company story, in addition to our combined world view, that stuff typically gets rapidly superseded by talk of alliance. Better for them, more powerful for us.
With all the new business flooding in, we cannot have enough allies.
Last night I stay at Fort Meade in the Distinguished Visitors Quarters. Nice enough, but I still get antsy always sleeping in strange beds so much. After a while it creeps you out.
Great dinner with BGEN Randy Fullhart and his spouse at his residence. Dinner guests include Randall Larsen, the homeland security expert who has a book coming out in early September. Getting a galley to review. Very interesting guy and a fun fellow to compare notes with regarding career and work (he's been on Oprah).
This morn, Randy the general, who heads the Central Security Services (meaning he controls the roughly half of NSA's 30k-plus workforce that is military), picks me up and we head into NSA proper (Motto--from memory--in the entryway: "We don't give up: we never have, we never will"), first checking the AV set-up in the Friedman theater (so named for famous early female cryptographer). Then to his office to talk over stuff.
The decor of NSA? Early 80's metropolitan hospital. If you like beige, this is your heaven.
Then an office call with the NSA director, LGEN Alexander for about 30. Very fruitful tour d'horizon.
Then a very nice meal in a galley with senior officials (maybe 10). I am questioned throughout, so eat almost nothing. Too bad, because it smelled great.
Then back to the theater to brief somewhere north of 200 NSAers.
I was a bit sloppy in my delivery (the allergies kill me right now), but I was probably the only one who sensed that.
Went probably 90 and then 20 on questions. Got a nice command coin from Randy afterwards and signed a bunch of both books brought up by audience members.
Also had fun thrill of having my old running partner of many years while at CNA, a computer engineer named Eric, come up and chat me up as I rushed out to my ride. Hadn't seen Eric in about a decade. We had run thousands of miles together.
Right out of NSA back to BWI and plane home.
Overall, lotsa key connectivity achieved. Looking to go right back for more, as Enterra's pioneering work both here in the States and abroad draws a lot of interest there.
Great trip overall Just another example of all the cool and interesting places I get to travel. Really an honor to get that sort of access and audience.