Disappearing into the Secret City

Dateline: Jameson Inn, Oak Ridge TN, 28 June 2005
I surface.
Sunday I had taken Amtrak to NYC, meeting my brother Jerry for a great meal at a French steak house there. We close the place at midnight.
Monday morning I have breakfast with literary agent Jennifer Gates, talking over the long-range plan. We meet at the restaurant where I'm staying just south of Central Park at Le Parker Meridian.
After that breakfast I meet up with Steve DeAngelis of Enterra, our strategic partner, and we talk over some next steps, as that relationship progresses nicely.
Then I head up to the third-floor conference rooms for the reason why I actually came to NYC: a briefing to senior execs from Royal Dutch/Shell. A very global crowd, with responses varying according to continent.
Then I hang in the lobby, reading and editing through page 52 of BFA's unbound galley (I had started some on Saturday night, then more on the train down). Some of our last fixes to the text are not in here, but frankly, this is why I call the bound galley basically the butt-ugly version-like watching the film before post-production was complete or previewing a play before all the kinks are worked out. You have to remember, I write this manuscript in January-February and now it's almost July, so yeah, thinking does evolve and you have to hedge certain sentences for the long haul on items where the outcome remains unclear.
Mark Warren, my Exec Editor at Esquire and the editor of both PNM and BFA then calls and we meet, as planned, at our favorite spot: the Greek restaurant Molyvos on 7th Ave. We synch up on all our stories, big personal plans, joint project plans, etc. Nice drinks, great food. Mark then has to head out to a dinner for a new editor at the mag, while I jump in a cab to LGA for flight to Knoxville.
Get to TN after midnight and grab my rental for 40-minute drive to the former secret city now known as Oak Ridge, where the U. of Tennessee and Battelle jointly run the Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the Department of Energy. Oak Ridge was a secret city made out of thin air (after the locals were tossed off) in 1942 when the U.S. Government started the Manhattan Project for real (Los Alamos being the other great secret city for the scientists and Hanford in WA being the sister secret city where they cranked out the plutonium). Oak Ridge was the place where the uranium was processed.
The city was about 80,000 people hidden behind wire and guard towers for most of the decade, emerging into the real world at the end of the decade. An amazing story.
Today I spend whole day at Oak Ridge, joined about halfway by business manager and New Rule Sets Project partner Steff Hedenkemp in the afternoon.
Gave the brief in the morning to basically all the top managers, in what was described to me as a rare event (i.e., having them all show up for the same talk), then tours of amazing facilities, lunch with director and most senior managers, then many more tours and some time with scientists showing off most recent inventions (unspeakably cool-quite literally in some cases). Day ends with visit to local museum, and we head out to dinner with host, a senior player here. Possibilities to discuss.
I am way down on sleep, so tonight I need to catch up.
Fascinating trip so far. One of those trips where I really need to remember how lucky I am to have a career like this. It is very fun to be me.