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    Great Powers: America and the World After Bush
    by Thomas P.M. Barnett
  • Blueprint for Action: A Future Worth Creating
    Blueprint for Action: A Future Worth Creating
    by Thomas P.M. Barnett
  • The Pentagon's New Map: War and Peace in the Twenty-first Century
    The Pentagon's New Map: War and Peace in the Twenty-first Century
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  • Romanian and East German Policies in the Third World: Comparing the Strategies of Ceausescu and Honecker
    Romanian and East German Policies in the Third World: Comparing the Strategies of Ceausescu and Honecker
    by Thomas P.M. Barnett
  • The Emily Updates (Vol. 1): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    The Emily Updates (Vol. 1): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    by Vonne M. Meussling-Barnett, Thomas P.M. Barnett
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    The Emily Updates (Vol. 2): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    by Thomas P.M. Barnett, Vonne M. Meussling-Barnett
  • The Emily Updates (Vol. 3): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    The Emily Updates (Vol. 3): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    by Thomas P.M. Barnett, Vonne M. Meussling-Barnett
  • The Emily Updates (Vol. 4): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    The Emily Updates (Vol. 4): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    by Thomas P.M. Barnett, Vonne M. Meussling-Barnett
  • The Emily Updates (Vol. 5): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    The Emily Updates (Vol. 5): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    by Vonne M. Meussling-Barnett, Thomas P.M. Barnett, Emily V. Barnett
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Entries from October 1, 2010 - October 31, 2010


Movie of My Week: "The Invention of Lying" (2009)

I am almost always greatly intrigued by Ricky Gervais' work, although I like the American version of "The Office" a lot better, and I thought "Extras" was good but not great.

I actually like him best in standup, where his persona is certainly a change of pace.  He's got an HBO special on On Demand now that's worth catching. 

What has really gotten me to be a big fan of his are his two major movies to date:  Ghost Town (2008) where he acts but does not direct, and this one, where he co-directs and co-writes.

What's weird is that the two stories are strangely similar in their message:  basically about the need to be kind to people.  

Ghost Town did badly (cost 20, did less), but it had Tea Leoni whom I will watch in anything--going all the way back when TV folks thought she was the new Lucille Ball in that little series of hers.  She and the scenario are the two reasons why I make everyone I like watch "Deep Impact" with me--along with "Contact" (big Jodie Foster fan too going all the way to her kid work).

I was really captivated by Ghost Town, so I was truly psyched to see "The Invention of Lying," and yet I missed it in theaters, only to catch it a while back during my speech up in upstate NY.  Like Ghost Town, it was low cost (about 18), but this time it broke even.  I thought the plot and the script were pure genius, and I really liked watching him again as an awkward, unconventional leading man. Jennifer Garner did a very nice job, and Gervais got a ton of great actors to do small bits (Tina Fey, Philip Hoffman--who plays the best dumb guy I've ever seen in a cameo).

But the gripping bit here is how he plays with the notion of religion, which is really fascinating.  I know the notion of somebody just making it all up really offends, but it actually made me wonder about Jesus Christ all the more.  What I took away:  no matter what the path, humanity needs some sense of disciplining logic, and by definition, that is the greatest story ever told.

I've watched it now three times and find it great from start to finish and definitely worth hearing every line.  Gervais also has a very well-done breakdown scene that impressed me a lot.  I think he'd be a great dramatic actor if he ever wanted to do that, but he's just so devoted to his comedy persona, which I enjoy a lot.

Really worth watching.  Makes you think, and the whole portrayal of a society without lies/fiction/storytelling is clever from top to bottom.  You really have to pay attention to every little bit to catch all the inserted cleverness.

I look forward to his next co-directed film, which should be out soon (listed in IMDB as 2010-er).


Enterra client Conair wins prestigious supply chain industry award recognition

Conair, Enterra Solutions' foundational client in the consumer products/supply-chain management area, was cited for Outstanding Achievement in the Dick Clark Supply Chain Award category by the leading industry journal Consumer Goods Technology at their annual awards dinner a few days back.

This is what the citation read:

Named in honor of the supply chain visionary, this award is presented to a consumer goods firm for excellence in executing improvements in supply or demand planning, warehouse management, transportation management, S&OP processes or supply chain network design.


Conair Corporation: Conair co-developed a compliance management system with Enterra Solutions, using new "learning rules" software, that allows it to identify in advance shipments to retail customers that are at "at risk" of not being compliant with shipping rules. This allows Conair to proactively avoid penalty charges and, if they are unavoidable, it then tracks all of the details necessary to dispute a penalty charge. It is now offered to the CPG industry as a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution on a subscription basis.

Click here for the announcement at Consumer Goods Technology magazine.

This is what Conair Global CIO John Harding said upon accepting the award:

We at Conair are honored to accept this award and certainly to be recognized in this category. It would be remiss of me not to point out all of the team members who supported this effort. John Mayorek, people from our compliance management team, and, most importantly, our software development partners Enterra Solutions. This system is considered innovative because Enterra Solutions has this proprietary, rules-based technology that senses changes in data, applies rules, and identifies conflicts with our supply chain partners. It is definitely helping us partner with our retailer customers as well as improving our productivity. This is the first of a series of predictive, analytic products that we are working on with Enterra. Finally, the good news is that these applications are actually available to all consumer goods manufacturers. Enterra Solutions is selling these as software-as-a-service offerings – so please see Enterra Solutions.

Naturally, we at Enterra are ecstatic about this recognition.


Rebalancing needed all over the place, including SE Asia

Map found here

FT story on "rail renaissance" in SE Asia.  Driver?  "There is a realisation that they should do more to tap into intra-regional trade."   So says a UN RR expert out of Bangkok.

Why must they do more?

SE Asia sees writing on wall:  the region as a whole cannot rely on Europe and America to same degree on export-driven growth. So, to keep up with networking China, SE Asia, which has talked about a common market by 2015 but done little to do it (why bother when the export-driven growth remains hot?), now feels some real urgency to begin.  Infrastructure is considered the big bottleneck.  

Hence the $2.2B investment plan so the region's RR consists of more than just that coastal line that wraps around.

Goal is to make consumer goods travel better through SE Asia, cut down supply chain costs to rest of world, and open up another land bridge route between China and India--more to the latter's east coast than the current one.  On all routes, the RR vision competes with paved roads, but the logic overall is, the more the merrier.

Some will look at this and see "regionalism replaces globalization!"  But in truth, we're talking about a filling-in-the-blanks dynamic long overdue.  If anything, this is globalization spreading far deeper and more pervasively across the region, because all this intra-regional connectivity allows everybody more rapid access to everybody else.


A really special time at Monterey

I had a wonderful time at the Naval Postgraduate School, speaking there as part of the Secretary of Navy Lecture Series.

Flew much of Monday to get there--all American.  Small plane to Ohare, then biggie to LA, then Eagle to Monterey.  Got there around 5pm, picked up by Navy enlisted and we hit a Chinese takeout before my hotel--that historic old Del Monte place last rebuilt during Prohibition (many stories there, I am told).  Big suite of rooms, all with, like, 14-foot ceilings.  Watched MNF and yoga'd the kinks out of my back.

Tuesday up to breakfast in basement cafeteria (pretty good), then day of intense writing in the room, broken up by a long interview with Bill Powell of Time on a piece he's working on WRT China.  Finished up writing, worked the brief some (to include working in some of the Israel-strikes-Iran scenario stuff from a past Wikistrat drill).  Picked up by female USN officer and we walk over to the gigantic auditorium they've got.  I mean . . . BIIG!  Like a 1,000 seater with high galleries left and right and a wide and very deep main section with easy to walk up steps (which I did a lot on both aisles, as the stage was too cramped and distant and I like getting up in people's faces so they can really see me).  Projector was solid, with a gorgeous rendering of blues, which works for my stuff.  Sound on the lavalier was spectacularly crisp, which I love, because the more nuanced the sound, the more you can modulate and work your voice--from everything short of stage whispers to serious booms.  Integrated sound on Mac was good too--very clean.  Only catch?  I go up about 30 yards on either side and I risked losing the RF clicker, so I had to watch that a bit and adjust.

BTW, I would love a shot of that auditorium, if anyone has got one.

Anyway, after AV check, whisked to meet retired 3-star Dan Oliver, who I did remember from the 90s at CNA or somewhere in my Naval War College travels.  We had nice chat in his office.  He told me the students nominate the speaker series and then there's this big drill of debating the choices and voting on them in some manner.  They had tried to get me a couple years back, but we couldn't swing it.  This year worked, although we failed to make a SF (Pacific Club?) invite happen on the same trip, which was too bad, because it is a haul. But real point: you don't come unless you're a strong student choice.

After the chat, my nominator escorted me over to the haul and then intro'd me while I miked up in back of theater, walking all the way down to the floor in front of the stage so I could click my book images while he recited them.  

Then I plunged in.  Supposed to talk 60 and went more like 90-95, but didn't lose anybody.  Place was about 80% full, so say 800.  Military officers from all over world (more on that in second).  

I started pretty well--a bit funnier than usual off the bat, but what really got me going was the huge space, the big crowd and their strong responsiveness.  This was one of those audiences that you live for--the one that reminds you why you do this, why this career matters to you, and what your ultimate impact is.

I did only 30 "white" slides (white backgrounds--my substantive ones), so 30 in 90 showed I was really luxuriating in the material (norm is 2 mins per white slide), so I was pulling out every good line in the warehouse because this was a really fun, responsive, engaged, quick-to-laugh-hard audience.  And because it was military and global, I could be my usual politically incorrect self--offending 360 degrees--and keep them with me throughout, because that military sense of humor, well, it's a hard one to explain.  While leaning to the conservative side, these people have seen the world like nobody else in America (ditto for the foreign officers relative to their own populations), so their ability to laugh at things is really a lot more flexible than your average US crowd, and I love to cross lines.

Anyway, it was a memorable 90 for me.  I was really grooving in that unconscious way I get when I'm firing on all cylinders and birthing 1-2 or more keepers (which I never write down; I simply remember when they're good) over the show.  It truly is my drug of choice.

After I finished, we did probably 25 minutes of questions from the audience, getting us to about five pm (I started at 3pm).  Then a student leader gives me the ceremonial mug (more on that) and the command coin (very cool with engraving of old Del Monte hotel on one side and shield of school on other).

After the cavernous room clears, I go maybe another solid hour doing Q&A with those who want more (starts with about 30 and gets down to 4-5).  Here's the cool bit: I talk about the south-v-north Sudan vote during the brief (on tip of my tongue because I made the upcoming vote one of my "Six Degrees of Integration" small-entries in the sample Wikistrat "CoreGap" weekly that we'll debut--for free--next Monday).  So during the small group Q&A/signings, this African officer in green comes up and asks me a follow-on on the Sudan vote.  I notice the letters on his shoulder board:  SPLA, as in Sudan People's Liberation Army, or the South's legacy force from the long civil war, now clearly set to step into role as military of soon-to-be independent South Sudan--with this guy already studying at the Naval Postgrad School!).  That was a head-turner all right.

Of those 4-5, 3 are set to take me downstairs for drinks (to christen the mug) at the Trident student bar (pictured above, and notice all the pale mugs hanging from ceiling).  Turns out you get a mug as student, sign it on bottom, and then it's kept on the ceiling for you for your entire stint--taken down when you come in for your use and put back up til the next time, using these funky wooden sticks with basket-like tops.  I put my mug aside and had a nice Grey Goose martini instead.  I sat with my two hosts (faculty) and my nominating student and we shucked peanuts and had ours drinks for about an hour. Then another hour of talk over dinner.  Then they split and a crew of about 8 Civil Affairs officers descend, including one who knows my stuff forwards and backwards and has briefed it during SysAdmin stints basically everywhere the US mil has gone over the past 15 years (late Balkans forward).  We smoked a few cigarettes and they drank beers out of their mugs while I went non-alcoholic the rest of the night (I went with seltzer after the martini, cause I'm battling a broken eardrum on the right that's frequently infected--I will dispense with a quick repair of my 30-year-old eardrum grafting at UW-Madison with a revision tympanoplasty just before Xmas with my beloved ENT surgeon here).  That went from about 7pm to 1030. I signed many of the mugs and the maven's T-shirt.

The discussion with these guys and one gal was just amazing--the kind of feedback somebody like me needs to hear every six months or so to keep up the spirits and the drive.  Also a huge data dump on SysAdmin experiences (Balkans, Iraq, Afghanistan) and some serious talk about how to get my stuff more widely distributed (where I brought up the emerging Wikistrat model), so hopefully we get something going there down the road, because I always love interacting with the CA crowd.  They are my tribe within the military, both within the Army and Marines proper and inside the SOF community.  Again, it just revitalizes to spend time with them, so I went as late as I could go, knowing I was flying 0-dark-30 in the ayem.

And yes, after talking heavily from about 2:00 til 10:30, with one drink and three cigs, my throat was pretty damn sore.

Flights back sucked, but I worked a lot anyway.  Monterey puddle-jumper had mechanical, so paid cab ride to SFO, which was pretty as rides go.  Then San Fran (leaving the World Series behind!) to Dallas, where I'm talking to Steve DeAngelis at 8pm local and he's like, "I'm on this plane getting set to leave Dallas!" (some of Enterra's medical work) and I'm like, "I'm inside the terminal!  Wave back at me!"  Total accident, of course, but weird.  I would have freaked if I'd bumped into him accidentally in the head or something.  That would have been so trippy.

Late flight to Indy from Dallas gets me home after midnight.  I write to chill a bit.  Read "John Adams" the last leg (so very good).

One last reminder to me:  this CA guy who knew my stuff forwards and backwards, was going on about all his favorite books and he mentions this fabulous "Ruling by Waves" and after I hear about it for 10 minutes, I'm sending myself an email on my Android so I don't forget.  I say, "Who's the author?" and it's an old Harvard classmate, Debora Spar, now a college president at a big liberal arts icon out east.  I was really ashamed I didn't know of the book, because I always liked Debora a ton back then (very collegial in a very competitive environment and sharp as tack) and I was just stunned I missed hearing about this book, which works so well with my own stuff.

So I promise now to get it and read it and probably write something on it, because it sounds right up my frontier-integrating ally.  Like my books, it seems to be read in the CA community.

Anyway, I gotta crash.


Clubbing at the Del Monte (old school)


I got here last night before it got dark, and my Navy host took me to get some takeout before locking me up on base for the night. This is where I'm staying (a postcard of its third incarnation in 1926--see below).  The place has a Twenties sense of grandeur alright.  It's just been navalized and governmentized somewhat over the decades--sort of an over-the-top-BOQ (Bachelors & Officers Quarters).  Rooms are cavernous and I've got a suite.

Club Del Monte is an art deco jewel set amongst 25 acres of sprawling lawns dotted with oak, cypress and pine. Originally built in 1880 as the grand Hotel Del Monte, it was destroyed twice by fire and rebuilt. The present imposing structure (which is the 1926 incarnation) resembles a Spanish-Moorish fortress. It remained an elegant hotel until 1951, when it was acquired for the Navy's Naval Postgraduate School.

At this point, only a small section (on the pic, the first wing to the right as you enter the front) seems to be hotel rooms anymore.  Otherwise the rest appears to have been cannabilized into all manner of offices, schools of this and that, and so on--like any giant base facility.  Still, the sheer physicality of the place cannot be denied.

No proper desk in my suite (weird), so my work day sees me hunched over a side table.  Works because I've been doing the yoga lately (also good for the big mushy bed here, the kind that usually messes with my back).

If Mountain Runner is interested, then we can get together after my talk late this afternoon.  I'm usually pretty chatty after a talk.


Globlogization joins the Wikistrat universe; I join the Wikistrat effort

We decided to make this move as painless as possible, making as few changes as necessary to get the ball rolling.  And when I say we, I mean Joel Zamel, CEO of Wikistrat, Daniel Green, CTO, and myself.

Basically, instead of my folding up shop here at Squarespace and starting anew at Wikistrat, we decided that Wikistrat will sort of infiltrate this site over time, sucking it into their orbit.  So the Wikistrat crew will manage the site going forward, and I'll focus my creative energies on:

  • Penning blog posts as I see fit, meaning this site stays personal and relaxed and truly bloggish--in the old school sense, while the more polished material goes into the hopper for . . . [see next bullet]
  • Producing a weekly 10-page bulletin of analytic products that Wikistrat will soon offer on a subscription basis (I'm thinking, "The CoreGap Report" or some such).  I spent a lot of this weekend working on the first sample offering, which we'll debut here in a week.  And I have to say:  I'm digging the discipline of a dedicated format for a lot of the stuff I would, in the past, simply file here in the blog.  By packaging it in a more structured manner, my thinking already feels sharper--like I'm learning more this way because I'm forced to fill in the analytic blanks.  Hopefully we'll convey the same possibilities for readers in the sample bulletin.               
  • Populating a globalization model driven by scenarios that utilize the "reproducible strategic concepts" (Core-Gap, Four Flows, Blogging the Future, Heroes Yet Discovered, SysAdmin-Leviathan, etc.) from my trilogy of books.  This we will also make available, in a limited form for subscribers and in a maximum form for Wikistrat clients soon after the start of the new year, when the company will launch its unique style of online consulting and strategic planning services (with F2F as it makes sense).

That's the basic outline, with more details to come in future posts.  I had to skip out of Dodge this a.m. to fly to Monterey CA to deliver a Secretary of the Navy-series lecture out at the Naval Postgraduate School there Tuesday afternoon, so I wanted to keep this short because [. . . looking at his watch] Favre is playing the Packers in about an hour [he typed and then scheduled the blog post for next day].


Later this week, I want to write a more formal introduction to Wikistrat, the technology start-up out of that start-up nation--Israel.  Wikistrat represents my fifth start-up small firm, two of which I started myself (selling one and keeping the other to this day) and two others now being matured entities (Enterra being my pride and joy). Now Wikistrat joins that line, primarily capturing my nights and weekends for now, but hopefully providing a long-term outlet for my intellectual output in my original "IR" (international relations) realm.  

So consider the doctor re-engaged to his first love (maiden name, regional studies, now known as globalization).


WPR's The New Rules: The Two Chinas' Long Road to Common Ground

The Nobel Committee's decision to award jailed Chinese democracy activist Liu Xiaobo the 2010 Peace Prize came just days before China's Communist Party elite anointed political princeling Xi Jinping as President Hu Jintao's clear successor, highlighting the two Chinas that now seem to be passing one another like ships in the night. One China is propelled from below by a coastal workforce that is increasingly self-confident in its skills and accomplishments and growing income. The other, larger China is managed from above by political leaders who increasingly worry over the nation's social stability as they grow more self-defensive in their ruling style. 

Read the entire column at World Politics Review.


The loss of a personal mentor and eminent defense thinker

An old friend, mentor, frequent boss, and co-author, Dr. Gary Federici died recently.

Here is his obit via the Washington Post:

FEDERICI GARY A. FEDERICI, Ph.D. Dr. Gary A. Federici passed away October 20th after a brief illness. He was born in Wareham, MA, on July 28, 1950. Gary was the son of Bernice E. Federici of Wareham, and graduated from Bishop Stang High School, in North Dartmouth. He received his B.S. in Physics and Mathematics from U of Mass Lowell, and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Mathematics from Syracuse University. Dr. Federici was appointed Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Information Operations and Space in September 2004. In his role, Dr. Federici served as the principal advisor for space-related acquisition matters along with related business enterprise acquisition programs and information technology and resources management. In that capacity he provided acquisition guidance, oversight, and policy expertise for both the Navy and Marine Corps planning and programming staffs to ensure acquisition programs remained viable in funding of requirements, schedule and performance to reduce acquisition volatility. Over a 30-year period, Dr. Federici played a substantial role in shaping Navy policy on space and in developing tactical applications of C4ISR and space systems. He was instrumental in moving national security space systems products into mainstream naval operations, and in encouraging the Navy to participate fully in the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) and other national security space and intelligence activities. In 2003, the Secretary of the Navy awarded him the Department of the Navy Distinguished Public Service Award. The Director, National Reconnaissance Office/Under Secretary of the Air Force awarded him the NRO Medal of Distinguished Service in 2004. Dr. Federici received the Department of the Navy Distinguished Civilian Service Medal posthumously from the Secretary of the Navy. In addition to his mother, Bernice, Gary is survived by his cousin Diana L. Sosnowski (Tead), his uncle David F. Barry and numerous loving family members, friends and co-workers. There will be a mass at St. Patrick's Church at 82 High Street in Wareham, MA, on October 30, 2010, at 10:00 a.m. followed by a burial service and reception. Remembrances in Gary's name may be made to the American Heart Association . A Navy memorial service in the Washington, DC area will be held on December 10, 2010.

When I first met Gary at the Center for Naval Analyses in the early 1990s, he was this wonderfully mysterious figure who spent most of his time elsewhere in unnamed and unmentionable activities (i.e., working for NRO before its existence was acknowledged). Gary had a wonderful sense of humor, and was an amazing banterer. He always greeted the same mock-serious way, lowering his head and intoning deeply in his distinctive Cape Cod accent, "DOC-tor Bar-NETT!"  I would always reply, "DOC-tor FED-e-ri-ci!" and then we'd chuckle.  Gary was always self-deprecating about coming from what he saw as humble roots (I believe his people were in cranberries), and he liked that I came from a small town in Nowhere Wisconsin.  So I guess he always liked to celebrate, in that small way, our high academic achievements, as if it still tickled--daily--to consider how far he'd come.

Gary was a huge mentor to me, teaching me untold things about the defense bureaucracy.  He was more intelligent and knowledgable about the Pentagon bureaucracy (factions, wings, movements, etc.) than anybody I've ever met.  Gary's genius was in producing great work--in the movie sense.  He'd assemble the right mix of stars, shape the story and the sponsor's expectations, and then manage it all deftly from his desk, where he rarely sat because he tended to be in perpetual schmoozing motion.  Gary rarely wrote much himself and yet every sentence in every document ever created under him bore some light touch of his.  He was always saying, "You know, I was thinking, we need to get something in the piece about . . .."  

Gary was a social animal of the highest order, and he worked a room with the best.  You always felt better about yourself--no matter the moment--after interacting with him.  He had that glorious, loving touch--a generosity of spirit that is truly rare in the world.  You couldn't help but smile whenever you saw Gary, because he would almost always grin when he saw you--and chuckle like it was a game. Spotting him in elevators and doing our "Dr." drill was a highlight of many of my days at CNA.

Gary simply fascinated me from day one almost two decades ago, and it delighted me to no end to have a short F2F with him in his Pentagon office this summer, and later a nice long lunch at the SECNAV mess. 

Gary's illness and passing were relatively sudden, meaning nobody saw this coming.

I will miss Gary's voice most of all, and especially his personal advice to me regarding my creativity.  Rarely a day goes by when I don't consider his very wise words.  My favorite moments with Gary were actually over the phone. When I worked with him in the mid-1990s on a series of IT-related CNA research docs (to include a fabulous two-week stint with him in Panama for a SOUTHCOM classified intell exercise and two week-long stints out in Hawaii for PACOM command post exercises), he would often call me on Sunday mornings and we'd talk for a couple of hours about . . . just about everything.  I loved his accent, and I love hearing it echo in my RI-born son Jerry's voice today.  It almost always makes me laugh and think of Gary.

For my memory, what I wrote with and for Gary at CNA:

  • Information Warfare Training in Tempo Brave 96:  The Dog That Did Not Bark, by Gary A. Federici and Thomas P.M. Barnett, CNA Annotated Briefing 96-106, March 1997, Center for Naval Analyses.
  • Digital Weave:  Future Trends in Navigation, Telecommunications, and Computing, by Thomas P.M. Barnett and Pat A. Pentland, CNA Annotated Briefing 98-52, June 1998, Center for Naval Analyses.
  • Global Alternative Futures and the NRO, unattributed [but done by me anonymously while a Naval War College professor], CNA Working Paper 99-772, June 1999, Center for Naval Analyses.
  • Moving Military Space Past the Peer Competitor Paradigm:  Is Space a Mission, a Medium or the Message? G.A. Federici (Editor) [I wrote it anonymously again], CNA Professional Paper 549, November 1999, Center for Naval Analyses.
  • The Seven Deadly Sins of Network-Centric Warfare:  A Devil's Advocate Looks at Global 98, by Thomas P.M. Barnett, CNA Occasional Paper, September 1998, Center for Naval Analyses. [this became the later Proceedings article, easily the most influential thing I had ever written up to that point].

When Gary and I met this last summer, he said he still pulled these docs out in his work in the Pentagon and used them, a notion that made us both laugh hard over our navy bean soup.

For me, Gary was legitimately one of those guys where I can say, I wouldn't be where I am today if he hadn't entered my life.  I genuinely loved him like a brother, as did my incredibly discerning wife (whom he'd chat up to no end if he caught me out of the house one of those Sunday mornings, as Vonne spent several years working on the Cape).  

Gary will be greatly missed from our lives.  Just one of the coolest guys I've ever come across.


Big-War Thinking in a Small-War Era: The Rise of the AirSea Battle Concept @ China Security journal

Big-War Thinking in a Small-War Era:  The Rise of the AirSea Battle Concept 

Amidst increasing US-China tensions in East Asia, America has upped the ante with the introduction a new war doctrine. The AirSea Battle Concept is a call for cooperation between the Air Force and Navy to overcome the capabilities of potential enemies. But the end result may be an escalation of hostilities that will lock the United States into an unwarranted Cold War-style arms competition with China.

Read the entire article at China Security.


Monday the blog moves to Wikistrat

It'll be transparent to you all, and the blog will continue in much the same way as it is now.  I'll just be devoting more and more of my irrepressible analytical efforts (as longtime readers know, I've tried to repress them on a regular basis!) to Wikistrat products, which I'm excited to help develop. As I'm currently working with my editor, Mark Warren, to go to market with "The Emily Updates" book, I don't have the outlet of working a new volume on globalization/US foreign policy/international relations and Wikistrat gives me a relationship where I can put those inescapable energies to some use.  That's also why I'm getting my security clearance re-established almost six years after I gave it up at the Naval War College.

Unless I pick this sort of focus for the blog, I just wouldn't know what to do with all the information I get from tracking the media and all the ideas that result, and I'm just not ready to retire that part of my brain.  It's simply too much of who I am.  But as my decision a while back to stop the heavy volume indicated, after six-and-a-half years of blogging (this is post 12,006), I needed either to decide and integrate these analytical efforts more formally into my work or to set it aside.  Fortunately for me, Wikistrat saw an opportunity in that decision-point and so we'll see how this collaboration evolves.

Again, it was time for me to find some larger home for the blog and my larger body of work versus doing this all by myself as the proverbial one-armed paperhanger.  Now that Enterra has matured to the point where we're no longer in the evangelical mode and I'm back to the level of effort I had in my first 2-3 years with the company, I need to reacquaint myself with a lot of subjects where I've maintained the minimum  of currency to write but not the maximum possible for deeper exploration as I see fit--or simply get excited enough to pursue.  

And I think moving the blog to Wikistrat will help me do that.

So see you there next Monday.


The Politics Blog: The Problem with David Petraeus Talking to the Taliban

Much has been made of the new "talks to end the war in Afghanistan" as General David Petraeus "rewrites the playbook in Afghanistan." The King of Counterinsurgency has shelved his nation-building effort to broker a near-term peace accord with Hamid Karzai, say the journalists fed information by the very man who's given up on Karzai, ambassador Karl Eickenberry. (Or so says Bob Woodward.) And while informed observers are quick to note that U.S. armed forces are still laying it on thick — with real success, it now appears — not enough has been made of the dangerous game Petraeus is playing for the long term. It's a bet that could end up putting U.S. arms back in the hands of a new wave of terrorists.

Read the entire post at Esquire's The Politics Blog. 


Stratfor: yelling "Holocaust" in Germany's "multikulti" theater

Stratfor's CEO George Friedman in his Geopolitical Weekly takes note of Angela Merkel's speech to the young members of her Christian Democratic Union.

As the FT reported it, "Ms Merkel said Muslim immigrants and indigneous Germans must do more to encourage integration."  To that end, she said:  "We should not be a country that gives the impression . . . that those who don't speak German immediately or who were not raised speaking German are not welcome here."

But how Friedman spun it was fear-mongering at its best--fairly shoddy for a company that says it will make you more intelligent about the world.

The piece starts out just fine:

German Chancellor Angela Merkel declared at an Oct. 16 meeting of young members of her party, the Christian Democratic Union, that multiculturalism, or Multikulti, as the Germans put it, “has failed totally' . . .

The statements were striking in their bluntness and their willingness to speak of a dominant German culture, a concept that for obvious reasons Germans have been sensitive about asserting since World War II. The statement should be taken with utmost seriousness and considered for its social and geopolitical implications. It should also be considered in the broader context of Europe’s response to immigration, not to Germany’s response alone. . .

The onus on assimilating migrants into the larger society increased as Muslim discontent rocked Europe in the 1980s. The solution Germans finally agreed upon in the mid-to-late 1980s was multiculturalism, a liberal and humane concept that offered migrants a grand bargain: Retain your culture but pledge loyalty to the state.

In this concept, Turkish immigrants, for example, would not be expected to assimilate into German culture. Rather, they would retain their own culture, including language and religion, and that culture would coexist with German culture. Thus, there would be a large number of foreigners, many of whom could not speak German and by definition did not share German and European values.

While respecting diversity, the policy seemed to amount to buying migrant loyalty . . 

Friedman then talks up the different experience of the U.S. and contrasts the German "grand bargain."

The Germans tried to have their workers and a German identity simultaneously. It didn’t work.

Multiculturalism resulted in the permanent alienation of the immigrants . . .

Then he gets truly weird:

What is fascinating is that the German chancellor has chosen to become the most aggressive major European leader to speak out against multiculturalism. Her reasons, political and social, are obvious. But it must also be remembered that this is Germany, which previously addressed the problem of the German nation via the Holocaust. In the 65 years since the end of World War II, the Germans have been extraordinarily careful to avoid discussions of this issue, and German leaders have not wanted to say things such as being committed to a dominant German culture. We therefore need to look at the failure of multiculturalism in Germany in another sense, namely, with regard to what is happening in Germany. [emphasis mine]

So far we've got Merkel saying she still needs foreign workers, but that she wants them to integrate and truly join the German nation rather than be ghettoized, but Friedman's already insinuating the possibility of something far more sinister, as if modern Germany's choices here fall into the binary pairing of multikulti versus the Holocaust!

Seems a bit stark, ja?  As if Germans today are barely self-contained Nazis just waiting for the right moment to break out?  I mean, where does Friedman get the evidence to jump back over the past 65 years of German behavior and simply bring up the Holocaust?  Sure, I can always find you some racist right-wing Bavarian pol who speaks of "alien cultures."  Heck, we've got these retrograde types in the U.S. in good numbers, but jumping from that modest reality to invoking something on the level of genocide is a bit much, is it not?  Can't we get some more sophisticated analysis that explores scenarios between those two extremes? 

Remember, Friedman's book, The Next 100 Years, features a WWIII in the 2050s range, with Turkey subbing for Nazi Germany and Japan playing themselves in the new axis (Coalition), and the U.S. partnering with Poland this time. Germany, naturally, sympathizes with the new axis.  While Japan and the US duke it out on the Moon (our seemingly indestructible Battle Star buys it just like Pearl Harbor!), Germany sees its chance on Poland and launches a 21st-century bliztkrieg in 2051 (page 205)--France in tow.  But, as luck would have it, we pull a new Battle Star out of our toolkit, which stuns everyone (I know, scenario by George Lucas), and we rescue the embattled Poles (Germans to the right of me, Turkish to the south, here I am, stuck in the middle with you) with our cool new batteries fueled directly by the sun.

Anyway, to make this kind of dark-star future happen, Friedman needs a Germany that goes its own way in Europe--the return of 20th-century nationalism.

And he thinks he's found it in Merkel's speech:

Simply put, Germany is returning to history. It has spent the past 65 years desperately trying not to confront the question of national identity, the rights of minorities in Germany and the exercise of German self-interest. The Germans have embedded themselves in multinational groupings like the European Union and NATO to try to avoid a discussion of a simple and profound concept: nationalism. Given what they did last time the matter came up [emphasis mine], they are to be congratulated for their exercise of decent silence. But that silence is now over . . .

So there it is, subscribers, just in case you missed it.  The Nazis are back and all of Europe is at risk!

I have to you, I consider this to be complete nonsense and bad history to boot.  Germans have not spent the last 65 "desperately trying not to confront the question of national identity."  My God, these people have spent the last 65 years agonizing over it ad nauseum--and very publicly.  Friedman would have a better go of it pinning that analysis on the Japanese.

And all this because the Greeks couldn't handle credit cards:

After the Greek and related economic crises, the certainties about a united Europe have frayed. Germany now sees itself as shaping EU institutions so as not to be forced into being the European Union’s ultimate financial guarantor. And this compels Germany to think about Germany beyond its relations with Europe.

Wait for it, here comes the Lebensraum pitch:  "Ve need verkers, ja!"

Consider that Merkel made clear that Germany needed 400,000 trained specialists. Consider also that Germany badly needs workers of all sorts who are not Muslims living in Germany, particularly in view of Germany’s demographic problems. If Germany can’t import workers for social reasons, it can export factories, call centers, medical analysis and IT support desks. Not far to the east is Russia, which has a demographic crisis of its own but nonetheless has spare labor capacity due to its reliance on purely extractive natural resources for its economy. Germany already depends on Russian energy. If it comes to rely on Russian workers, and in turn Russia comes to rely on German investment, then the map of Europe could be redrawn once again and European history restarted at an even greater pace . . .

Once again, Germany looks East--with desire!

Okay, I kid a bit, but seriously, this is how Friedman extrapolates Merkel's fairly sensible speech?

How about this notion:

It is impossible for Germany to reconsider its position on multiculturalism without, at the same time, validating the principle of the German nation. Once the principle of the nation exists, so does the idea of a national interest. Once the national interest exists, Germany exists in the context of the European Union only as what Goethe termed an “elective affinity.” What was a certainty amid the Cold War now becomes an option. And if Europe becomes an option for Germany, then not only has Germany re-entered history, but given that Germany is the leading European power, the history of Europe begins anew again.

This isn’t to say that Germany must follow any particular foreign policy given its new official view on multiculturalism; it can choose many paths. But an attack on multiculturalism is simultaneously an affirmation of German national identity. You can’t have the first without the second. And once that happens, many things become possible.

This isn't analysis of the real issues; this is dredging up old imagery to scare you into thinking that Germany can't move beyond multikulti to anything but the destruction of the EU concept, and frankly, that's a whopper to begin with, given Germany's integral role in creating and sustaining the European community all these decades.  Truth is, you can attack the head-in-the-sand approach of multikulti without simultaneously boosting the notion of the exclusivity of German identity.  Merkel is searching for something bigger, not smaller.

European nationalism had its last gasp in the Balkans.  What Germany now confronts it a post-modern concept called identity. Nationalism is externally focused; identity is internally focused. Friedman, in my opinion, misuses the concepts to make you scared about untold-but-all-too-familiar-for-people-of-a-certain-generation possibilities.  The future is about what the young think, not about what the old fear.

It is an old story in this business: when you constantly bet on conflict/decline/devolution, you spend all your time looking for supporting evidence, rather than simply exploring where the evidence may take us.  The analysis I've always tried to bring to bear involves helping people get to where they want this world to be, versus running from past demons.  Leave that level of fun to Quentin Tarantino.

Friedman needs to elevate his game and stop peddling these reruns of the 20th century.  Stratfor does some nice work, but analysis needs to be more than simply regurgitating old scary stories to keep people up at night. The complexity of issues we confront going forward requires a collaborative solution-oriented mindset.


Taiwan Relations Act: The Brer Rabbit defense

My friend Galrahn dutifully--and correctly--takes me to task for not specifying, in last week's post, that the Defense Department is obligated by law to both provide for Taiwan's defense against China (sell them arms) and maintain a US military capacity to resist Chinese force.  He says that my critiquing the Pentagon on this is unfair.

While Galrahn's points are technically correct, it's also certainly true that the Defense Deparment has a lot of leeway on how they can interpret meeting that requirement.  After all, what stops us from simply noting that we've got a lot of nukes and they can be enough to deter China from invading Taiwan.  Nothing in the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979 specifies conventional capabilities versus nuclear.  It just says "to maintain the capacity of the United States to resist any resort to force or other forms of coercion that would jeopardize the security, or the social or economic system, of the people on Taiwan." Give Taiwan enough defensive firepower, promise a nuclear back-up and call it a day.  But we choose, or rather, our Defense Department now chooses, to build an entire big-war warfighting concept around this scenario (no, no, nothing provocative there).  Nothing in the law demands that level of strategic focus or conventional effort.  So no, Galrahn, my rant wasn't misdirected. Pointing the Pentagon's finger at Congress and saying, "I'm just following orders" doesn't cut it here.

We've made a series of choices inside the Pentagon to elevate the meaning of Taiwan going back a decade and a half.  No outside power forced these choices; the military made this call on its own. The Taiwan scenario has become the calling-card scenario for the big-war force, much sturdier than the pathetic North Korean scenarios of collapse, or the bomb-heavy vignettes for Iran (unless you think we want to occupy that place too any time soon).  Simply put, until the Taiwan Strait crises in 1995-96 got the DoD turned-on to China as the near-peer competitor, you simply never heard about the Act as a baseline justification for force structure.  It merely explained arms sales to the island.  I know this, because I worked force structure issues for the Navy at the Center for Naval Analyses in the early 1990s (it was, like, bullet 4-a on slide 53, and when you saw it, you'd turn to the guy next to you, and intone knowingly, "Of course, the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979," and then you'd be back to business).  The Act was a completely backburner issue until the Sov residual threat got so low in those early post-Cold War years (after it became likewise apparent that the "rising sun" wasn't going to fulfill anybody's fantasies except Michael Crichton's--yes, I actually had senior military officers tell me in great seriousness to read the book to understand the future looming Japanese threat), that the Act sort of surfaced like a bureaucratic bedrock at low tide.

The Taiwan Strait crises also birthed many of the original network-centric warfare concepts.  It really was a seminal series of events--the proverbial wake-up call.  But then 9/11 comes and we don't hear about it all that much anymore--save for those pesky arms sales and the usual huffing and puffing from Beijing on the subject. 

The difference today is that the AirSea Battle Concept--basically a navalized, mini-me version of the AirLand Battle concept vis-a-vis the Sovs in Europe during the 1980s--is clearly based on this scenario, with a paltry assist from Iran (not a great country you want to lump in, image-wise, when you seek China's help on Iranian nuke developments, but a sale is a sale).  And I gotta tell you, that's some chutzpah, basing a new high-end combat ordering principle on the same nation you're seeking all this cooperation from--like salvaging your economy right now.

Seriously, anybody has to admit that making an entire air-sea, big-war battle concept out of the Taiwan Relations Act is going above and beyond the call of duty.  In my opinion, it goes beyond defense policy to a good share of foreign policy as well, cementing in something for the long haul that may not serve our overall purposes in our evolving bilateral relationship with China.  

Is this a step we debate as Americans?  No.  Is this something our president explains to us, or our Secretary of State?  Not really. It's just an inside-the-Beltway affair led by a think tank that results in some language here and there in various planning docs and ultimately finds its expression in the budget.  Would the Navy or Air Force protest?  Above their pay grade, as they say, although plenty of retired flags from both services will tell you openly they think this is an odd path to be on, given the larger picture.  But most, if not all, will readily admit, as I do in an upcoming China Security piece, that, once you accept the deterrence logic on Taiwan, America needs to make the AirSea Battle Concept happen as merely the next-step ante to stay in this poker game.  And frankly, given the shopping list ginned up, any protest would sound very much in the Brer Rabbit mode.  After all, these are tight budgetary times, and quite frankly, Gates' logic begins with the need to find synergistic savings.  So why target the best thing going (enshrined in law!)?  I mean, the Chinese do the same, do they not?

My point is this:  is this the best we can do at this point in history?  China doesn't need any help triggering a balancing response across Asia, as I've noted here many times; they do it brilliantly on their own.  Frankly, we don't need much of a hedging strategy as a result; the containment policy writes itself--again, thanks to Chinese heavy-handedness.  

But the larger effort isn't particularly being made:  we are not building a better, bigger positive relationship with China, especially in mil-mil relations, to supersede the legacy negative one.  You can tell me that the Pentagon is just doing its job--following Congressional orders, as it were.  I just want something more imaginative at this point in history, you know, something that preps the diplomatic "battlefield" a bit--something the navy does well throughout history.  

And I just don't see it happening.  Our offers of cooperation with China typically involve asking them to join our party on our terms, whatever the situation in question.  Will you do what we want you to do in Iran/Sudan/Myanmar/North Korea/South China Sea/etc.?  You know, show us you're responsible by giving us what we want.  [Then there's the awkward but oddly workable--if entirely unfair in burden sharing--"limited liability partnership," as I call it, in Iraq and Afghanistan, where our blood pays for Chinese treasure.]  

And big surprise, rising powers don't negotiate well on those terms.  America rarely did during its decades of rising. That sort of trajectory makes you arrogant and full of yourself, and China is definitely in that mode.  

And yes, while that sort of thing needs to be subtly resisted, we need to be preparing for the leaner years--as in, our leaner years and China post-some crash or inevitable slowdown.  We need to building something--again--positive, and mil-mil relations can be spectacularly positive in that way.

I don't think we've thought through, in any comprehensive sense, what our devotion to this blue law from from the Cold War is costing us--opportunity-wise, or the signals that it sends, or what we risk with it in a strategic sense.  I think it's simply on the books, so the bureaucracy grinds its answer, and when sanctuary from a scary budgetary climate is sought, that "requirement" is not just an oldie but a very goodie.

It's just not where we're going as a power or where this system is going.  We are steering by our wake, because it feels comfortable and good, and--damn it--it's the law!

And I don't see a lot of strategy in that.  I see people, like Galrahn, patting the Obama administration on the back for simply having foolish behavior fall into their laps and doing the right thing by it--again, because it feels good and it makes us seem more important than--quite frankly--we really are.  Our "cooperative strategy," as he calls it, is pretty much what it's always been in the Pacific:  make us the most important bilateral partner with as many states there as possible.  Again, with the Chinese playing the fools (i.e., old Soviet role) on this one, that's not a hard strategy to pursue, but it's one that retards the Asian integration process to a certain extent, in the name of hedging against, and somewhat containing, China.  

And if we were set to play global policeman with budgetary ease for the next couple of decades, I would be the first to say, fine and dandy.  Wait on these guys to grow up, and democratize, and a whole bunch of other requirements.  But I don't think our finances or globalization will wait on those evolutions, so I think we need to start thinking about making do with the landscape--and players therein--as they're presented to us.  Because keeping China in this retarded state of "pol-mil" development (and I use that term of art purposefully) isn't wise, in my opinion.  I think we need to do more--faster--than just keep them in their place until they demonstrate the preferred type of global following skills (I mean, leadership).  I think that attitude retards our own, much needed pol-mil development (yes, we actually have some things still to learn about this globalization of our making).

Unless you think U.S. military power is what makes us who we are. I've always thought it enables us to display leadership, but that it's not a substitute for it.  

And that worries me--this unstated, barely articulated strategic course we seem to be on.

I got accused a lot--and rightfully--of granting Bush-Cheney better rationales for their policies than they themselves had. I think Galrahn does the same here with Obama and Clinton.  I think Hillary is the shining star simply by default, because I see no great accomplishments, just well-worn reactions to a perceived rival's foolish behavior.  Remember, these guys came in with Jim Steinburg's "strategic reassurance," when "nice" China was having a good year (2008-09) and we were grateful for their saving the global economy (and let's admit it, no China, and things get a whole lot worse).  Now China is having a bad year, as Galrahn rightfully notes, and now we're all about overstating our interest in the South China Sea so as to match China's absurd claim of sovereignty.  If that's isn't chasing events or trends, than what is?

This is Schadenfreude masquerading as grand strategy--too much of it, actually, on both sides.  Mirror-imaging in this regard ("Look how popular we are in Asia right now!  Vietnam loves us! Take that, China!") isn't all that imaginative.  China's "charm offensive" got offensive, so now we've fallen into one by default.

And you know, hoping Brett self-destructs isn't the same as getting the Packers into the Super Bowl.

There are other paths and there are other voices.  If we want to get this future right, we should invent it ourselves.


Deng: Develop the place, then decide the sovereignty

Another John Milligan-Whyte & Dain Min piece, this time in China  They argue that China needs to stop standing on the sidelines fuming about joint US naval ops/exercises with locals and simply join them, which I think is brilliant.  If China wants to assert the normality of their naval ops in their local waters, then they need to exercise with everybody at every opportunity.  They need to make their presence a welcome, stabilizing thing, because right now, their own operations in their own waters ARE destabilizing, because they are perceived to be about establishing/claiming sovereignty in a way that trumps the diplomatic process.

The underlying logic of the piece is even smarter--right out of Deng's mouth:

What can China do about having jurisdictional disputes with its neighboring countries which have now been complicated by China and America asserting conflicting "vital national interests" in the South China Sea? How can China put jurisdictional disputes back into their normal peaceful mode? China and the nations that it has jurisdictional disputes with can form a joint development corporation called "South China Sea Joint Development Corporation" to economically develop the disputed areas peacefully. It is easier to negotiate the size of each participating nation's investments, responsibilities and share of the profits of such a corporation with multinational win-win policies. The joint development corporation approach avoids the zero sum game ownership disputes during which no nation can safely develop the economic benefits nor safe guard its national pride and interests in the disputed areas.

On February 22, 1984 Deng Xiaoping discussed what now for decades have been China's successful solutions to the Taiwan and Hong Kong sovereignty issues with the Center for Strategic and International Studies. He said, "I have also considered the possibility of resolving certain territorial disputes by having the countries concerned jointly develop the disputed areas before discussing the question of sovereignty. New approaches should be sought to solve such problems according to realities."

Smart stuff.

Make the development happen first, and then calmly divide the spoils, rather than get all huffy up front and suggest the only acceptable answer is that somebody wins and somebody must lose.  In the end, China will end up winning most of the time, NOT because of the supply of its military power, which will consistently backfire in its application, but because of the power of its domestic demand, which everyone will want to satisfy because there is good money to be made in doing so.


WPR's The New Rules: Nation-Building, not Naval Threats, Key to South Asian Security

It is hard for most Americans to fathom why the U.S. military should be involved in either Afghanistan or northwest Pakistan for anything other than the targeting of terrorist networks. And since drones can do most of that dirty work, few feel it is vital to engage in the long and difficult task of nation-building in that part of the world. These are distant, backward places whose sheer disconnectedness relegates them to the dustbin of globalization, and nothing more.

If only that were true. 

Read the rest of the column at World Politics Review.

The book reviewed in the piece is Monsoon:  The Indian Ocean and the Future of American Power.


A biographical sketch in "Military Transformation and Modern Warfare: A Reference Handbook" (2010)

Book by Elinor Sloan, Ottawa-based IR prof and retired Canadian military officer.  Part of a regular series.


This book focuses on military transformation, including its revolution in military affairs origins, its newer special operations forces, counterinsurgency, and stabilization and reconstruction components, and its wider homeland defense, space and deterrence dimensions. It examines the militaries of the United States, China, Russia, NATO, Australia, Britain, Canada, France, and Germany.


The book contains a biographical sketch of Andrew Marshall, Andrew Krepinevich, William Owens, Arthur Cebrowski, Donald Rumsfeld, and Thomas Barnett, all of whom have been involved in some aspect of military transformation.

A pretty tight formation.  I've worked for three:  Owens when Vice Chairman on a CNA study, Cebrowski at the Naval War College and then at the Pentagon under Rumsfeld.  I've met and worked side-by-side with Krepinevich for a defense contractor, and came away impressed with him as a person and thinker, even as I often disagree with him (the same was often true with Art).  Marshall I've met and spent time with at select workshops (not a big talker), and also briefed a couple of times (once in group and once alone), and have also passed several times while we both addressed conferences. Rumsfeld I personally met once, despite the two years of working one body below:  when I interviewed him for the 2006 Esquire cover story/profile.  I would, with no feigned humility, describe myself as the least important in that historic crowd, my role being primarily a function of Art and Art's being--at its apogee--a function of Rumsfeld.  But then, that's what I always said when asked. Art was also a function of Owens--as were many others.  Krepinevich, as his sketch notes, was/is a function of Marshall, although it can be argued that, with the ascendance of the AirSea Battle Concept, he has become his own force--pun intended.  I would also say I'm the only small-wars focused guy in that crowd, which doesn't speak to my "influence" (see below) so much as my predictive ability.

My biographical sketch:

Thomas P.M. Barnett


When Arthur Cebrowski took on the task of leading the office of force transformation in the fall of 2001, one of the first things he did was establish five study areas.  Although one focused specifically on the military transformation efforts of the U.S. services, others were much broader. Thomas Barnett, a Harvard educated expert on Russia and the Warsaw Pact who was a strategy professor at the U.S. Naval War College while Cebrowski was its president, was brought to Washington and asked to conduct a wide reaching study on "how the U.S. military should look at the world."  At the office of force transformation he developed a power point presentation that catapulted him to prominence in the years immediately following 9/11.  He eventually delivered the presentation over 500 times to audiences of government officials, military officers, and think tanks in and outside America.

The central idea of Barnett's presentation, and the 2004 book for which he is best know, The Pentagon's New Map, is that the world can best be understood through the lens of globalization. He divides the world into two: a "functioning core" of nations, fully plugged into the world economy, including the old core of North America, Western Europe, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand, and also the emerging core of Eastern Europe, Russia, China, South Africa, India, Brazil, Chile, and Argentina; and a "non-integrating gap" of nations comprising theocracies, dictatorships, and failed states that are unwilling or unable to participate in a globalized world economy. Barnett argues that if we want to know where future conflicts will take place we need to look at where globalization has taken root and where it has not.  Where globalization has spread we find stable governments that do not require military interventions and do not warrant consideration as threats, but where globalization has not spread we find "failed states that command our attention and rogue states that demand our vigilance."  Not only has the vast majority of the crises since the end of the Cold War taken place within the nonintegrating gap, he points out, but in his view "this gap is the expeditionary theater for U.S. military forces in the 21st century."

Barnett's contribution to the conceptual thinking surrounding military transformation lies in his particular view on the sorts of forces that will be necessary to operate in this nonintegrating gap. He argues the United States needs two militaries:  one to fight wars, a Leviathan force, and one to wage peace, a System Administrator force--and it is on the latter where he places his greatest emphasis.  While the leviathan force may occasionally be necessary, he argues, the focus should be on funding a system administrator force that can "shrink the gap" by helping failed and conquered joint the functioning core of nations.  In his view war with China is highly unlikely, given that it is part of the functioning core, and resources expended to meet this potential peer competitor would be better spent on capabilities for peacekeeping and nation-building.  These would comprise primarily ground troops and especially the marine corps--which he feels is better suited to a system administrator role--while the Leviathan force,which would grow progressively smaller as nations integrated into the global economy, would draw primarily from the air force and the navy, as well as heavy armor.  Barnett's focus on peacekeeping was consistent with ideas that emerged more generally in the office of force transformation in 2003 about stability and reconstruction divisions.  

It is unclear how much influence Barnett, who expanded his ideas in a 2005 book Blueprint for Action and is now a private consultant, had on the current course of military transformation in the United States.  Nonetheless, his ideas sparked a valuable debate on the appropriate prism through which to view the world, and on the types of forces necessary to address contemporary threats.


Another mention in People's

Once again it is John Milligan-Whyte and his partner Dai Min, who write a weekly column for both People's Daily and China Daily.  If you recall, they mentioned my stuff once before, sent me a copy of one of their books, and I wrote a WPR column about it.  As I said in the WPR article, their stuff is clearly biased toward the Chinese case, much as mine is biased toward the U.S. case (they make no bones about it and neither do I), but it's the best, most straightforward counterparty example I have come across on the Chinese side for Sino-American alliance in this century, so you have to take it seriously if you take that goal seriously.

To remind from their byline:

John Milligan-Whyte has been called the "new Edgar Snow" and "21st century Kissinger" and is the winner of Social Responsibility Award from the 2010 Summit of China Business Leaders. John Milligan-Whyte and Dai Min are co-hosts of the Collaboration of Civilizations television series, founders of the Center for America-China Partnership, which has been recognized as "the first American think tank to combine and integrate American and Chinese perspectives providing a complete answer for the success of America and China's success in the 21st century," and the authors of the America-China Partnership Book Series that created a "New School of America-China Relations." 

I recently had a long Skype call with the two, because I wanted to check them out and get some sense of where they're coming from.  John has a long legal background as a lawyer in Bermuda for several decades.  He connects with Dai Min a few years back and makes the permanent leap to Beijing, sensing an historic opportunity for business dealmaking, especially as China's second-tier cities take off.  But what really drives these two is their unwavering commitment to fostering a better relationship between China and the U.S., which is what drew them to my stuff. 

I get asked a lot:  does anybody push for Sino-American strategic alliance in the US like you do?  And I always say, in terms of the strategic thinking community, no.  Some, like Niall Ferguson, speak about the symbiotic nature that already exists, but more as a symptom than as a basis for larger cooperation.  The reason why I push on this is that, like I argued in China Security (see just below) back in 2008, my logic of global integration and globalization's advance says this relationship must be or globalization essentially goes backward, something I don't think the planet could handle in many ways, because the sheer numbers involved in an emerging global middle class mean we've reached that all-sink-or-all-swim-together moment--resource- and cooperation-wise.  Knowing my timeline on the inevitability of political pluralism in China (I target a late 2020s/early 2030s as the rough half-century mark after Deng's initial revolutionary reforms), I then see the next two decades as perhaps the most crucial in human history--as in, get the big pieces right and all works out, but set the two biggest pieces against one another, and this can all go very badly--and backwards.

So I'm comfortable being perceived as too out-there and a bit naive on this subject, because I know I'll see the day when this logic comes to pass, and I'll be on the right side of history--betting on improvements and compromise and cooperation over degradation and ultimatums and conflict.

And so I do find these two thinkers awfully interesting, because they're tilting at the same windmill, but on the other side, where, quite frankly, I think the receptivity is much better at this point in history (a faltering #1 is more scared and thus more inflexible than a rising #2).  Thus I see a future collaborative effort between my work and what these two are seeking to accomplish via their center and foundation.  Collectively, we're a bit rag-tag compared to the powers-that-be, but I enjoy living and working primarily on the basis of the power of my ideas, and John and Dai Min are very similar in this regard (John, arguing like a lawyer in court, and Dai Min, possessing the mind of a business-developer/marketer).  Like most visionary types, they come as awfully self-promoting (John's theatrical way of speaking makes you realize this guy is ALWAYS in court), but being one myself (and long being accused of the same--to include the "entertaining" delivery), I don't have a problem with that. I enjoy working with people who really want to change the world and aren't shy about it (working with Steve DeAngelis is very similar, as he too is always about not just a business but a revolution in doing business).  I have no desire to live a life that does anything less.

Anyway, here's snippets of the piece (the start and the finish--where I am mentioned again):

President Obama announced he was launching a new era of partnership when he was in the process of recruiting the team of veteran China policymakers and advisors. Nonetheless, the positive approach he instinctively favored disappeared. Conventional and then hostile policies and actions began defining his administration's relationship with China. 

His policymakers are implementing an increasingly hostile approach referred to as hardball in the US press. It could be deliberately seeking to cause China to not continue Deng Xiaoping's successful policies of opening up economically to U.S. companies and of peaceful coexistence with America and or other nations. It could be simply disastrous U.S. policymaking responding poorly to the U.S. economic and national security crises. In any case, the hardball approach makes collaborative and therefore successful U.S. and Chinese policies hard to imagine or implement.

A U.S. president launching a new era of partnership with China is unconventional. It goes against the US policymakers' views and widespread U.S. feelings that China is a threat to Americans. But leading the changing of the direction of U.S. policies toward China is a presidential prerogative whether it begins covertly at the height of the United States' unsuccessful Vietnam War or covertly and then when private agreement is reached, it is changed once more overtly during the current U.S. economic, employment and other crises. 

A U.S. president cannot effectively begin to successfully establish a new era of partnership or solve economic and national security problems until he finds advisors and experts with policies able to achieve his goals. To do so, President Nixon reached out to Professor Kissinger at Harvard because Kissinger shared his worldview and goals and others did not. President Obama is currently overseeing the changing of many advisors who were key players in the first two years of his administration. He is looking for but not yet finding breakthroughs or new policies providing solutions to U.S. economic and national security problems. 

Neither America nor China can fully meet the economic and national security needs of their nation without the sincere, coordinated and constant help of the other. It is not possible in this century for one of the two largest economies in the world to fail, and the other to succeed. Because his administration is not finding the effective policies toward China needed to solve the U.S. crises, President Obama is open-minded and decisive. If China presents him with and supports solutions, he will grasp why they are solutions and lead in explaining them to U.S. policymakers and in implementing them. But until he finds solutions and has China's support in implementing them, he cannot take on the fear of China and hardball thinking policymakers in the US. Let's be clear about this, he needs Chinese policymakers to reach out to him with solutions because neither he nor his advisors have them today. Second, he can only act when a set of solutions has been privately negotiated and agreed, Kissinger style, and he is absolutely sure China will support the solutions when he announces his support for them . . .


. . . President Obama has pledged that he will double U.S. exports to China in an effort to increase U.S. competitiveness and stimulate its economy. To increase exports to China, the United States will need to remove policies that restrict trade with China and propose policies that are mutually beneficial for both nations. 

Increasing U.S. exports to China also requires preventing a trade or currency war. Nonetheless, economic and trade policymakers in President Obama's administration have implemented tariffs on steel, tires and other goods made in China, introduced more than 23 anti-dumping, anti-subsidy and special protectionist tariffs, and launched at least six Section 337 investigations against China for alleged unfair practices in export trade. At least a 53 percent increase in the number of cases involved 7.6 billion U.S. dollars worth of Chinese exports, which is 800 percent more than in the previous year. The U.S. is seeking to increase its exports to China while setting up trade barriers for China's exports. China is the world's largest importer, and currently China and the U.S. are each other's second largest trading partners. There are threats of new tariffs if China does not agree to the United States' proposed carbon emissions cap and trade proposals and lately talk of a currency war and tariffs over cap and trade. This is occurring in addition to longstanding U.S. trade restrictions on what can be sold to China because U.S. military strategy is traditionally preparing for war with China. 

This is not the optimum path for American policymaking. Or is it? Americans are suffering from relentless and unsuccessful wars, unsustainable global trade deficits and government debt, high unemployment and the worst economic crisis in a hundred years. To many U.S. policymakers who learned their craft in the Cold War, hard ball seems to be the realistic approach to the United States' most important bilateral and multilateral relationship. It is obvious to them that China, with its second largest and fastest growing economy, is an increasingly dangerous threat to U.S. economic and national security. Their zero sum game view of how global economics and geopolitics work assumes and acts as if for America to be successful, China must be unsuccessful. They are wrong. They do not realize that or they do realize that and are trying to engineering or blundering into a showdown. 

The key point is that until President Obama and the American people are presented with a plan for how America and China can both be successful in the 21st century, we are on the slippery slope. Chinese policymakers' safe response is to provide President Obama with a new grand strategy introduced for discussion in a white paper for the Presidents of American and China. China's leaders and President Obama should also read and discuss Thomas Barnett's "The Pentagon's New Map and Blueprint for Action: A Future Worth Creating." The Sino-U.S. relationship must be made profoundly better soon. Therefore it must be fundamentally different soon. The 20th century is over.


Blast from my past: "The Inevitable Alliance" (2008)

Debating China's Future


Li Cheng, Thomas P.M. Barnett, Harry Harding, Cui Liru, John J. Mearsheimer, Joseph S. Nye Jr., Rob Gifford, Mao Yushi, Bates Gill, Tang Shiping, Zhao Tingyang, Robert J. Barnett, David Shambaugh, June Teufel Dreyer, Pan Zhenqiang, Dan Blumenthal, Shi Yinhong, Robert S. Ross, Kenneth Lieberthal, Zha Daojiong, John Hamre and Xiang Lanxin



Thomas P.M. Barnett

The Inevitable Alliance

China’s main strategic vulnerability right now is that it possesses economic and network connectivity with the outside world that is unmatched by its political-military capacity to defend. This forces Beijing to “free ride” on Washington’s provision of global security services, a situation that makes China’s leaders uncomfortable today – as it should. American blood for Chinese oil is an untenable strategic transaction.

The United States faced a similar situation in its “rise” in the late 1800s and set about “rebranding” its military force over a several-decade period that culminated with a successful entry into World War I. Since World War II, the United States has maintained a primarily expeditionary force that is able to access international crises, and since the end of the Cold War has done so with unprecedented frequency. This too is an untenable strategic burden.

America needs to encourage China’s effective re-branding as an accepted worldwide provider of stability operations. The problem today is two-fold: 1) major portions of America’s military require China to remain in the enemy image to justify existing and new weapons and platforms; and 2) the Chinese military is hopelessly fixated on “access denial” strategies surrounding Taiwan, meaning it buys the wrong military for the strategic tasks that inevitably lie ahead.

So long as both nations insist on such mirror-imaging, their respective militaries will continue to buy one military while operating (or, in China’s case, needing to operate) another force that remains under-developed. Such strategic myopia serves neither great power’s long-term interests, which are clearly complimentary throughout the developing world.

The good news is that both China and the United States are within a decade’s time of seeing new generations emerge among their respective political and military leaderships. These future leaders view the potential for Sino-American strategic alliance far differently than do the current leadership generation. If Washington and Beijing can navigate the next dozen or so years without damaging current ties, I fully expect to see a Sino-American strategic alliance emerge.

I do not present this as a theoretical possibility, but as my professional judgment based on years of extensive contacts through both nations’ national security establishments.

Grand strategy often involves getting leaders to understand certain future inevitabilities. The global primacy of the Sino-American strategic alliance in the 21st century is one such future inevitability.

Thomas P.M. Barnett is the senior managing director of Enterra Solutions, and author of The Pentagon's New Map: War and Peace in the Twenty-First Century (New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 2004).

This week in globalization


Clearing out my files for the week:


  • Martin Wolf on why the US is going to win the global currency battle:  "To put it crudely, the US wants to inflate the rest of the world, while the latter is trying to deflate the US."  We win because we have infinite ammo.  But better that we come, per my Monday column, to some agreement at the G-20. 
  • Sebastian Mallaby, also in FT, says that, despite the current currency struggles, the "genie of global finance is out of the bottle" and not to be stuffed back in.  Wolf had noted $800B capital inflows to emerging markets 2010-2011, which is gargantuan, thus the crazy struggle of some places to keep their currencies low.  As for America stopping China from buying US bonds in retaliation for our not being able to buy Chinese assets?  China holds only about one-third of the US T-bonds abroad ($3T total), so it can buy all its wants from others in the system.  There is no turning back, he says.
  • Meanwhile, the Pentagon makes plans to turn back the clock on the globalization of defense manufacturing.  A new spending bill provision--inserted at DoD's request--includes the power to exclude foreign parts suppliers (read China). Just about every US-based defense firm uses offshore suppliers, so this is going to get very expensive very fast.  It'll be a lot harder to find that $100B in savings over five years. This is almost a fifth generation warfare version of shooting yourself in the foot--first, before the other guy can.  China does nothing here, that frankly we shouldn't be able to handle, but we move down a path that instantly adds a significant tax to everything we buy in the growing-by-leaps-and-bounds IT realm.  One hopes there's a half-billion for that American rare earths mining co. that's looking for a new investor.  Interesting how China's becoming vulnerable to, and dependent on, so many unstable parts of the world for resources, and we're going to cut off the tip of our IT nose to spite our face.  I can imagine a cheaper way, but that would be so naive in comparison to spending all this extra money.
  • China continues to buy low, as a ruthless capitalist should. Giving us a taste of what it could be like if we don't get too protectionist, it's buying up Greece's "toxic government bonds."--and plenty more in Europe. All of the EU is getting a taste, says Newsweek, as Chinese investors are snapping up bankrupt enterprises and--apparently--putting people back to work.  China also, like a ruthless capitalist, seeks to make bilats reduce the chance of EU-wide restrictions on its trade. Old American trick.
  • Another sign of globalization on the march:  emerging economies buying up food and beverage companies in the West that would otherwise naturally be targeting them for future expansion. Bankers expect the trend to continue.  Gotta feed and water that global middle class that keeps emerging at 70-75m a year.  Emerging economies are buying up the companies from equity firms that had previously bought them during down times.
  • Great FT story on how Turkey has the Iranian middle class in its sights.  Long history of smuggling inTurkey dips a toe in, would like to drink entire tub eastern Turkey.  Sanctions hold up what could be a major trade, so the black-marketing local Turks mostly smuggle gasoline--and a certain amount of heroin.  But the official goal is clear enough:  be ready to take advantage whenever Iran opens up.  A local Turkish chamber of commerce official floats the notion of a free trade zone at the border. Those 70m underserved Iranian consumers beckon.
  • India's airline industry can't keep up with demand generated by itsGet me planes and pilots--now! booming middle class. Boeing says Indian airlines will buy over 1,000 jets in the next two decades. Already they're forced to have one-in-five pilots be foreigners.
  • Fascinating WSJ story on how China's car economy is going wild, with ordinary Chinese exploring the freedom of the road.  Drive-in service is taking off, weekend jaunts mean hotel business, etc. In past visits I saw a lot of this coming down the pike.  Just like when America's car culture went crazy after WWII, this is a serious social revolution.

Don't forget your meal of eternal happiness!

  • Funny thing about all this South China Sea hubbub: "Corporate ties linking China and Japan have never been stronger," says the WSJ.  Serious driver?  Japan is exporting its mania for golf to China--the fastest growing market for the sport.  It's what middle-class guys do.

Coming soon: the "golf wars"


  • WSJ story on Vietnam creating its own Facebook to keep a closer eye on its netizens.  Defeat the anti-capitalist insurgents!What caught my attention: "The team has added online English tests and several state-approved video games, including a violent multi-player contest featuring a band of militants bent on stopping the spread of global capitalism."  I would say we finally won the Vietnam War.



Quick! Spot the resource war!

I know it's in there somewhere, just waiting to break out!