Dateline: SWA flight from BWI to PVD, 30 September 2004
I did a terribly thing a while back. I inadvertently slandered the Air Force, and that's pretty bad since that service, above all others, embraces me and my ideas most strongly.
Here's the storyline:
Way back when I was writing PNM, I made a point of going through all my footnotes with a fine-tooth comb. I did that during October of 2003 while Mark Warren was doing his initial stem-to-stern reads of the manuscript before we jumped into the final big edit in November.
Well, come January Mark and I were deep into our final edits of the manuscript, going over the our list of about 500 or so changes we were sending Putnam following the first big type-setting exercise, known as the First Pass. There was a section in Chapter 4 (The Core and the Gap) called "The Flow of Money, or Why We Won't Be Going to War with China," where I wanted to make a point about how so many Defense Department wargames since 1996 (Taiwan Straits crisis) focused on China threatening or invading the island. I did so obliquely, and so I didn't really need a footnote. Yet I wanted to toss one in if I could find the right sort of example.
Well, just as we were rushing this huge list of edits out the door, along comes this (seemingly) perfect Inside the Pentagon story that talked about an Air Force tabletop game in Alabama (Maxwell AFB, at Air University's gaming facility) where the employed scenario, as described in its unclassified version to the press by one of the designers, sounded like it fit the bill. I made a call to somebody I knew had been down there for the event, and we had a conversation about it. In retrospect, I heard only what I assumed to be true, and didn't actually ask him enough on the phone to verify my suspicion. I didn't ask outright, because the scenario was classified, so we talked in general terms about how the game approached the notion of loitering sensors, and it was in that general conversation that I thought I heard enough to confirm my "wild guess" as I later described it (sarcastically) in the final text that went into the footnote for page 242.
Now here's the real mistake: when asked by Fire and Movement to write a piece about gaming and the future of the Global War on Terrorism, I went back to that article, now firmly convinced that my original interpretation of its text was dead-on, when in fact it was dead-wrong. So when I skewered an unnamed Air Force tabletop game of January 2004 in the opening para of that article, I was not only inadvertently slandering this rather fine exercise, but I was dissing both the service that accepts and promotes my work most (the Air Force), plus the actual scenario employed fits extremely well with the main points and ethos of PNM!
So imagine the surprise when personnel in the long-range planning office of the Air Force, inside the Pentagon, read the article and then realized that the author of this book they liked so much had singled them out as prime examples of not moving ahead as he advises!
They were actually very nice about it. They sent me emails assuring me that whatever info I had received about that game, I had heard wrong. At first I thought that was what happened, until I reconstructed the events in my mind and realized that my "wild guess" was just that.
The fix? The editor of Fire and Movement will note in the next issue in his editor's column that I used the wrong example in my piece, and I've already rewritten the offending footnote for the paperback version of the book.
To make me feel like more of a hell (completely unintentionally on their part), it was this very same office that invited me down to sit with them yesterday in the Pentagon. They ran me through the materials of the January 2004 game (which was very good), and then asked my advice on things they might do with their planned event next year. It was actually a great discussion that made me realize that the Air Force, at least in this one game, had caught up to the many complaints I've long had about wargaming. So if that were the case, what would be my new complaints?
I don't say that just to be a contrarian. Once the client catches up, the futurist must immediately move on to the next "impossible demand" that he'd like to see employed sometime in the next five years, stating this demand with full knowledge that what he expects is almost impossible in the near term, but practically possible in the next 3 to 5 years, which is where I always want most of my advice to lieótime-wise.
In short, this conversation pushed my thinking ahead a good five years, and that's a pretty nice outcome from a screwed-up footnote (one of about 350 in the book, citing about 700 references, so my batting average is still pretty good).
Still, you walk away from the whole thing thinking . . . no last-minute footnotes!
Here's today's grab:
■More examples of why the "peaking of oil production" is a long way off
■Avian Flu: the System Perturbation in search of a pandemic
■Why I would welcome the return of a deal-making president
■Getting our heads straight on China
■Sys Admin Force: Have I got a deal for you!
■Outsourcing: Another bites the dust!
■The well-fed do as they want, the hungry do as they must . . . on energy
■Taking off the pinko-colored glasses and seeing Russia for what it is