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    The Emily Updates (Vol. 2): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    by Thomas P.M. Barnett, Vonne M. Meussling-Barnett
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    The Emily Updates (Vol. 3): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    by Thomas P.M. Barnett, Vonne M. Meussling-Barnett
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    The Emily Updates (Vol. 4): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    by Thomas P.M. Barnett, Vonne M. Meussling-Barnett
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    The Emily Updates (Vol. 5): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
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Entries from March 1, 2007 - March 31, 2007


Clinton v. Bush on the Balkans v Iraq/Afghanistan

Both end up letting roughly the same number of locals die--to date.

But Clinton has America providing only 10% of the peackeepers while Bush has us at 90 percent.

Clinton manages to put 22-23 coalition troops on the ground per 1,000 local pop. Bush averages far less than half that number.

Clinton manages to pull off the Balkans with almost no casualties. Now, those states supply us with more peacekeepers than NATO's putting in, meaning they're already security exporters.

We're roughly at 3k in deaths in Iraq. It has become an exporter of terrorists.

Tell me which president gets judged by history as more effective and a better commander-in-chief?

Seriously, on record alone, who keeps things under control and who spins out of control?


The side I've always been on

A lot of readers, most notably those we've picked up from Hewitt, wonder why I don't stick firmly with Bush/Petraeus during the surge. They wonder why I would argue that it's a good thing for Dems to tie Bush's hands in his remaining time.

So let me reiterate to be clear:

I supported Bush's Big Bang decision to topple Saddam. To me, it was never about WMD, which is an overblown fear (it's not the ultimate Rubicon now that global war is off the agenda, it's just a super-weapon that we must deal with). To me, it was about a rule-set breaker who flouted the will of the global community for years on end. We got up the nerve to stop him in the early 1990s, and then, true to our Powell Doctrine roots at that time, we refused to finish the job.

9/11 happens and we respond to the apparent source in Afghanistan. Then Bush and neocons get up the nerve to finish the job in Iraq, ending the horror of the sanctions regimes, finally rescuing the courageous Kurds (well on their way to nationhood thanks to the northern fly zone), and giving the Shiia a chance to avenge the genocidal warfare rained upon them by Saddam with our implicit okay in the early 1990s (our southern no-fly zone eventually ends that). The Sunni Serbs responded as expected, Al Qaeda and others take advantage, and the insurgency begins.

The insurgency need not have grown so formidable, but the Ford reruns of this administration (Cheney, Rumsfeld) knew what they knew: 1) don't do Vietnams and 2) restore the presidency destroyed by Watergate. So they planned a truly brilliant war (Just Cause on steroids) and then with almost criminal neglect they didn't bother to plan for the peace, and stubbornly fought the postwar's entire unfolding.

Bush, so decisive in the first term when it came to kinetics, is lost when it comes to the non-kinetics. Saddled with two amazingly weak SECSTATES, both of whom were picked to be exactly that (weak, talking-point deliverers and nothing more), this administration has been adrift the entire second term, just as I feared (thus my call for Kerry). Bush was effective in changing the rule sets and putting the Middle East's board in play, but he's been amazingly ineffective when it comes to convincing others to adhere to that new rule set, in large part because he lacks--along with his entire administration--any significant strategic imagination.

Bush refused to take advantage of the changes he himself set so effectively in motion in the region. There was a huge groundswell of change across the Middle East the first 18 months following the war. When he had the chance to start regional dialogues that addressed the real fights of the region (Iran v Israel, Iran v Saudi Arabia, Al Qaeda v House of Saud), he did not. He stubbornly stayed the course in Iraq, pretending an internal solution was possible in what quickly and logically became a regional conflict that all players on all sides are effectively conflating in a host of asymmetrical ways.

Bush's first great answer was to rerun the entire WMD drama on Iran.

Bush's second great answer was the surge. As I wrote several times earlier: the surge with serious regional diplomacy--that I would gladly support.

But the surge without serious regional and international diplomacy--that I do not support.

I do not support it because it is designed to fall.

I do not support it because I think it's Bush's ruse to Iranify the Long War.

I think that if Bush attacks Iran on his watch, he'll screw up the Big Bang permanently and could quite easily trigger a long-term rivalry with Russia and China in the region.

I find these pathways beyond stupidity, and so I do not support them.

People who act like you either support Bush's mismanagement of this postwar or you're un-American are myopic in the extreme. They're acting like we should put our entire team on the field for the extra point when we need to score a couple more touchdowns before the game clock runs out.

We are told: Why negotiate with people who don't want us to win?

I will tell you why: because we're not going to win--or lose. We're either going to keep the Big Bang rolling or we're going to let it die and let the region go right back to what it was. Not every play in this game is going to be for positive yardage. Sometimes we'll punt and play for field position.

And yeah, when we screw up royally, we'll take our medicine.

We've screwed up Iraq (outside of Kurdistan) and if we want to cut down our exposure, we'll have to accept many compromises. You can get mad about that and blame Bush or you can get mad about that and pretend the Left "stabbed us in the back." But stubborn is as stubborn does and Bush made all the big decisions, so whine about that or move along, because when the Dems tie his hands now it's not about preventing some illusory "win" in Iraq, it's about stopping a strategically idiotic war with Iran, which won't fix Iraq but make our entire effort there to date a complete waste of blood and treasure.

Bush, in my mind, has no idea how to win at this point. He pretends we can screw up and then take no pain for our efforts, so he eschews negotiations with people who have no intention of helping anyone but themselves (duh!). So both they, and everyone else involved in Iraq will continue to screw us, and both our blood and our treasure will continue to go largely wasted until Bush loses the stubbornness or simply leaves office.

I have no anticipation of Bush gaining strategic smarts any time soon, nor Cheney, whose Manichean world view makes him far more of a menace to America than any of our enemies. So I want the clock to run out on them with no further damage being inflicted on our strategic position.

I want to win. I just don't pretend we can come back on a single drive from being behind several scores.

As for those who do, they're free to have their own opinions.

But I can't peddle that sort of crap. It just won't get me in front of audiences like the 250 senior officers of CENTCOM I briefed on Monday. I just would never get those chances with that mindset. And you know why? They're totally interested in winning, not who gets the credit, so politics doesn't interest them one bit.

The point right now is how we move ahead, not how we save this presidency.

I believe in the United States, not in any one leader.

And I want to win in the end, not on the next play.

So let me be clear as crystal: my guys never leave office. They are there administration after administration. They know exactly what I'm about and I know exactly what they're about, and we get along just fine.

The politicians, meanwhile, get exactly what they deserve.


An uncomfortable truth

Saw "Meet the Robinsons" with kids tonight, and was disturbed somewhat by the orphan-baby-left-on-doorstep scenario--exactly Vonne Mei's story.

I realized that she watches this movie and doesn't pick up on it yet, but that ours days for such bliss are numbered.

Eventually we have this question and this discussion. Movie was nice enough, just didn't answer that mail per se.

I don't expect it to be bad. I just don't expect it to be easy.


Just a PSYOP or the real deal?

WEBSITE: DEBKAfile: Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

You just wonder how much Condi's getting played ...

Remember how Bush-Cheney sold Iraq, so assume they'll go much harder on Iran. It'll have to be an ultimate imminent threat.

Thanks to Ole Strโˆšโˆ‚mgren for sending this.

Ole, BTW, gets a shout out near the end of Coram's "Boyd."


Asian values not so Asian over time

ARTICLE: "Why Private Colleges Are Surging in India," by Paul Gladner and Peter Wonacott, Wall Street Journal, 29 March 2007, p. B1.

ARTICLE: "Mergers and Acquisitions No Longer Shock Japanese," by Martin Fackler, New York Times, 29 March 2007, p. C1.

I often think back to all the writings about how capitalism in Asia was going to be so different from that in the West. They are more communal, more statist and less given to hyper-competitiveness and the edge-seeking behavior of Westerners.

And yet watch socialist India accept a boom in private education and the Japanese allowing for M&A--even hostile takeovers! Their "distinct" forms of capitalism are looking more familiar by the day.

Yes, differences will always remain, but years from now it's not like we're going to look back and recognize only common ancestors, as so many breathless analyses of yesterday made it out to be. Instead of converging toward something not quite us or them, their evolution seems to mirror ours plenty, with each rationalizing stage seeing their further acceptance of behaviors and policies that--only years earlier--would have been unthinkably "cruel" (the loss of past custom) and "heartless" (watch especially the similar "breakdown" in social relations).

There's Hindu and Shinto and Confucian, and then there's the reality of modern life.


How about 'Hypocritical Olympics'?

ARTICLE: Olympic Trials for Polluted Beijing, By Ariana Eunjung Cha, Washington Post , March 30, 2007; Page A01

Attempts to brand Beijing 2008 as the "genocide Olympics" is hypocrisy at its worst: America won't do a damn thing to stop the janjaweed, so it's ALL CHINA'S FAULT, as if the cessation of their investments would bring the mass murdering to an end (yes that would immediately make things better, you just know).

What '08 will really represent (and I've been pushing this concept since the June 2001 workshop atop WTC1 with Cantor Fitzgerald on enviro damage in Asia) is a global and China-specific tipping point on environmental damage from rapid industrialization there, plus the larger reality that China's on the verge of becoming the world's biggest CO2 emitter.

Many embarrassments will result from the bad air, and China will end up being super-motivated to erase that reputational damage.

Plus the world will end up having an even bigger discussion on global warming.

In the end, both will be good things.

As for Darfur, Hollywood bullshit artists better get over their hatred for the U.S. Military if they want that horror show stopped.


Encouraging email

Tom got this email:

Dear Mr. Barnett,

It is after 3 AM and I can't sleep for the third night after reading "The Pentagon's New Map." I'm processing a lifetime of study of many disciplines into a unified whole. This may sound hokey, but I believe I'm going through a religious experience. For the first time in my life I feel that my "self" is connected to all the billions of "selves" in the world. Your vision of the future of globalization has shown me an new way of thinking - a practical faith in the future

Being that I am the son of two survivors of the Holocaust in Poland, over many years I have sought the global connectivity you discuss but on psychological, intra-psychic level. Until I read your book, I didn't realize that due to my parents' experience, and the persecution I experienced as a child, subconsciously I felt abandoned by the world, even after living in this country since 1958.

I've met many people in this country who have much sympathy for my legacy, but you're the only one with a practical, proactive vision that goes beyond America. It's funny how the Lord works in mysterious ways. I bought your book for $4.95 at a discount store, only because it was cheap and the title interested me. Now, I can not put a price on it.

I hope you don't mind if I write my thought to you while I'm going through this metamorphosis. You need not respond, as I know that you understand exactly what I'm talking about.


A significant shift, to be sure

ARTICLE: Interview - Michael Wynne: US Secretary of the Air Force, By Caitlin Harrington, Jane's Defense Weekly, 26 March 2007

As I have said many times and at the start of BFA, Iraq transforms transformation, bringing from air to ground, from NCW to 4GW, from Phase III to IV, and from USN and USAF to USA and USMC.

Thanks to Doron Ben-Avraham for sending this.


Site back up

Ok, everything's back to normal.

Well, hopefully better than normal.

Remember my post about importing all of the old posts? Well, I did ultimately have to hire outside help. He worked on it this morning, and I think everything is pretty well fixed now.

Not that too many of you will notice. One noticeable thing is the much greater length on the Archives list at right.


Site maintenance

We'll be performing some much needed maintenance to Tom's website tomorrow morning. Access and performance may be spotty during that time. Thanks for your patience.


The yin and the yang on Chinese political evolution

ARTICLE: "Tsang Retains Leader's Post In Hong Kong," by Jonathan Cheng, Wall Street Journal, 26 March 2007, p. A6.

ARTICLE: "Shanghai To Be Led by rising Star With Pro-Market Reputation," by Jason Dean, Wall Street Journal, 26 March 2007, p. A6.

Tsang gets his second, rather fixed term, and yet look at what everyone says is his mandate? Moving HK to popular free elections.

Meanwhile a Fifth Gen leader is named to take over the Party in Shanghai, armed with his PhD in Law and the type of career that has led him to cross paths repeatedly--and with purpose on both sides--with US SECTREAS Paulson.

Xi is expected to be named to the Politburo at the Party Congress later this year--one to watch.


Ditto for China

ARTICLE: "Intel Aims to Build Bigger Profile in China: Chip Plant Is Designed To Court Local Clients, Government Officials," by Don Clark, Wall Street Journal, 26 March 2007, p. B6.

The reverse domino in action: Vietnam needed that $1B chip plant to keep up with the Joneses to the north who are getting a $2.5 B chip plant.

So Intel sinks $3.5B into East Asia--just like that!

This is big step for Intel. Past plants in China was just for packaging and testing. This is a pure build play.


"Someday I hope to build on it!"

ARTICLE: "Starr to Invest In Real Estate Inside Russia," by Liam Pleven, Wall Street Journal, 26 March 2007, p. C3.

A group set up by Hank Greenberg is diving in. He'll focus on prime office space, hotels and residential housing.

A Starr spokesman says the company is "comfortable' about the political situation there.

Compare that to yesterday's post on Chavez and you begin to see why Russia is Core and Venezuela is Gap.


Dick Wolf for AG!

ARTICLE: A 'Law & Order' Presidential Candidate? Actor, Ex-Senator Thompson May Run, By Michael D. Shear, Washington Post, Thursday, March 29, 2007; Page A01

Thompson is getting kinda weird.

To me, at least, Michael Moriaty's original DA character on "Law & Order" was based on that legendary Southern District of NY prosecutor Rudy G.

So this is becoming an "L&O" intra-show scrum.


On Iranian seizure of UK troops

Count me among those who see this as a tit-for-tat on the recent sanctions announcement, plus the non-talks with US at regional Iraq conference.

Iran wants our attention and this trolley car came down the street, so they jumped on.

For the hard-liners with Ahmadinejad, they hope we'll bite on the "act of war" hyperbole that naturally flows from our neocons.

For the non-hardliners, they're hoping they can force talks by striking against our proxy (UK) instead of us.

Me? I expect Bush and Co. to screw this up royally or simply use it as a pretext for striking--perhaps employing a proxy.

But this was inevitable once we started arresting Iran's people in Iraq. Conflation, pure and simple. Like with Hezbollah last August, Iran's intent on proving it can conflate the region's various tensions at will, as always, striking against our proxies.


The SysAdmin fleet looks to grow


One tiny leap for the SysAdmin

ARTICLE: Senate Bill Aims to Attract Civilian Volunteers to Strife-Torn Areas of the
World, By Tim Starks, CQ Staff, March 27, 2007

Lead to this subscriber-only story:

A Senate panel likely will approve legislation Wednesday that would
establish a civilian reserve corps to provide reconstruction expertise in
countries damaged by war and other strife.

One small step for Congress, one tiny leap toward the SysAdmin force and the DoEE.

Thanks to Chris Mewett for sending this.


Home for a stretch

Travel for March (31 flights) is finally over.

Now I hold down the fort while wife takes eldest daughter and mom on vacation.

Last night in Milwaukee at Wisconsin Club was my last speech of month to family-run investment house headed up by a laconic patriarch of North Dakotan birth. Last guy they had in was Charlie Wilson.

Very interesting discussion. Took owner's wife back just a bit after she lamented China's cultural assault on Tibet when I compared it to the fate of the Lakota.

Progress is as progress does.

Still, won her over with my PPT wizardry, which she took delight in due to her love of computing. She guessed correctly that I pattern my delivery on stand-up comics, but was surprised at how much I likewise study televangelists.

Naturally, my Packer ties impressed most.


Nukes now come in all sizes

ARTICLE: "Our Atomic Future: It'me to take another look at nuclear power," by William Tucker, Wall Street Journal, 28 March 2007, p. A16.

Great article that makes point few people get as of yet: nukes don't only come in one size--gigantic.

The ones that got and get built tend to fall in the 1,200-1,500 MW range, just like coal-fired electricity plants, but we've had the capacity on nukes to go as low as 5 MW for decades, and with pebble-beds weighing in roughly at 250 MW (ideally, says MIT researchers), then it's clear we have a wide lower range to explore.

And here's the connectivity kicker: these smaller plants are ideal for more remote and off-grid locations. And with pebble-beds, you have the capacity to crack hydrogen and crank potable water as by-products.

Cool wrap-up para:

The only reasonable scenario for avoiding global warming is to substitute nuclear power for coal as our prime source of base-load electricity, supplementing it with wind and solar electricity for our spinning reserve and peaking-power needs. If Al Gore were to support a nuclear-solar alliance--a joint effort by carbon-free technologies to impose a tax on carbon emissions--we could take giant steps toward solving the problem.

Guess who's pushing pebble-beds?

New Core South Africa.

New Core, new rules.


In a nutshell: why I don't worry about Chavez

ARTICLE: "Venezuelan consumers gobble up U.S. goods: Despite political tension, U.S. companies do well," by David J. Lynch, USA Today, 28 March 2007, p. 1A.

No, not the fact that Venezuela's oil boom allows average citizens there to indulge their inner American.

Here's why:

Few manufacturers are doing better than General Motors ...

GM, which has sold cars here since World war II, literally can't make vehicles fast enough to satisfy Venezuelan buyers. Its local plant, housed on "General Motors Avenue" in an industrial district near this city's airport, added a third shift in 2006 and is running flat-out producing more than 20 models.

But rather than expand capacity to meet ravenous demand GM--like other U.S. companies--is importing additional products. With Chavez, a self-described revolutionary, promising a grandiose "socialism for the 21st century," new multi-billion-dollar investments are just too risky.

"Commercially, the country's in a good moment. But I don't think this is sustainable in the long term ... The truth is, there's no more investment coming in," says Michael Penfold, former executive director of Venezuela's investment promotion agency.

I wonder which Chavez cousin got his job. I'm sure he's amazingly unqualified--besides his birth.