EDITORIAL: “Diaspora blues: Jews around the world should join the debate about Israel, not just defend whatever it does,” The Economist, 13 January 2007, p. 14.
ARTICLE: “Second thoughts about the Promised Land: Jews all around the world are gradually ceasing to regard Israel as a focal point. As a result, many are re-examining what it means to be Jewish,” The Economist, 13 January 2007, p. 53.
After wading into the Carter book controversy a while back, I got a lot of emails (the most interesting being from Israelis and Palestinians) that said in effect: “Don’t waste your time and energy on this subject right now in America, because the debate’s so poisoned that your only fate is to be accused of anti-Semitism.” Now, since I’ve been personally hounded over the years by Israel-hating types for just the opposite charge, I find a nice symmetry in the implied challenge (especially since the pro-Israel nuts have a better sense of humor and level more interesting personal threats than the anti-Israel nuts do).
Still, the greater temptation for this grand strategist is to blow off the entire scenario, believing, as I long have, that its highly mythologized resolution is no closer to appearing today than it ever was in the past, and that, even if it did appear, it would change nothing of great importance in the region, because making Israel-the-problem go away doesn’t change the underlying problems that still affect the region. That’s why I really spent almost no words on this subject across my two books to date. I basically consider it a red herring--the bright shiny object that grabs our attention.
I don’t see a good outcome ever emerging. I just see demographics that slowly disfavor Israel, thus making it more intransigent and harsh over time. The only solution set I imagine is a Middle East that connects up to the larger world, grows up in that process, and ultimately forgives Israel’s “olive tree” requirement because Muslims simply move beyond their own.
And buddy, that’s one loooong-term view.
But seriously, you can either run with the breakthroughs or stay with the loggerheads, and I prefer running with the breakthroughs. So rather than focus on a West that indulges and protects Israel (fine and dandy as historical guilt trips go), I’d rather focus on a rising East that does the real heavy lifting over time with Islam (especially as Europe seems intent on taking a pass for as long as possible).
I know that solution set is equally hard for many to imagine, but I like the economic and demographic and energy “inevitabilities” of that pathway a whole lot better than the ones we face in our support for Israel (which I believe gets harder to sustain over time, in largest part because the average American just doesn’t get the whole “land” fixation).
I, for example, have a deep faith in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, but if you tell me tomorrow that his whole story took place in south Asia instead of southwest Asia, that changes nothing for me. I realize that puts me at odds with a host of evangelicals who maintain that intense land fixation as part of their faith, but I believe primordial fixations in general are to be avoided if you want to do well in this business: you acknowledge them as motivations of others, you just don’t indulge yourself.
I don’t believe in the “chosen” anything or anyone. I think the best rule set wins out every time, and that America’s leadership globally is highly dependent on the state of our rule set--an exceptionalism that was won and can just as easily be lost (as Bush seems intent on proving). So no fundamentalism for me, no exclusionary ideology, and nothing that says anybody’s inherently better than anyone else. What separates the best from the rest is not what you believe but how you act, and how you act is best captured in the rule sets you codify and uphold, not some chunk of land or religious belief. You declare America is relocating tomorrow to South America and me and mine are on the first plane heading down. I like the rule set. I can always change the land.
What I found interesting about these articles (both of which are great) is that growing sense among a lot of Jews around the world that the diaspora concept somehow no longer defines their place in the world. My favorite bits:
Most diaspora Jews still support Israel strongly. But now that its profile in the world is no longer that of heroic victim, their ambivalence has grown: Many are disturbed by the occupation [the nerve Carter hits] of the Palestinian territories or more recently by images of Israeli bombing in Lebanon; some fear they give grist to anti-Semites. Quite a few think Jewish religious and cultural life in Israel is stunted. Others question the point of a safe haven that, thanks to its wars and conflicts, is now arguably the place where most Jews are killed because they are Jews. The most radical say, as the Palestinians do, that the idea of an ethnically based state is racist and archaic.
What is more, the last great waves of aliyah, immigration to Israel, have ended. Barring a new burst of anti-Semitism, the map of world Jewry will change slowly from now on. Each community is evolving in its own way. Some are seeing a revival unthinkable a few years ago. And young Jews especially are asking what Israel means to them. Some, say Caryn Aviv and David Shneer, two American scholars, in a recent book, “New Jews” (New York University Press), reject the notion that they are in a “diaspora,” which envisions the Jewish world hierarchically with Israel on top, the diaspora on [the] bottom”…
Clashes over “who is a Jew” cooled American-Jewish attitudes to Israel well before the second Palestinian intifada…
The trouble, says Mr. [Roger] Bennett [director of special projects at the Bronfman Foundation], is that the mainstream American Jewish institutions were born to make the case for Israel and to fight anti-Semitism. Young Jews today, however, are searching for identity, spirituality, meaning and roots. Unlike their grandparents, they are not concentrated among other Jews but spread out across society. They do not meet people in synagogues or other Jewish forums, but form their own networks. “Jewish” is just one part of their multi-faceted American identity, and Israel does not seem that relevant.
I don’t find that evolution of Jews in America particularly unique. I think it’s happened to every group that’s come here over time, as the struggles that once dominated their lives back in the homeland fade over time in their consciousness and self-identity. After all, America is a synthetic collection of diasporas from the world over. We all gave up the land, and have, as a result of their intermixing, seen our faith none-too-subtly altered from its roots--as I predict/note is already happening with Islam in America.
I am a big believer in this rule set. I think it’s the best path for both peace and prosperity, and through those two precursors, for democracy itself. I think the more we spread this message around the world, understanding, and being quite patient about, its necessary sequencing (a big theme of my work), the better the world becomes. I think our package is under constant revision, being a synthesis of all who joined our ranks in the past and all who will necessarily do so in the future, and so I believe in remaining open to new definitions of that package as a matter of course, because I want our rule set to always be the best one out there.