WORLD NEWS: "China Plea Dismissed By WTO," by John W. Miller, Wall Street Journal, 22 December 2009.
WORLD NEWS: "Beijing Preserves Limits on Movies: WTO Ruling Seem Unlikely to Halt China's Strictures on Sales of Imported Media," by Ian Johnson and Loretta Chao, Wall Street Journal, 23 December 2009.
Beijing wants to be able to continue restricting the distro of Hollywood movies and other Western media inside China. The WTO struck that notion down.
China is a huge market, but only allows 20 or so foreign films a year and disallows any music sales over the Internet.
China has a year to comply with the ruling, but is already indicating it might blow it off. And that'll mean retaliation--and justifiably so--from the West.
BTW, friends in China tell me that the Chinese edition of Blueprint for Action hit bookstores last October!
Nice, but the Chinese have to let in other, lesser media too!