Blueprint for Action as "The Globalist's" book of the week

The spotlight is--quite naturally--my writing on Iran.
Stephan Richter, a pretty sharp guy, arranged for and made the excerpt happen. Here is how it's presented at "The Globalist": http://www.theglobalist.com/storyid.aspx?StoryId=5076.
Reader Comments (2)
Concern for Israel will surely encourage the US to take a hard line with Iran. Such concern for allies by the P5, after all, is the fundamental weakness of the UN system at present.
For example, in the thirty years to 2002 the US used its UNSC veto countless times to protect Israel from the wishes of the global community.
Yes I do agree that a nuclear Iran is a good balance to Israel. But with the current crowd of mullahs & their secular handpuppets, I wouldn't trust these people further than I could throw Ariel Sharon in his hospital bed. I only hope the growing numbers of Westernized Iranians turn out the Islamic loose cannons.
All considered with the situation I would not be surprised to get an extension on my career past my retirement, willing or unwilling. Old snipes with Economics degrees can always help out in the Sys-Admin sphere.
Best wishes,
Paul Cajka