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  • Great Powers: America and the World After Bush
    Great Powers: America and the World After Bush
    by Thomas P.M. Barnett
  • Blueprint for Action: A Future Worth Creating
    Blueprint for Action: A Future Worth Creating
    by Thomas P.M. Barnett
  • The Pentagon's New Map: War and Peace in the Twenty-first Century
    The Pentagon's New Map: War and Peace in the Twenty-first Century
    by Thomas P.M. Barnett
  • Romanian and East German Policies in the Third World: Comparing the Strategies of Ceausescu and Honecker
    Romanian and East German Policies in the Third World: Comparing the Strategies of Ceausescu and Honecker
    by Thomas P.M. Barnett
  • The Emily Updates (Vol. 1): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    The Emily Updates (Vol. 1): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    by Vonne M. Meussling-Barnett, Thomas P.M. Barnett
  • The Emily Updates (Vol. 2): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    The Emily Updates (Vol. 2): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    by Thomas P.M. Barnett, Vonne M. Meussling-Barnett
  • The Emily Updates (Vol. 3): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    The Emily Updates (Vol. 3): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    by Thomas P.M. Barnett, Vonne M. Meussling-Barnett
  • The Emily Updates (Vol. 4): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    The Emily Updates (Vol. 4): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    by Thomas P.M. Barnett, Vonne M. Meussling-Barnett
  • The Emily Updates (Vol. 5): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    The Emily Updates (Vol. 5): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    by Vonne M. Meussling-Barnett, Thomas P.M. Barnett, Emily V. Barnett
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Tom around the web

Links to All systems "go" for war
+ Information Dissemination
+ Andrew Sullivan
+ John Robb
+ Penguin Monkey
+ Huenemanniac
+ Connor Mendenhall
+ The Politics of Scrabble

+ Information Dissemination linked Sound familiar?
+ SWJ Blog linked Negotiations begin at the scary part.
+ Quality Leadership Weblog linked AFRICOM: important, humble template.
+ And linked Match and close.

+ Bostonmaggie loves PNM (x2)
+ Guarding the Rubicon does not.
+ HG's WORLD linked Earth is doomed! Doomed I tell you!
+ Exurban League linked First Kaplan, now Boot wants a Department of Everything Else.
+ The Politics of Scrabble also linked I want to access the Iranian people.
+ Outside the Beltway referenced the Leviathan and SysAdmin.

+ mch lives here embedded the TED video.
+ The Noise in my Head linked it.

Links to Globalizations means fewer wars, less death
+ curtis schweitzer dot net
+ So did HG's WORLD
+ americanapocalypsesurvivalhandbook/recipebook

+ Mass Observer quoted If Iran wants to trigger US strikes for domestic purposes, this is the route.
+ Indistinct Union credits Tom for his prediction that Africa will be the next front against jihadism.
+ HG's WORLD linked A war that nobody wants but everybody needs .
+ So did calvin.
+ Globo Diplo linked What will America do when Iran gets nuclear weapons?
+ zenpundit linked Barnett: Fewer wars, more consumers, thanks to globalization.
+ I, Hans linked The most vigorous glass-half-full reading by two key architects of the surge.
+ So did et alli.
+ enrevanche linked First great catch-up on blog since book.
+ SWJ Blog linked The worm finally starts to turn on Iran and Want leverage with China on Sudan?
+ Quality Leadership Weblog linked Taking stock ...

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