Chart of the Day: Asia and Africa's near-perfect asymmetry on trade

From FT.
Africa has raw materials to sell and needs manufactured goods, one would assume. Asia is just the opposite. The asymmetry is acceptable so long as both growth as a result of the trade - like now. But over time, everybody wants things to even out some.
And yet, with climate change, that logic may go out the window. Africa will suffer, but it's got about half the unused or underused arable land in the system, whereas Africa is a major grain importer already.
North America will face similar asymmetrical pressures in its trade with Asia, begging the question, Will we be happy enough being - once again - the land of the plenty?
Why Mauritius highlighted on ease of doing business? It's an Indian Ocean banking center (island) that aspires to be the main conduit of finance from Asia into Africa - the Singapore of this equation.

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