"The New Rules" column
at World Politics Review
China's "Great Leap Backward" No Cause for Alarm (6/13)
For U.S., the Long War Shifts Back to the Persian Gulf (6/6)
Why the U.S. Should 'Give' Af-Pak to China (5/30)
Obama's Israel-Palestine Red Herring (5/23)
Four Options for Redefining the Long War (5/16)
For U.S., Abandoning the Middle East not a Solution (5/9)
Glass Half Full on Obama's New National Security Team (5/2)
Long-Term U.S. Presence in Afghanistan a Mistake (4/25)
Strategic Balancing vs Global Development (4/18)
U.S. Global Role Depends on Hard Fiscal Choices (4/11)
The State Strikes Back (4/4)
Managing Global Supply Chains a Key U.S. Advantage (3/28)
Nuclear Deterrence Ain't Broke, So Don't Fix It (3/21)
Obama Abdicating U.S. Leadership in Libya (3/14)
Leadership Fatigue Puts U.S., and Globalization, at Crossroads (3/7)
America Need Not Fear Connectivity Revolutions (2/28)
U.S. Should Pursue 'Open Door,' Not Primacy (2/21)
Ten Assumptions About Egypt Worth Discarding (2/14)
Guiding Egypt Into the Axis of Good (2/7)
War-Gaming Egypt's Future (1/31)
The Battle for Islam's Soul (1/24)
Why America Needs to Demonize China (1/17)
U.S. Defense Cuts a Step in the Right Direction (1/10)
A Wish List for the New Year (1/3)
Obstacles to a U.S.-China Partnership Made in U.S.A.? (12/20)
Qatar World Cup a Return on Investment (12/13)
Globalization, Air Hubs and the City of Tomorrow (12/6)
Settling the Terms for a U.S.-China Grand Bargain (11/29)
The End of the U.S. Security Backstop (11/22)
Globalization's Massive Demographic Bet (11/15)
Using China to Scare Ourselves Straight (11/8)
A Zero-Sum Future Doesn't Add Up (11/1)
The Two Chinas' Long Road to Common Ground (10/25)
Nation-Building, Not Naval Threats, Key to South Asian Security (10/18)
Defusing the Global Currency War (10/11)
Building Real States to Empower the Bottom Billion (10/4)
Global Warming Shifts Focus to Friendly North (9/27)
China still needs U.S. in global security role (9/20)
U.S. needs an activist, independent Turkey (9/13)
For U.S. after Iraq, history once again awaits (9/6)
The changing food security equation (8/30)
Putting the brakes on China until Beijing can (8/9)
Globalization's staying power a triumph of American "hubris" (7/26)
U.S. must expand its pool of allies in Afghanistan (7/19)
America's demographic edge in "post-American world" (7/12)
Listening to the Chinese case for strategic partnership (7/5)
China's factory unrest signals peak of cheap labor (6/28)
When technology becomes more human (6/21)
Obama's strategic patience (6/14)
Redefining identity in an age of connectivity (6/7)
Whatever happened to deglobalization? (5/31)
For U.S. and world, Obama spells relief, not cure (5/24)
Keeping disasters in perspective (5/17)
In politics, don't trust anyone over 50! (5/10)
Don't count out free markets just yet (5/3)
As Kim fades, China cashes out in North Korea (4/26)
Life, death and the 20th century (4/19)
Nuclear posture review fixes what ain't broken (4/12)
The jury's still out on the Iraq war (4/5)
Strategic thinking in 10,000 blog posts or less (3/29)
Vision for the Long War finds a home (3/22)
West must bridge globalization's "God gap" (3/15)
"Senator's Son" a good window into COIN (3/8)
Winners and losers in Iraq's upcoming election (3/1)
America's place in the world (2/22)
A bad time to wreck our relationship with China (2/15)
China in Africa means frontier integration (2/8)
Why China will not bury America (2/1)
Globalization makes the world a better place (1/25)
Drugs, technology and the coming bio-revolution (1/18)
Globalization's next wave of integration (1/11)
The naughties were plenty nice (1/4)
Neocons are alive and kicking (12/21)
China's health care challenges mirror America's (12/14)
Overleveraging American foreign and domestic policy (12/7)
The bottom line on nation-building (11/30)
Choosing your "religion" for these complex times (11/23)
Obama's nuclear focus at odds with Rooseveltian roots (11/16)
Why America's war on drugs will wane (11/9)
When contractors fill America's foreign policy gap (11/2)
Prahalad's "Bottom of the Pyramid" is top-notch thinking (10/26)
Seeing China's present through America's past (10/19)
Obama's Nobel says "Thank you, America" (10/12)
The next half-century's great waves of change (10/5)
For a new economic era, we need new allies (9/28)
Innovative entrepreneurs warm to global warming (9/21)
In Afghanistan, it's about more than just the U.S. (9/14)
The growing global middle class and its demands (9/7)
A pleasant surprise from inside State (8/31)
Security remains stable amid financial crisis (8/24)
What the global economy needs from Asia (8/17)
The evolution of the U.S. military (8/10)
Putting resilience at the heart of nation-building (8/3)
"Hard lessons" from Iraq, for Afghanistan and beyond (7/27)
Clinton's blueprint for a multi-partner world (7/20)
Urumqi is not Tiananmen, and Xinjiang is not Tibet (7/13)
From too many to too few, demographic fears exaggerated (7/6)
Pentagon swaps "lesser includeds" for "greater inclusive" (6/29)
Matching up priorities in a globalized age (6/22)
Drones and the re-symmetricised battlefield (6/15)
Redefining catastrophe in a globalized world (6/8)
The unflat world of global food production (6/1)
The good news on the global financial downturn (5/25)
Navy finally embracing role in small wars (5/18)
When prevention goes viral (5/11)
Special feature articles
at World Politics Review