Why America's War on Drugs Will Wane

For roughly four decades, a clear foreign policy rule set has existed between the United States and Latin America, centering largely on the question of counternarcotics. Starting with Richard Nixon's "war on drugs," an explicit quid pro quo came into existence: U.S. foreign aid (both civilian and military) in exchange for aggressive Latin American efforts to curb both the production and trafficking of illegal narcotics (primarily marijuana and cocaine).
Reader Comments (6)
If you look into the future 40 or 50 years, I think it is quite likely that every citizen will routinely take anti-aging pills every day. How, then, are those people of the future—who are taking steroids every day—going to look back on baseball players who used steroids? They’re going to look back on them as pioneers. They’re going to look back at it and say “So what?”
http://tinyurl.com/my3e3e for full article
Portugal's example is fantastic, a long term yardstick that proponents of decriminalization can point to and say yes this works across the board over the long term.
Pour the money from the WOD into education and treatment and cop to the fact that booze kills far more than the rest put together.
California's what? Maybe it's a generational thing, but the California of my generation is the nation's pioneer in restricting civil liberties. If the state isn't finding new places for people not to be able to smoke cigarettes, it's desperately looking for something new to tax. And then there's the whole Prop 8 bit...
Cocaine no. Heroin no. Meth no. Or the synthetic analogs or prescription meds. NO. By choice people smoke weed when they can get it. Many would rather smoke weed than consume alcohol.
In 20 years of active policing I have yet to fight with someone that is high on cannabis. They sometimes hallucinate but rarely fight. Most don't even drive while stoned...too dangerous.
Coke, Meth, LSD, heroin, mushrooms, etc. have all caused fights, chases, overdoses and assorted mayhem and crime.
Weed is more potent than it used to be but it is PREDICTABLE.The rest of it needs to be controlled and illegal.
Poly drug users...that is another article for Tom to write about and would take to much time and blog space here.