Drones and the Re-symmetricized Battlefield [link fixed]

The skyrocketing use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) by U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan has generated intense debate about how useful they are against insurgent/terrorist networks. Some prominent counterinsurgency experts have decried the "siege mentality" among non-combatant locals caused by collateral damage from the drone strikes. But despite the charge that drones represent a technology (i.e., a means) in search of a strategy (i.e., end goals), there's no question that: 1) drones are here to stay, and 2) they're truly re-symmetricizing the battlefield in a much-needed manner.
Reader Comments (5)
Unless Boeing is working on turning the 777 into an unmanned armed drone, that is. :)
I've been looking for the AQ/Taleban crowd to experiment with cheap commercial products to detect drones, but there are probably ways to handle such methods. Topic for Sean's info site?
Cleary resymmetricization is coming soon to the Army, too, via the Big Dog robot, mini pac bots and smaller aerial drones: http://www.scenarioland.com/futureblogger/show/1154-robotic-pursuit-squads-are-a-forgone-conclusion