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The future of American agriculture has arrived

Been briefing and writing about this one going back to about . . . I wanna say 2006.  I remember the slide I had my old slidemaster Bradd Hayes generate for what was still the Blueprint for Action brief.

Here is the reality as captured in the piece: US demand flattening, China's skyrocketing - especially for dairy (it's a growing middle class, mind you).

The head of California Dairies: "We're in an evolution. No question."

Markets "once treated as an afterthought" are now "reshaping the relationship between rural America and the rest of the world."

What are you really exporting when you export milk - even milk powder?  Water.  Whether or not you take it out for packanging, a whole lot of water goes into milk - directly and indirectly.

That's why the Kiwis have been in the lead.

It wasn't just the geographic proximity but the excess of water on a per capita basis (New Zealand has about 5 times the water it needs).

California ag exports to China and HK are up 85% since 2008: "All of a sudden, milk powder has become this valuable commodity." The sent this year's Miss California to China to hawk pistachios.

Amber waves of grain, my friends, in a back-to-the-future development that marks the resurgence of the economy - with ag and energy in the lead.

And yeah, both are plenty high-tech.

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    Thomas P.M. Barnett's Globlogization - Blog - The future of American agriculture has arrived

Reader Comments (1)

Another thing that America can export is our ability to build quality, reliable and safe products. One of my American customers in China is in a food-related plant. The plant has a lot of issues as a consequence, I think, of too little integration with the quality systems of the States. It's funny that milk would be mentioned. In the last 5 years officials from two Chinese baby-formula companies have been executed: One in Shijiajuang, Hebei Province and one in Wuhu, Anhui Province. China has a tremendous need for better values and more integration into the world economy.

April 25, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDavid Dunn

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