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Good signs in the West Bank

ARTICLE: Signs of Hope Emerge in the West Bank, By ETHAN BRONNER, New York Times, July 16, 2009

Reason for optimism regarding Fatah's rule over the West Bank:

For the first time since the second Palestinian uprising broke out in late 2000, leading to terrorist bombings and fierce Israeli countermeasures, a sense of personal security and economic potential is spreading across the West Bank as the Palestinian Authority's security forces enter their second year of consolidating order.

The International Monetary Fund is about to issue its first upbeat report in years for the West Bank, forecasting a 7 percent growth rate for 2009. Car sales in 2008 were double those of 2007. Construction on the first new Palestinian town in decades, for 40,000, will begin early next year north of Ramallah. In Jenin, a seven-story store called Herbawi Home Furnishings has opened, containing the latest espresso machines. Two weeks ago, the Israeli military shut its obtrusive nine-year-old checkpoint at the entrance to this city, part of a series of reductions in security measures.

Whether all this can last and lead to the consolidation of political power for the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority based in Ramallah, as the Obama administration hopes, remains unclear.

The one-and-a-half-state solution seems achievable, putting some onus on Netanyahu, yes?

Reader Comments (2)

I was wondering if Fatah was ever going to realize that "It's the economy stupid".
August 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJeff J
Until the average Palestinian (if there is any such thing) understands that their only hope for an economy rests with open borders with Israel, and that can only be attained by ceasing to blow up Israeli Pizza Parlors, Buses, etcetra, then there will be a solution.

Untill that occurs, I can't blame the Jews for building walls and discriminating economically.

Hopefully, those occupying the West Bank will realize this . . but I hold little hope for the same in Gaza.
August 19, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlarge

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