Push back

ARTICLE: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/06/08/AR2009060800089.html, By Blaine Harden, Washington Post, June 9, 2009
The DPRK is going out its way to pick any and all fights.
Time for the full-court press, in my opinion.
Reader Comments (4)
Kim's not playing with a full deck, just a ghastly disruptive wild card. He wants to pull the trigger before dies.
Mr. President: Decision time, all in. No regrets.
I mean, really, How much of a sample does it take for an American Commander-in-Chief to do the right thing?
Well, I passed on an opportunity to spend time in 2nd ID and the DMZ in an artillery assignment about the same time...
It's really hard for me to get massively bent out of shape about these two reporters, who seemed to think that their press cards would provide immunity. What the (bleep) were they doing in NK in the first place???
All-in-all, I'm hoping for a peaceful collapse if Dear Leader fades away, as looks likely...
Years back, we heard the same from those who traveled to Turkey and bought Drugs, then got busted by the locals . . Those people whined and had their families marching in the streets over Turkey's unjust system and it's bad prisons . .
Same Difference . .
I might add . . There's a real problem with the DPRK that needs to be addressed and worrying about two errant women shouldn't become part of the big picture . .