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The wormhole between Britain and Pakistan/Bangladesh examined

INTERNATIONAL: "Islam in Britain and South Asia: A single space; Theologically as well as socially, Muslims in Britain and their countries of origin form a seamless whole," The Economist, 2 May 2009.

The disturbing notion:

Schools of Islam that emerged in India as a reaction to the British raj are now vying for influence in the north of England. The passions generated by the Bangladeshi variety of Islamism are as lively in London as they are in Dhaka. Anybody who hopes for stability and social peace in the Muslim parts of South Asia has to keep an eye on the Islamic scene in Britain. The reverse also applies. The flow of South Asian imams to Britain has recently slowed, but in an internet age there are other ways for ideas to travel.

Not to paint with too broad a brush, we are told they are constructive individuals in these schools, but there are also some doing the exact opposite.

In all places, both in Britain and Pakistan/Bangladesh, the schools are dominated by purists who trace their origins to Deoband, an Indian town that founded an austere school of Islam in the 1860s. The Talibans are considered an offshoot.

My big concern is the wormhole of back and forth travel between these two universes. As I have noted before, MI-5 can only get it right so many times. Eventually, the big package arrives and when it does, I fear a Children of Men reaction.

And if I was al Qaeda, that would be my #1 goal right now.

Reader Comments (2)

Don't underestimate M15they will never have an easier prey.The kids involved in Caliphist style revivlism in the UK ...and the willing groupies for AQ..are just hormonal post-teenagers who need to 'belong'.....very like the White supremicist movements ...and of the same IQ & organisational skill level.Unlike the 1st generation parents who have a solid Caste + Islamic + Pakistani identity...these ' identity ' impoverished kids have found only the euphoria of a global ' Umma ' brotherhood works for them .As AQ has only these fools for tools , don't expect too much from any 'package'.
June 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJavaid Akhtar
"The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out, in your nose and out your mouth."

Hope this is not a cultural plague situation.
June 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLouis Heberlein

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