Chinese still want a U.S. education

NATIONAL WEEKLY EDITION: "The Cachet Of a Degree From the U.S.: Chinese applicants clamor for admission," by Susan Kinzie, Washington Post, 11-17 May 2009.
A chart showing a 13-fold increase in applications from China to the U. of Virginia, which has made a special effort to attract.
Why target the Chinese? They admire U.S. education in general and now are sending kids over for undergrad degrees in addition to the usual graduate ones, which they've been doing for many years now, going back to when I was at the U. of Wisconsin in the early 1980s.
The demand is so strong in China that companies have arisen to guide the process--for a fee, of course.
Reader Comments (2)
China can afford to send it's children here, to learn not only the technology but to learn what makes America (and Americans) tick . . .
I think the former based on the reaction of Chinese immigrants to America in 1800s, and their attempts to develop their own 'capitalist' approach on and off over last two centuries. Just a little too much gambling.