On the primaries ...

Bit surprised to see Giuliani tank so badly in FLA and then disappear like poof! So much for the Reaganites and paleocons he had gathered around him as foreign policy advisers. Some, I would expect, gravitate to McCain, but he's too sensible on too many foreign policy issues (and too harsh on others, especially WRT [with regard to] China and Russia).
Sorry to see it all reduced and finished so fast. Unless I'm missing something big, I think McCain's in and so is Hillary. Watching her and Obama act nice tonight makes me think he knows it too and that he's openly running now for Veep. She's making nice too.
Frankly, I think Hillary is somewhat vulnerable to McCain, because I think he's the best GOP candidate by far to snatch away the presumed crown in a national election. Therefore, I'd like to see her seal the deal--with me, at least--by picking Obama. The double first, in my mind, would be irresistible: too much money, too much buzz, too many new voters to defeat.
Still, I wish they'd both watch their mouths on Iraq . . . Because Hillary will be backing off them once she gets into office. Drawing down to zero is simply a non-starter, and stupid to boot. Better to argue for draw down (hell, Fallon does) but refusing to name a floor.
Reader Comments (13)
This is the way Democrats are supposed to operate, and we have two superior candidates running for president. I feel good about the future of America, for the first time in a long time. It's good to be the Kings, and we Democrats definitely rule! :-)
It's nice to see you're being so gracious to the Republicans Tom, but I don't think they have a chance in hell of winning the general election. Last time I checked they were all out of money, except for Romney who is using his own. There just isn't any energy on the Republican side either, voter turnout is extremely low in comparison to the Democrats.
You need two things to win elections in America, money and votes, and the Republicans aren't getting either.
Also, I think HRC is on the decline. Last nights debate puts Obama up as her equal, something she hasn't had to deal with yet. If he can cut into her NY delegates by doing well in NYC and keep Cali close, he will win Super Tuesday.
I'm not very insightful on politics, but I keep finding myself impressed with Obama and McCain on their character, not so much with Romney and Clinton for the same reason. Obama and McCain are very refreshing for being exactly who they say they are, as opposed to Clinton and Romney whose words and records don't always line up.
Every answer Obama gives matches what one would expect if you have read his books, same with McCain given his voting record. With Romney and Clinton I observe they basically say what they think the base wants to hear. Clearly this observation is absent policy position analysis.
Regarding policy analysis though, I'm barely 32 so I'm proudly a rookie political observer, but in my voting lifetime Obama is by far the best Democratic party presidential nominee I've observed when discussing foreign policy issues. Even BC was never that articulate in foreign policy, although he could get by on charm. For me Hillary stumbles on the subject falling back on empty rhetoric absent substance, and Obama really stands out in contrast. Kerry, Gore... were never this impressive publicly to me on the subject.
As a veteran of a couple wars myself (and a couple of tours in Europe during out 50+ year presence there), I have come to the conclusion that I’m not interested in investing my Grandchildren in this (or any other) ill-conceived conflict. The Military is doing a magnificent job; however, they are in the business of war. Asking the Joint Chiefs to stop making war is like asking General Motors to stop making automobiles. War is what they do. A new mission statement must come from the President (Department of Peace?)
I am proud of today’s soldiers, their dedication, and their devotion to duty. I am tired of squandering America’s youth on this ill conceived adventure. Both of the Democratic candidates acknowledge that we must make a graceful exit (to quote Powell – who I wish was running – you break it you bought it!) while allowing for meetings with the regional powers to arrange for a new dynamic.
There’s enough oil money in the Middle-East to pay for security and a regional defense initiative. let them spend it (preferably, on U.S. weapons systems and expertise). The free market will ensure that the oil pipeline remains open (and, we need a reason to start putting money in energy alternatives and conservation initiatives).
To quote John and Yoko, “Give Peace a chance.”
dang, Galrahn! i thought you were older. you're just a pup! (i'm 36 ;-)
Maybe Gore will throw his, uh, weight behind him and it will get real interesting...oh yeah, one more thing - Pats by 20.
By the way, I'm not buying the Hillary-as-inevitable line. Her negatives are still in the mid 40s and it will take a Rove like Svengali to bring them under 40. That being the case, a moderate like McCain has plenty of opportunity to pick up the swing votes needed to win.
Volcker helps as do Kennedys. LA Times too.
Nice soft power upgrade.