Bit surprised to see Giuliani tank so badly in FLA and then disappear like poof! So much for the Reaganites and paleocons he had gathered around him as foreign policy advisers. Some, I would expect, gravitate to McCain, but he's too sensible on too many foreign policy issues (and too harsh on others, especially WRT [with regard to] China and Russia).
Sorry to see it all reduced and finished so fast. Unless I'm missing something big, I think McCain's in and so is Hillary. Watching her and Obama act nice tonight makes me think he knows it too and that he's openly running now for Veep. She's making nice too.
Frankly, I think Hillary is somewhat vulnerable to McCain, because I think he's the best GOP candidate by far to snatch away the presumed crown in a national election. Therefore, I'd like to see her seal the deal--with me, at least--by picking Obama. The double first, in my mind, would be irresistible: too much money, too much buzz, too many new voters to defeat.
Still, I wish they'd both watch their mouths on Iraq . . . Because Hillary will be backing off them once she gets into office. Drawing down to zero is simply a non-starter, and stupid to boot. Better to argue for draw down (hell, Fallon does) but refusing to name a floor.