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    Great Powers: America and the World After Bush
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  • Romanian and East German Policies in the Third World: Comparing the Strategies of Ceausescu and Honecker
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    The Emily Updates (Vol. 2): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    by Thomas P.M. Barnett, Vonne M. Meussling-Barnett
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    The Emily Updates (Vol. 3): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    by Thomas P.M. Barnett, Vonne M. Meussling-Barnett
  • The Emily Updates (Vol. 4): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    The Emily Updates (Vol. 4): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    by Thomas P.M. Barnett, Vonne M. Meussling-Barnett
  • The Emily Updates (Vol. 5): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    The Emily Updates (Vol. 5): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
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Entries in WPR Feature (9)


WPR Briefing: Trans-Atlantic Ties Still Key to Renewing U.S. Global Leadership

For roughly a decade now, I’ve been advocating that America needs to be unsentimental in choosing its military allies for the 21st century. Europe and Japan are aging and seem increasingly less willing to protect their interests abroad, while India and China are becoming budding superpowers with global interests that, to a stunning degree, overlap with America’s. Most pointedly, we live in an age of “frontier integration” triggered by globalization’s rapid advance, a process in which China and India, and not the “old” West, are the two rising pillars. So it makes sense for America to focus future alliance-building efforts in their direction.

Read the entire article at World Politics Review.


(WPR Feature) Skipping Out on the Bill: Obama's Cost-Free Drone Wars

Thanks to the Obama administration’s aggressive use of classified leaks to the press, we are encouraged to believe that President Barack Obama has engineered a revolutionary shift in both America’s geopolitical priorities and our military means of pursuing those ends. As re-election sales jobs go, it presses lukewarm-button issues, but it does so ably. But since foreign policy has never been the president’s focus, we should in turn recognize these maneuvers for what they truly are: an accommodation with inescapable domestic realities, one that at best postpones and at worst sabotages America’s needed geostrategic adjustment to a world co-managed with China and India.

Read the entire article at World Politics Review.


The larger WPR special feature: The DNA of Global Power

Find it here for sale.
Nostalgic for me to appear with Professor Nye.  He was on my PhD committee with Adam Ulam and Houchang Chehabi.



WPR Feature: Demand as Power in a Resilient Global Order

One of the most revealing features of today's international system is that only two nations, America and China, possess sufficient power to truly disrupt it -- either directly, through the application of military force, or indirectly, by unleashing an uncontainable economic crisis. In fact, to truly derail globalization in its current trajectory, the two would need to act in concert, either by fighting each other directly or experiencing simultaneous economic collapses. Short of those two scenarios, modern globalization remains highly resilient to shocks of all sorts. That resilience is the only power that really matters in this world. It defines our global present, and it enables a global future worth attaining.

Read the entire feature at World Politics Review.


WPR Feature: A Divided 'Rest' Leaves America the Enduring Superpower 

Reports of the imminent death of U.S. hegemony in world affairs go at least as far back as the Nixon administration, and to date, they have all disappointed. While challengers have risen and fallen, none have managed to make themselves full-spectrum superpowers capable of both diplomatic leadership and global military reach, in combination with indisputable economic heft and soft-power appeal. 

Now, with the "rise of the rest" -- concentrated in, but not limited to, the so-called BRIC package of Brazil, Russia, India and China -- we are presented with the argument of a collective challenge to American world leadership. Let me count down 10 good reasons why that notion will likewise prove disappointing.

Read the rest of the feature article (posted 7/13) at World Politics Review.


My latest WPR Feature: Telecom and the Super-Empowered Global Middle Class


Photo: "SMS till you drop" -- mobile phone ad, Kampala, Uganda (Photo by Wikimedia user, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license).



Part of the "Power in the Age of Telecom" feature.

Just 12 years ago, in writing a research memorandum on the future of global telecommunications, I noted the oft-quoted estimate that roughly half of the planet's population had never made a phone call in their lives. Fast forward to today, and best estimates are that 55 percent of the planet owns a mobile telephone. Factor in that the highest rates of growth are occurring among the poorest and most disconnected populations, where communal use of cells is the norm, and it seems likely that this pool of phone-call virgins has been cut in half -- or better.

Read the rest here at World Politics Review.


The Next Berlin Wall Moment SPECIAL FEATURE OF WPR

From the World Politics Review front page:

Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, WPR asked six prominent commentators what feature of today's geopolitical landscape might not be as durable as we imagine. Thomas P.M. Barnett, Ian Bremmer and Alexander Kliment, Nikolas Gvosdev, Walter Russell Mead, and Jacqueline Newmyer examine The Next "Berlin Wall Moment."




Tom's piece is entitled the The Austin Accords of March, 2031

Historic treaty ushers in long-anticipated era of U.S. southward expansion.

AUSTIN, Texas -- Meeting in the New Texas statehouse on the 195th anniversary of Texas' declaration of independence from Mexico, official representatives from the Tejas Confederation, the Northern Alliance of Mexican States, and the United States government signed a comprehensive treaty that will immediately "re-admit" the Tejas states of El Norte and Gulfland to the American union, and submit to Congress formal pleas for new statehood on behalf of all five Northern Alliance members -- Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila and Nuevo Leon.

Continue reading today's special column at WPR.

Tom's comment about the piece:

Previous to being offered this job, I had run a bit of scenario work past Judah Grunstein at WPR, so when he asked me to pen something and told me what the others were already working on, my mind was already leaning toward just a straight-forward future-headline approach to the problem, vice a piece stuffed with conditional language and a list of causal factors that supported the hypothesis. So I ended up with a piece that is a total zebra among these well-built horses. Of the group, I find myself most easily attracted to the Bremmer/Kliment piece on state capitalism and the CCP-loses-legitimacy bit from Newmyer (especially the line: "As a primary matter, we should recall that China's Communist Party elites are the heirs of a dynastic system famously characterized by cycles, in which the legitimacy of a ruling house could vanish in the space of a generation.").

Again, I just felt it would be easier for the reader to grasp what we were fishing at by presenting him or her with a fait accompli, and since all the current talk about gangs, drug lords, Mexico-as-a-failed-state, etc., seemed to me to provide more than enough imaginative momentum to a downstream scenario that broke a lot of china--from today's perspective, so why not simply describe that journey and let the reader judge the plausibility?

As for describing an Hispanic president: I figured from the Berlin Wall moment perspective, we saw four elections and then an African-American won, so projecting ahead another four (Obama reelected, then Petraeus for 1-2 and an unnamed third president following him for 1-2) meant I could do the same sleight of hand regarding an Hispanic. The "soft border" concept comes, naturally, from the whole Af-Pak-India cluster (Pashtun to the north, Kashmir to the south), and then I toss in the Cuba scenario from past Esquire use, and run with the scenarios of state division so favored by many thinkers. In short, I wanted to respect the forcing function suggested by Robb's global guerrillas while showing the adaptability of nation-states.

I wrote the piece over two days: Day one got me the news story and the outline of the phases (imagined as a box inset alongside the piece), and day two saw me fill in the phases, which required a lot of recalibration for the storyline to hold enough water.

Overall, a very fun piece to write and hopefully a fun one to consider as a reader.


Obama's First 100 Days: The Essential Course Correction

'Tis the season of snap judgments on President Obama's first 100 days in office, replete with scorecards, grading sheets, and cartoon thumbs pointing up or down. The temptation with such analyses is simply to generate a laundry list of accomplishments, as if a crowded agenda or a flurry of decisions connotes successful leadership. Under normal circumstances, the key measure tends to be "traction," as in, Did the new administration hit the ground running on issues A through Z?

But these aren't normal times.

Read on at World Politics Review.

Beyond Tom's column, check out the whole theme at WPR:

May 05, 2009
The Curtain Rises: Obama's Opening Act


At the symbolic 100-day threshhold of the Obama presidency, World Politics Review asked five prominent foreign policy commentators to offer their take on the initial direction of President Obama's foreign policy.

+ The Obama Bubble: Buying Time for Renewed American Engagement, By Steve Clemons

Steve Clemons directs the American Strategy Program at the New America Foundation and publishes the popular political blog, The Washington Note.

+ Obama and U.S. Strategy: A New Beginning, By Anthony H. Cordesman

Arab-Israeli Peace Settlement and Relations with the Muslim World

There was little the President could do quickly to achieve an Arab-Israeli peace settlement in the face of a Palestinian leadership divided against itself, an Israel turning towards hawkish hardliners in its election, and the broader divisions within the Arab world. He did, however, appoint Sen. George Mitchell as his new peace negotiator shortly after taking office, and described his approach to relations with the Muslim world in an interview with Al Arabiya on Jan. 27: "My job is to communicate to the American people that the Muslim world is filled with extraordinary people who simply want to live their lives and see their children live better lives. . . . My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy." President Obama later gave a major speech in Turkey on April 6, in which he made it clear the U.S. would work closely with that leading democratic state with an Islamic government, and would continue to press for the Turkey's admission to the EU.


The ideological aspects of counterterrorism are as critical to a successful strategy as tangible action. President Obama and Secretary Clinton made it clear that the U.S. was conscious that the "global war on terrorism" had been perceived by many in the Muslim world as anti-Arab and anti-Islam. The administration stopped using the term, and focused instead on individual terrorist and jihadist movements.

It is still far from clear, however, how successful such efforts will be on a lasting basis, or how they will change the structure of global cooperation in counterterrorism. But they were a new beginning in an area where poll after poll showed that the Bush administration had alienated much of the Islamic world.

Iran and the Gulf

The new administration reached out to Iran in several ways, although it did so carefully and with great reservations about how much progress could be made both before the upcoming Iranian presidential election and without a major shift in the attitudes of the Iranian leadership.

The president gave a Nowruz speech on March 19 calling for better relations, and senior U.S. officials sent signals by "encountering" Iranian officials. The U.S. said it would now talk to Iran along with the Europeans, Russia, and China about Iran's nuclear programs, and invited Iran to a conference on aid to Afghanistan that Iran attended. The administration also sent signals making it clear that the U.S. continued to oppose an Israeli strike on Iranian nuclear facilities.

At the same time, the U.S. made it clear that it would continue its alliance with Israel and the southern Gulf states, and strongly opposed Iranian proliferation and support of extremist movements. The president made it clear in an announcement on March 11 that he would continue sanctions and other efforts to block arms and technology sales to Iran.

Japan and Northeast Asia

President Obama personally reaffirmed the U.S. strategic partnerships with Japan, in a phone call to Prime Minister Aso of Japan on Jan. 29, and with South Korea, during a meeting with South Korean President Lee Myung-bak in London on April 2.


As he did with most of the world's leaders, President Obama reached out to the leadership of China shortly after taking office, and later met with President Hu Jintao of China on the sidelines of the G-20 Financial Summit in London, on April 1. The two heads of state agreed to establish a "U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue" to "further deepen mutually beneficial cooperation in a wide range of areas, including economy and trade, counterterrorism, law enforcement, science and technology, education, culture and health." They also agreed on the need for stimulus packages to deal with the global economic crisis and the need to restructure the international financial system.

In addition, they agreed to resume and expand consultations on non-proliferation and other international security topics; to improve and develop military-to-military relations; and to work together for the settlement of conflicts and reduction of tensions that contribute to global and regional instability. While this agreement was longer on words than on any immediate substance, it made it clear that the U.S. was seeking cooperation rather than rivalry.

North Korea

The administration made it clear that it would continue the Six Party negotiations designed to get North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons and long-range missile programs, and to find ways to bring North Korea into a more normal relationship with its neighbors and the U.S.

At the same time, the administration did not soften its opposition to North Korean proliferation and threats, and worked with the U.N., NATO, and nations like China to try to stop North Korea from a new long-range missile launch that it cloaked as a satellite launch program. The president also issued a formal statement opposing the launch and North Korea's failure to end its threats and efforts at proliferation on April 5.

Energy and the Environment

President Obama made it clear that he intended to take a stronger stand on dealing with alternative energy issues, energy independence, and environmental issues like global warming than the Bush administration. He also advanced what the White House called an "Obama-Biden comprehensive New Energy Plan for America." At the same time, there was little apparent substance to this rhetoric. The features of the plan were largely exhortative, with little indication that it could ever meet its ambitious goals.

Every president since the Ford administration has called for progress towards energy independence without advancing credible plans for achieving it.

"Accomplishments" versus Beginnings, Concepts, and Intentions

This long list of shifts in U.S. national security policy and strategy only covers part of President Obama's first 100 days. It does not include changes in the new administration's approach to issues like Cuba, its overall strategic posture toward Latin America or Africa, its concern with the impact of the global financial crisis on low-income states, or even relations with the full range of key strategic partners and states, such as India.

It is equally important to stress that this list of "accomplishments" is largely a list of beginnings, concepts, and intentions. It will be years before it will be fully clear what many of them really mean in terms of tangible actions and "facts on the ground." Most of the issues that the Obama Administration has tried to deal with in its first 100 days are at least a quarter-century old, and many date back for more than half a century.

There are many areas where the prospects for success in meeting the president's goals are limited, or where outside pressures may force the U.S. to change its policies and strategies. It is also a fundamental reality of every aspect of national security policy that good intentions are ultimately irrelevant unless they are followed by successful actions. Once again, a nation's national security strategy -- and indeed its security -- is not defined by what it declares, but rather by what it does.

Anthony H. Cordesman holds the Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy at the Center for Strategic & International Studies. He is also a national security analyst for ABC News, and the author of more than 50 books. He has served as national security assistant to Sen. John McCain of the Senate Armed Services Committee, director of intelligence assessment in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, as well as in numerous government positions, including at the Department of State, Department of Energy, and NATO International Staff. Cordesman has been awarded the Department of Defense Distinguished Service Medal.

+ Obama's First Steps: What Comes After the 'Listening Phase'? By Nikolas Gvosdev

Nikolas K. Gvosdev is on the faculty of the U.S. Naval War College.

+ Obama's Folly: Courting Our Enemies and Criticizing Ourselves, By Joshua Muravchik

Joshua Muravchik is a Fellow at the Foreign Policy Institute of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. His newest book, "The Next Founders: Voices of Democracy in the Middle East," will be released by Encounter in May.

WPR is rolling out a more in-depth news and commentary subscription option. The way I understand it, you'll be able to access Tom's columns for free by linking from this site. But it looks like there's lots of good content over there, so why not try out their four-month free trial?

Please support WPR as you are able. We are grateful that they're providing another outlet for Tom's ideas.


Tom's article for World Politics Review

The Obama Presidency: A Grand Strategy Agenda

As far as foreign policy goes, Barack Obama comes to the presidency totally unburdened by his past (this is truly his first act in the international political theater) and unusually credentialed as a presumed agent of future change (e.g., his biracial background alone), so he's a relatively free agent, ideologically speaking.

That's a huge asset as he follows the highly ideological Bush-Cheney administration, because he encounters a world of labeled players, most of whom are eager to come in from whatever "cold" standing vis-a-vis the United States that their current designation implies. That doesn't mean these regimes necessarily seek our affinity but merely the cessation of our efforts to isolate them from globalization's networks. With a global recession in the works, everybody wants access to consumption demand -- the real power in the system -- and America's still got more of that than anybody else.

Read on