Interesting panel on Chinese navy (video)
Got this from Tom Wade, who attended the US Naval Institute's WEST 2013 in San Diego. Been a while since I last spoke at one of those, but they are very good conferences on all things naval.
The guy to watch is the Naval War College prof Toshi Yoshihara. Most interesting point: Remember just how easy it could be to thwart the PLAN by placing one's own area-denial anti-access assets all along (or on) the so-called first island chain, which is owned by everybody EXCEPT China. Per my usual point: the balancing dynamic here is not all that hard and can be achieved through highly incentivized "others" like Japan (which grows more incentivized by the day). America's need to turn this into the man a mano fight of the century is a bit much - for all the non-military reasons upon which I love to harp.
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