Time's Battleland: SYRIA When Military Intervention Makes Sense

Gideon Rachman at the Financial Times says that “diplomacy is still better than bombs” and that “moral outrage is just the starting point for a decision to intervene.” He then goes through all the major powers in his piece Tuesday and cites reasons why each one is either holding back or holding things up. It’s one of those great ass-covering op-eds that’s supposed to make you look smart when the intervention does comes and it — gasp! — leads to more death and destruction.
Let me tell you why great powers intervene: they don’t care about moral outrage and they don’t care about stopping the killing. Moral outrage is a headline and nothing more, while the killing is either made faster or slower but never really “prevented.”
Great powers intervene when they can. It’s as simple as that. Good and bad don’t play into it.
Read the entire post at Time's Battleland blog.
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