West's conundrum on Syria
WSJ story: "Syria attacks seen as sign of extremists' rise."
Reason why, in a column a bit back, I argued for quasi intervention (imagining something in air control along Turkish border + arms support to rebels) is that, the longer this goes on, the more it becomes next natural cause celebre for AQ and associated.
So conunudrum is usual one: people say, don't get involved because we encourage terrorism/are forced to ally with terrorists. Problem is, best way to ensure their growth is to sit back and let civil strife unfold over longer haul now made possible by our inaction.
We also buy lots of stiff-arming diplomatically from great powers generally because we don't resolve this. If we went harder and faster, we'd still get stiff-armed, but speeding the killing also speeds the great-power dynamics past this dispute.
We all know we'll be in semi-aggressive stance on Syria so long as Assad remains, so why not get it over with? Why not speed the kiliing?
My preference is always the "damned if you do" variant.
No question about the "right side of history" here.
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