The piece too dangerous to publish

You can download the article I wrote for Esquire's Middle East edition, which isn't owned by Hearst.
It's called, "The Anti-Conspiracist’s Guide to Revolution in the Arab World."
It was just an observation that came to me before falling asleep one night, so I quickly wrote it down in a list form and planned to use it as a column. Then Esquire Middle East contacted me and asked me to write something big picture about events there, so I did. We went through all the pre-production and it was set for the April issue when it was cut by the magazine at the last second out of the fear of offending local authorities. The mag is based in the UAE.
Personally, I saw nothing in the piece that was all that scary.
You can download it here.
Reader Comments (2)
Great Stuff! One of your best. Too bad they didn't publish it.
Good piece. I differ in that had it been published some imam would have issued a fatwah on you.
I think current conditions have been capitalized on by many with ulterior motives...but humans have been doing that forever. We're in for a rough patch but I think will get through it and be better for it.
PS. Would love to read your take on OBL.