Time's Battleland: Army not lucky, just desperate to avoid Leviathan supremacy over next decade

Picking up on Mark's thread this morning, Galrahn, the eminent blogger at Information Dissemination, likewise sees a fight that's getting nasty, arguing yesterday that the Army was "lucky" (in that, Will-no-one-rid-me-of-that-meddlesome-flag-officer! way) to see two of its great rivals for the position of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff falter in recent days. Those two are current Vice Chairman and Marine General James Cartwright (recently clearedof decidedly smear-like charges of sexual misconduct with a subordinate officer) and current EUCOM/NATO Admiral James Stavridis (who we're now being told didn't do so well in his interview - something Galrahn finds incredible, as do I).
Read more at Time's Battleland blog.
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Reader Comments (2)
Tom: Looks to me like the General will have plenty of time to consider a Republican candidacy. I think that term limits are going to be the only thing to end the Obama reign. The President's campaign so far is a thing of beauty. He whumps Trump, kills America's hated boogey man, visits Ireland, the ancestral home of 40 million Americans, grabs photo ops with the magic Royal newlyweds and is welcomed by the Queen of England. Tough to beat. My bet is that the smart Republicans are looking at 2016.
Back to the Army's future for a second...do you think it's possible that Special Ops might become a separate branch someday? It is such a patchwork now...Seals, Rangers, Delta Force, CIA paramilitary, and even contractors. Changes have to come. You mentioned once that the last Air Force pilot to engage an enemy is now a General. When was the last time the Marines actually made an amphibious landing? When was the last time an entire airborne division jumped into battle? When did the Navy last sink an enemy submarine?
Suspect the same on Obama, and yet, the GOP's growing sense of desperation is its own tonic.
Inchon was last opposed landing. No Marines left in uni from that one.