America's renewal: the consensus path

Review of cluster of books about America's renewal (a buzz topic) in FT:
- "The Next American Economy," by William Holstein
- "The Comeback," by Gary Shapiro
- "Make It In America," by Andrew Liveris, and
- "Advantage," by Adam Segal.
Ed Crooks, the reviewer, boils them down to the following consensus:
- Improve public education,
- Develop alternatives to oil,
- Simplify the tax system,
- Strengthen broadband connections,
- Rebuild infrastructure, and
- Keep immigration open.
Not rocket science. Besides the new bit on oil (which makes sense environmentally but does not for all the usual let's-avoid-wars-nonsense), all are very "American System"-like, meaning they're tricks we've used throughout our history - going all the way back to Hamilton and Clay. Always the focus on widespread education, keeping government from becoming too onerous, infrastructure and comms to unite a growing continental economy, and let newcomers in.
This is basically who we are and have been. Getting good again is just becoming ourselves again.
Reader Comments (1)
Isn't what made America great the adherence to the Constitution and it's principles, a free market economy and straight talk without all of the politically correct chatter.
We need leadership that will make us proud again. I pray for our leaders each night to have the courage to be Americans and that if they serve us as Americans in the traditions of America or I pray they have the courage to step aside and allow what Americans have the courage to listen and HEED our wishes to manage the precious honor of leading America.
God bless you for helping to sort it all out and make it understandable. I may not agree with you always but you do what few others do in your "Occupassion" - you make us think! I'm proud to know you.