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    The Emily Updates (Vol. 4): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
    by Thomas P.M. Barnett, Vonne M. Meussling-Barnett
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    The Emily Updates (Vol. 5): One Year in the Life of the Girl Who Lived (The Emily Updates (Vols. 1-5))
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« Wikistrat Strategic War Room on Egypt: Scenario Dynamics Grid online and available for voting | Main | Wikistrat planning weekend scenario exercise on Egyptian's "Angry Friday" VERTICAL SHOCK with network of experts »

First ever Virtual Strategic War-Room Launched following Egyptian Chaos


Fol­low­ing the riots and deadly events shak­ing Egypt and cre­at­ing grave con­cerns among re­gional and global ac­tors, Wik­istrat is launch­ing the world’s first wiki based Vir­tual Strate­gic War-Room.

Wik­istrat, a new analy­sis and con­sult­ing firm, has an­nounced the launch of a pri­vate vir­tual war room ded­i­cated to the events in Egypt. In this unique and in­ter­ac­tive en­vi­ron­ment, world lead­ing an­a­lysts will ex­plore the strate­gic geopo­lit­i­cal ef­fects of cur­rent events in Egypt, po­ten­tial path­ways and im­pli­ca­tions to what this means for the in­ter­ests of global ac­tors.

Headed by for­mer Pen­ta­gon grand strate­gist Dr. Thomas PM Bar­nett, Wik­istrat’s Egypt Team will pro­vide sub­scribers with cut­ting edge analy­sis in real time, map­ping po­ten­tial sce­nario path­ways, com­mer­cial op­por­tu­ni­ties and risks, as well as im­pli­ca­tions for re­gional sta­bil­ity.

Start­ing Jan­u­ary 29th, the sim­u­la­tion ex­plore shocks and im­pli­ca­tions, af­ter-shocks, po­ten­tial path­ways, im­pli­ca­tions on actor’s in­ter­ests, trends and geopo­lit­i­cal shifts. Sub­scribers will see the model up­dated con­stantly through­out this week and be­yond, and will be able to in­ter­act with the team through di­rect ques­tions, group de­bates and vot­ing over po­ten­tial path­ways this sit­u­a­tion can take.

Note to Ed­i­tors:

  • Wik­istrat ex­perts, headed by Dr. Thomas PM Bar­nett, are avail­able to speak to the press on cur­rent de­vel­op­ments in Egypt and their strate­gic im­pli­ca­tions for this crit­i­cal re­gion
  • Jour­nal­ists and blog­gers are wel­come to ref­er­ence or quote from ma­te­r­ial pub­licly re­leased by Wik­istrat in re­turn for pro­vid­ing a re­turn link to http://​www.​wikistrat.​com/
  • More in­for­ma­tion:

About Wik­istrat: Wik­istrat is a new Aus­tralian-Is­raeli start-up that has de­vel­oped a first ever, global strate­gic model of the world, de­liv­ered on an in­ter­ac­tive and col­lab­o­ra­tive wiki plat­form. The ser­vice was re­cently opened to sub­scribers and is cre­at­ing a rev­o­lu­tion in the way geopo­lit­i­cal analy­sis is con­sumed and de­liv­ered.

About Dr. Bar­nett: Dr. Thomas Bar­nett is a world renowned strate­gic thinker, for­mer strate­gic an­a­lyst at the Pen­ta­gon and a New York Times Best­selling Au­thor. Dr. Bar­nett has been a se­nior ad­viser to mil­i­tary and civil­ian lead­ers in a range of of­fices, in­clud­ing the Of­fice of the Sec­re­tary of De­fense, the Joint Staff, Cen­tral Com­mand and Spe­cial Op­er­a­tions Com­mand. U.S. News & World Re­port re­ferred to Dr. Bar­nett as “One of the most im­por­tant strate­gic thinkers of our time.”