WPR's The New Rules: U.S. Defense Cuts a Step in the Right Direction

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates unveiled his much-anticipated budget cuts last Thursday, signaling the beginning of the end of the decade-long splurge in military spending triggered by Sept. 11. Gates presented the package of cuts as being the biggest possible given the current international security landscape, warning that any deeper reductions could prove "potentially calamitous." Frankly, I find that statement hard to swallow.
REad the entire column at World Politics Review.
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Re-subscribed to the LA TImes Sunday eidition after a break of a few months and as is my habit checked the military obits. 10 last week, 9 of them from IEDs. Every week it seems about the same. I am suspicious of new, expensive weapon systems when our troops are being killed with stuff you get at Radio Shack.
It is a choice we seem to be shifting back toward in our rush to have a long-term cold war with China. I find it all bizarre, especially since nobody can come up with anything but Taiwan to justify it. We are simply addicted to old ways.
This path does not speak accurately to our future, but rather to a past we love better.
Well, it can't be too smart to get in a "Spend Off" with the country that currently holds the purse strings, hmmmm?