Quelle surprise! State now freaks out over its just-assumed--and huge--SysAdmin job in Iraq

Unremarkable, I-told-you WAPO story about State realizing that it is unprepared for the SysAdmin role it's stepping into in Iraq.
Sad to say, but this may be the failure we're looking for in terms of eventually birthing the Department of Everything Else.
People always ask me what good thing needs to happen to bring it into existence, and my answer is always that it'll take the right bad thing.
Waiting on State's evolution here is a fool's errand. I need my good cop (State) and I will always treasure my bad cop (DoD), but I need somebody in between to play midwife across the Gap as globalization remaps a lot of fake states (thank you Europe and Uncle Joe!).
State will freak out and then backtrack in its ambitions to the point of dissipating a great deal of what's been achieved with blood and treasure since the end of 2006, and that level of tragedy will trigger some intense debate.
I can hope for better from State and from the Iraqis themselves, but I am not optimistic.
And so the search for seriousness continues . . ..

Reader Comments (1)
Just read that one of the "Training Units" left in Iraq is actually a Stryker Brigade. I would like to know how many of the 50,000 troops left to "train" or "assist" were actually in combat units until someone changed a mission statement. So easy with those velcro patches.