One thing to chase the race leader, another thing to lead the race
Tuesday, June 29, 2010 at 12:06AM
Nice Fareed Zakaria piece in Newsweek.
The quote below struck me:
A Chinese businessman said to me over lunch in Beijing, “In many ways the financial crisis and the discrediting of the American model has been bad for us. You see, we don’t really have an ideology anymore. We don’t know what we believe in. We used to think it was some version of the American Dream—liberalize, open up, grow. But then you had your crisis. We can say, it proves we’re strong. But where do we go now?”
Leading a race is VERY hard, because you're never quit sure how fast to run.
Reader Comments (1)
Do those who tout "state capitalism" -- and/or denigrate "the American Model" -- do they not understand that this entity (state capitalism) did not rise on its own -- nor is it likely that it could stand on its own -- but for (1) market capitalism and (2) the United States?
Today's state capitalism, it would seem, was born in a world provided by market capitalism.
And state capitalism is only able to continue to exist, prosper, and thrive -- as it now does -- because of the security environmental that the United States worked and works so hard to provide.
Even with our financial crisis, we market capitalists are still the ones who "bring home the bacon," protect the "family" and provide "the meal" that the rest of the world (to include the state capitalists) consume.
This, I believe, is what the Chinese, those who tout state capitalism and/or those who discount the "American Model" should consider more carefully and learn to focus on.