Kim's leadership shuffle in NorKo: the regent selected

WSJ story on recent leadership shake-up in NorKo that's clearly designed to clear the path for the third generation in the Kim dynasty.
Kim moved his brother-in-law Jang Song Taek into the #2 spot. He will apparently act as idiot son #3's sherpa in the planned upward glidepath to the top spot upon Kim Jong-Il's death. Jang is 64 years old, and is believed to be the #3 son's top supporter.
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If, a few decades back, a movie maker had tried to make a picture about a 'Dear Leader' type character and his weird followers, the critics would either laugh or barf. Then he got THE BOMB and got to do his weird dog and pony show. Kim makes Mussolini and fascist Italy seem like pragmatic rational folks.