It's over in Iran alright--for the theocracy as well

Triggered by a Global Post commentary via WPR's Media RoundUp.
Yes, it's true that the Green Movement has largely been crushed in Iran, but the larger reality is that it was never the true target of the military putsch effected by the Revolutionary Guards--it was the excuse.
The real target of Ahmadinejad's years-long effort to create a president-centric political system in Iran was the mullahs and the no-longer-supreme Leader--now made more figurehead.
The counter-revolution happened alright, and the mullahs no longer truly rule. What remains is a single-party state or political mafia whose tentacles extend throughout the economy, under the false image of pious/ideological rule.
New package? Hardly. Not all that different from the old Soviet model.
The revolution has died. What's left is the carcass and those who've cornered the market on picking over its remains.
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