Background slides re: grand bargain proposal

Drew these up as a way of putting my head in the right space before we attempted the first drafts of the proposal.
Drew these up as a way of putting my head in the right space before we attempted the first drafts of the proposal.
Reader Comments (5)
The analysis and presentation has that smack of "simplicity" that I "felt" in The Pentagons New Map. If an average educated person can get it, maybe elite political thinkers can too.
A GSGT while teaching how to build a battle plan, once said. "Keep it simple. If I can get the idiot from across the passageway to come in here, read it, understand it and take action without any training, you succeed."
Thin line between naivete and openness/honesty.
We have a tendency to talk down to the Chinese or to flatter them. They want to be understood in their fears and dreams like anybody else.
I would rather look simplistic doing that then to appear sophisticated in my deadlock.
So you just try. You would be surprised how senior Chinese take that approach.
I've been anticipating this cross roads for several years now.
I hope there is traction to this approach.
The power of empathy.
It's a great communication tool as long as we are seen to be influencing the behavior of others for EVERYONES benefit and not seen as manipulators looking to only benefit ourselves.
I deeply resemble that remark. Consider yourself on notice!