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CIA, DoJ tension and Panetta resignation watch

ARTICLE: Abuse Issue Puts the C.I.A. and Justice Dept. at Odds, By PETER BAKER, DAVID JOHNSTON and MARK MAZZETTI, New York Times, August 27, 2009

Per my Esquire column last week: expectations of even deeper tension between CIA and a Justice Department that the Agency trusted for advice but which now investigates its execution according to those policy guidelines.

I will be surprised if Panetta doesn't quit sometime soon.

Reader Comments (3)

There are a few military officers out there right now, some still active and some retired, who are wishing that they never had command of that ship or that they never had command of that base or that they never met certain people or that if they did they had something, anything, in writing that would show they were following orders. And they were just acting as the "hosts". I don't know why anyone would be foolish enough to become a Case Officer or an Operator for an American intelligence agency when during the training process you are advised to obtain "Liability Insurance." That should be the clue that it is time to consider the National Forest Service.
September 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTed O'Connor
Too bad. No statute of limitations for war crimes. So far, the DOJ is accepting the "good German" defense and they are still scaring the pants off the CIA.
September 4, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterhof1991
Been out of the loop (wedding) so a little out of touch with current to tier decision making, but are the watchdogs looking beyond the Graner’s of this case.Seems that we always bang up the smallest fish, without touching on those at the top that made the actual call.If CIA operators and contractors acted with DOJ sanction, in accordance to rules designed by the Bush administration , then surely some of those DOJ staffers, lawyers and those in the administration itself need to be sanctioned.It seems to me that members of the Bush administration micro managed so many of the day to day ROE for both the war on terror and the war in AFPAK/Iraq, that we need to apportion blame accordingly y]. But since he left office, I have hear no talk of what complicity Bush himself, or Cheney or any of the other may have.
September 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDavid Sutton

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