Que est√∫pido!

OP-ED: How the US deepened the crisis in Honduras, By Eric Farnsworth, Christian Science Monitor, September 17, 2009
Couldn't agree more. This is a dumb, self-limiting move on the part of the Obama Administration. I expected smarter from Clinton.
Discrediting a free election beforehand serves no purpose whatsoever, and it closes the best escape hatch from the crisis.
(Via WPR Media Roundup)
Reader Comments (3)
The Neo-liberals will steal money, but they actually spark development (you build a factory, the labor produces money, and I get a cut etc...)...while the militant leftists will steal money, but are boneheaded on actually making it short of printing more money!...they also suppress and sometimes kill the sincere social democrats in their party....it's a shame, because the poor (and I mean poor, not US "poor") always suffer the most.
The receptions back at the hotel ought to be interesting, you think? ;)
What are they going to do for an encore? Certify the Myanmar election? Validate Kim Jong Il's "legitimate" transfer of authority to his son? Maybe we can back the Belorussian dictatorship. Awesome.