Nice piece on Martin Wolf

ARTICLE: "Call of the Wolf: The Jeremiah who has the financial world's ear," by David Cowles, The New Republic, 23 September 2009.
Neat piece, even as I find the "Jeremiah" label highly misleading. Wolf is no fear monger and he's no pessimist. He's just a really solid analyst who gets globalization's major dynamics. As such, he's suitably unsettled by the current, lengthy, structurally challenging (and structure-changing) crisis.
I had the opportunity to brief Wolfe (along with about 250 others) at the World Economic Forum regional meet in Australia in 2007 and then follow up with dinner and other conversations over the next couple of days, and he's a total treat interpersonally. He loves mixing it up with intellectuals and takes you on with a lot of unhidden glee. I deeply enjoyed the time together and getting to know him some, and came away thinking, "This guy is exactly like he reads in his books and columns." It was like you already knew him.
Anyway, nice profile that's worth reading. I do consider Wolf the best writer on globalization and have for a long time.
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