Ponder future questions at Singularity U!

Turns out Kurzweil, whom I followed on stage at TED in 2005, has got a university set up to address the very issues I recently raised in another post: Will our economies and polities be ready to handle serious life extension and everything that goes with that unprecedented challenge.
(Thanks: Jeffrey Itell)
Reader Comments (5)
Maybe life extension and regenerative medicine will bail out the healthcare system, delaying retirement significantly in the future?
The "Unproductive" part is a situation created by Society and Business as a whole. A large number of people ovr 65 would work and produce IF . . they weren't discriminated against because of "AGE" . . Retired professionals can only find steady work as greeters at Wal Mart and such. Corporate and Small Businesses don't want 'em . . it affects their overall benefit package cost, and in most cases, H.R. tends to believe those same retirees to be either "Over Qualified" or "Technically Ignorant" . .
I've explored going back into Construction Management (as a retired V.P.), but in every case, from Bechtel down, I'm either overqualified or "Technically behind the curve" so to speak . .
So until Discrimination against Old Age ceases, in the eyes of the Younger Business Execs, we certainly are "Unproductive"!