Tom around the web

+ BOOK REVIEWS CITADEL said Tony Zinni's new book, 'The Battle for Peace',
reads like a summation of Thomas Barnett's "The Pentagon's New Map" and "A Blueprint for Action". War in the context of everything else, new rule sets, the Leviathan Force/Sys Admin concept, Functioning Core/Non-integrated Gap comparisons, all these concepts are presented in "The Battle for Peace", just under different names. The concepts are made particularly relevant by the breadth and depth of GEN Zinni's experience as a Marine, Joint Warrior, and diplomat, but the content is basically the same.
+ New World Global Outlook posted a positive review of GP.
+ embedded the TED video.
+ Michael's posterous recommended it.
+ middle_age_man linked it.
+ Barbells and Bacon says it's his favorite TED talk.
+ Big, Serious Thoughts (and some music) linked it.
+ James Pethokoukis linked Afghanistan: The generational shift you always end up waiting on.
+ PRNoticias had an article (in Spanish) that mentions Tom and globalization.
+ Dr. Birol Ertan wrote quite a bit about Tom (in Turkish).
+ Powerluke's Blog reprinted 'What Oil Crisis?'
+ Notional Slurry linked The manufacturing edge: how thin the margin?
+ Super Punch linked Chavez still dealing drugs!
+ zenpundit linked Pipes the Elder on Biden comments: so impolite because they are so true.
+ A Postmodern Orthodoxy commented on Tom's Bush-not-screwing-up-China thesis.
+ Someone at On Instructional Design commented on Tom's view that failure shocks the American military into change.
+ Sinologistical Violoncellist called PNM brilliant, but called Tom 'Bartlett', so we'll say he's batting .500 ;-)
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