Wait out Israel as they wait out us

EDITORIAL: Tough on Israel, Washington Post, July 30, 2009
Reality on Israel: no hope with Netanyahu on 2-state solution, so why not stand hard on settlements in the meantime stalemate?
I mean, Israel's basic take on Obama is to wait him out. The danger comes in how Israel chooses to kill time--so to speak.
But the larger reality: we can't stop Iran's reach for bomb and neither will Israeli strikes, which will only delay the inevitable strategic talks, which Saudi Arabia and Turkey are destined to--and should--join.
Managing Israel's migration to that negotiation point will be a lot harder than managing Iran's, but expect worse near-term relations with each. The SALT-like talks are 2-3 years away, and this is going to be a bumpy ride.
Reader Comments (1)
Arafat systematically destroyed the Palestinian economy and drove his people to desperation, and subservience. The big fight is among the Palestinians over who owns the power Arafat concentrated in his own hands? Making real peace has no standing in this fight – it dissipates the prize. Neither side wants anything to do with it.
Israel is largely a bystander in this process, and the Palestinian politicians are genius at thwarting all of Israel’s official level peace moves. Israel’s best bet to drain the poison is economic development and time. As with the US and Iran, Israel’s best ally is the real interests of the Palestinian people.