Tom around the web

+ Seeking Alpha reprinted the Max Zeledon interview.
+ Waiting for the Moon linked it.
+ So did Crippled Politics.
+ zenpundit linked Gunnar Peterson's interviews with Tom.
+ The Image linked zenpundit's post.
+ Cathi L linked the TED video and some interesting discussion broke out.
+ angrypolymath linked it, too.
+ On Scope referred to Tom's take on our relationship with China.
+ World 4 Honduras linked What the Hell Is Really Going Down in Honduras?
+ Exurban League linked Enough of the Apology Tour: Obama's Stunningly Unimaginative Debut in Africa.
+ Superpunch linked Liberating females, killing men who stand in the way.
+ ShrinkWrapped linked Clinton's Blueprint for a Multi-Partner World.
Reader Comments (1)
I couldn't tell if he was just stupid (he claimed to write a grad paper for his masters on PNM) or a purposeful liar.