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Tom on The Leading Edge today

Peace and Politics With Thomas Barnett mp3.

Tom's note:

I screwed up in one place, mixing my premillenarianism and postmillenarianism. I forgot that it's counter-intuitive--at least to me. The premillenarian await the apocaplypse/2nd coming, with Christ's appearance kicking it off, while the postmillenarians believe Christ appears at the end of the millennial transformation.

When I think pre-, I naturally think "achieve heaven on earth" and then He appears. And when I think post-, I naturally think, "it can't start until after He appears.

I sort of had the feeling I was getting it backward as I was saying it. I rarely use the construct, in part because I always mix them up!

Take it as another sign of the looming Apocalypse!

I blama myself.

Mindy was fun, though. Enjoyed the hour.

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