The other shoe drops on the government cyberscare campaign

FRONT PAGE: "U.S. Plans Attack and Defense in Web Warfare," by David E. Sanger, John Markoff and Thom Shanker, New York Times, 28 April 2009.
LEADERS: "Cyberwar: Battle is joined: A behind-the-scenes conflict appears to be under way--but not the sort you might think," The Economist, 25 April 2009.
CANYOUBELIEVE IT! America's really going to play for cyberwar--both defense AND offense.
Wow. I never could have imagined we'd reach this day.
As The Economist points out (and as I have argued repeatedly), we're being given the royal scare treatment thanks to this current intra-USG scrum on cybersecurity--as in, who controls and thus who gets funded.
Naturally, I am beyond fear.
Bring on the Pearl Harbors! Living in a horizontal state (federal), we Americans just love to obsess over shots to the head, even though it's the horizontal scenarios (like this economic situation) that always give us more trouble.
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